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1、精品资料精通版六年级英语下册期末测试卷一、填空题(共10题,共20分)1. He learned alot by(make) things.2. I,d like(visit) the Sydney Opera House in October.3. Its great for(we) to live together.4. My brother(have) lunch in the dinning room every day.5. Lets read the(twelve) lesson together.6. The man(begin) to learn English three y

2、ears ago.7. You should doyour homework(careful).8. We have a lotof(beef) in the fridge.9. Today is(teacher) Day. Les celebrate.10. In spring, thedays get(long).二、单项选择题(共10题,共20分)1. Im verypleased the progress in your studies.A. toB. withC. ofD. in2.They are a train to Beijing.A. takeB. will takeC. g

3、oing to takeD. going3. Can you play violin? I can teach you how it.A. /, to playB. the, to playC. the, playD. /, play4. LetS my sister at the bus stop.A. waitingB. wait forC to waitD. to wait for5. Tom didn t enjoy book in the room.A. readB. readingC. readsD. to read6. Confucius wasthe great in Chin

4、ese history.A. doctorB. actorC. scientistD. teacher7. The man was surprised what he found.A. atB. toC. withD. of8. Scientists saidpeople could see from outer space.A. the CN TowerB. Niagara FallsC. the Great WallD. the Golden GateBridge.9. Do you know about lunyu?A. a lot ofB. muchC. lot ofD. lots10

5、. The beautifullake the West Lake.A. are calledB. callC. calledD. is called三、句型转换(共5题,共20分)1. He likes hisEnglish teacher very much.(寸画线部分提问)he very much?2. They are goingto fly to Hainan for the holiday.做为一般疑问句) theygoing to to I Hainan for the holiday?3. The students arelooking at the picture of B

6、ig Ben.改为祈使句)the picture of Big Ben, please.4. Excuse me. Howcan I get to the theme park激为同义句)Excuse me. Can you me the to the theme park?5. They want tokeep their school beautiful.改为反问句) they to keep their school beautiful?四、英汉互译(共5题,共20分)1 .你计划什么时候参观明十三陵?do you to visit the Ming Tombs?2 .这张世界地图上有好

7、多城市名称。There are manynames of cities on the of the.3 .我叔叔喜欢旅游时拍照。My uncle likes when he is on a trip.4 .春节在一月或二月份。Spring Festival isin or.5 .昨天李老师给我们讲了两个故事。Mr Li us two yesterday.五、完形填空(共1题,共20分)1. Dick gets a little pocket money from his parents every week. He can(1) the money to buy books, CDs, or

8、other (2) things.He doesnt (3) much. He puts some into a (4) . Oneday, Dick went to a (5) . He saw a DVD player. It was a littleexpensive. But he (6) it very much. He thought (7) couldhelp him to practice English. He wanted to buy it, (8) hedidnt have enough money with him. So he went to the bank to

9、 withdraw (提,取)some (9) . At last, he brought one and went home (10). A. getsB.useC.giveD.took A. carefulB.longC.usefulD.bad A. drawB.goC.borrowD.spend(4) A. homeB.bankC.hotelD.hospital A. shopB.libraryC.parkD.classroom(6) A. likeB.to likeC.likedD.liking A. theyB.youC.itD.he A. andB.butC.soD.or(9) A

10、. foodB.moneyC.drinksD.clothes(10) A. sadlyB.angrilyC. slowlyD.happily六、阅读理解(选择题)(共1题,共10分)1.Oneday, a woman went shopping by boat. When the boat crossed the river, her basketdropped.Oh dear! Look! Her basket was in the Help!” she shouted. Dont worry!I can get it. I am good at swimming. A boy tookof

11、f his shirt and shoes. Look after my shirt and shoes, please! ” he said. Thenhe jumped into the river. A duck saw the basket.can go everywhere bybasket! it thought. So it got into the basket. The boy swam in the river. Where is the basket? he called. It s over there!” said the woman. It sbehind you!

12、 A duck is in it!Theboy swam to the basket. He drove away the duck and took the basket back to thewoman.Oh, thank you very much!” said the woman. How warm-hearted you are!” Not atall!” said the boy.Guess! What was left in the basket? Ha! It was a duck egg.(1) One day, awoman.A. went swimmingB.went s

13、hoppingC. went homeD.went to see a boy(2) The woman s dropped into the river.A. watchB.shirtC.shoesD.basket(3) A boy his clothes and jumped into the river.A. put onB.took offC. put awayD.drove away(4) The boy swamto the basket. The duck the basket and theboy took the basket back tothe woman.A. jumped into B. jumped out of C. took back D.drove away(5) The womanfound in the basket.A. some clothes B. a duckC.a boy D. a duck egg七、书面表达(共1题,共15分)1.同学们,你们曾经去旅行过吗?请写一写你的一次旅行经历成描述一下你参观过的地方。不少于 50词


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