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1、,Hierarchical Segmentation,Reading Report,HSeg,1,中小学,CONTENTS,2,中小学,PART ONE,About the Introduction.,3,中小学,Abstract,Recent advances in spectralspatial classification of hyperspectral images are presented in this paper. Several techniques are investigated for combining both spatial and spectral infor

2、mation.Highlight the importance of spectralspatial strategies for the accurate classification of hyperspectral images and validate the proposed methods.,4,中小学,Introduction,Advantages of hyperspectral remote sensor technology:The detailed spectral information increases the possibility of more accurat

3、ely discriminating materials of interest. The fine spatial resolution of the sensors enables the analysis of small spatial structures in the image. Many operational imaging systems are currently available providing a large amount of images for various thematic applications.,But,it also brings some p

4、roblem: the Curse of Dimensionality and the need for specific spectralspatial classifiers.,PS:维数灾难(Curse of Dimensionality):通常是指在涉及到向量的计算的问题中,随着维数的增加,计算量呈指数倍增长的一种现象。维数灾难在很多学科中都可以碰到,比如动态规划,模式识别和影像识别等。,5,中小学,Introduction,The Curse of Dimensionality of hyperspectral remote sensor technology :In high-di

5、mensional spaces, normally distributed data have a tendency to concentrate in the tails,which seems to be contradictory with its bell-shaped density function.the rate of convergence of the statistical estimation decreases when the dimension grows while conjointly the number of parameters to estimate

6、 increases, making the estimation of the model parameters very difficult.with a limited training set, beyond a certain limit, the classification accuracy actually decreases as the number of features increases.,6,中小学,Introduction,How to build accurate classifiers for hyperspectral images?SVMs perform

7、 a nonlinear pixel-wise classification based on the full spectral information which is robust to the spectral dimension of hyperspectral images.Iterative statistical classifier based on Markov random field (MRF) modeling. Note that recently adaptive MRF have been introduced in remote sensing.Use adv

8、anced morphological filters as an alternative way of performing joint classification.,PS:鲁棒性(Robust):即系统的健壮性,是在异常和危险情况下系统生存的关键。,7,中小学,Introduction,8,中小学,PART TWO,The Hseg Segmentation.,9,中小学,The Hseg Segmentation,The HSeg algorithm is a segmentation technique combining region growing, using the hier

9、archical stepwise optimization (HSWO) method , which produces spatially connected regions, with unsupervised classification, that groups together similar spatially disjoint regions. The algorithm can be summarized as follows.,Initialization: Initialize the segmentation by assigning each pixel a regi

10、on label. If a presegmentation is provided, label each pixel accordingly. Otherwise, label each pixel as a separate region.,10,中小学,The Hseg Segmentation,I,II,III,IV,Calculate the dissimilarity criterion value between all pairs of spatially adjacent regions,Stop if convergence is achieved. Otherwise,

11、 return to step I,Merge spatially nonadjacent regions,Merge spatially adjacent regions,11,中小学,The Hseg Segmentation,I计算每一对空间相邻区域的相异准则值(dissimilarity criterion value),例如计算向量模或者区域平均向量间的光谱角填图SAM。SAM是基于物理的一种光谱分类,利用n维角度来匹配两组像元光谱,将光谱看成是维数与波段数相等的空间里的向量,计算光谱间的角度的算法,决定了两个光谱之间的相似性,也就是通过计算两向量之间的广义角来确定它们的相似性(角度

12、越小越相似)。这种方法充分利用了光谱维的信息。,12,中小学,The Hseg Segmentation,II找到最小的相异准则值并设为阈值,如果两相邻区域的相异准则值等于阈值则合并这两个区域。即dissim_val=thresh_val时,合并两相邻区域。,13,中小学,The Hseg Segmentation,III如果Swght0.0,则将dissim_val Swght*thresh_val的不相邻区域合并( Swght是衡量基于光谱信息的聚类相对于区域增长的相对重要性的选择性参数,当Swght=0.0时,仅空间上相邻的区域才允许合并, 当0Swght1 时,则空间相邻区域相对于不相

13、邻区域有一1/Swght的系数更可能被合并),14,中小学,The Hseg Segmentation,IV如果合并完成则结束,否则回到步骤I。通过迭代运算,最终形成从细到粗的多尺度、多层次的分割结果。,15,中小学,The Hseg Segmentation,因为要对空间上非相邻的区域进行合并,运算量变得非常巨大。为解决运算量问题,发展出了迭代分而治之的多尺度分割近似计算及其相应的有效实现方式。多尺度分割能输出一个从初始化分割直至一个区域的分割的多尺度序列,在这个序列中,一个特定的对象既可以表示成几个区域,从而具有较好的细节信息,也可以与其他对象一起被一个区域吸收。在实际应用中,可以通过HSegViewer程序交互式的选择适当的水平或者选择其他为应用而定制的自动化方法。,16,中小学,PART THREE,Application in ENVI.,17,中小学,Application in ENVI,18,中小学,于结束了,么么哒,做了个英文展示感觉自己屌屌的,66666666,2333,是英文太渣所以PPT字这么少么。,楼上好坏揭穿楼主O(_)O哈哈哈,大家好我叫谢旭,苦逼的周末,19,中小学,


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