【金识源】2015六年级英语下册 Unit 6 Don't eat in class Section A(1a-1c)学案 鲁教版五四制.doc

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1、Unit 6 Dont eat in the class. Section A( 1a-1c)一、【学习目标】:1.词汇:rule, hallway, classroom, fight, Ms2.句型: Dont arrive late for class. Dont run in the hallway. Dont eat in the classrooms. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways. Dont fight.二、【知识学习】:1值日报告2旧知回顾Task1.小组展示预习作业3新知呈现Task1.新课导入T:

2、 Whats your favorite subject? Do you like music?Now Id like to enjoy a song with you. (play the tape)Do you like the song? What do you think of the song?Who is your favorite singer?Can you listen to music in the classroom?Can she/he listen to music in the hallways?Why cant we listen to music in the

3、classroom?S: It is our class rule. (T helps them to say it.)T: So please dont listen to music in the classroom.Do you know the other class rules?S: Dont eat in the classrooms.Dont Task2.小组自主合作学习,练习下列句型A: What are the rules?B: Well, we cant arrive late for class.Task3.完成1aTask4.听录音,完成1b三、【问题探究】:合作与探究

4、Task 1 3a (p73)Task 2 1 先搭配,后翻译。Task 3 2a ,2b.Task 4 2c 1. arrive late for= be late for做某事迟到。arrive late for侧重到达的时间晚,be late for侧重于状态。Dont arrive late for the meeting next time= Dont be arrive late for the meeting next time下次开会别迟到2.祈使句的用法:祈使句是用来表示请求,命令,叮嘱,邀请,劝告等的句子,一般以动词原形开头。a) V型祈使句(以行为动词开头)Listen

5、to me,please.请听我说.Stop!停下来!b) B型祈使句(以Be开头)Be quiet,please!请安静Be careful!小心!c) L型祈使句(以Let开头)Let me help you.让我帮助你.Lets go.咱们走吧.d) D型祈使句(以Dont+动词原形开头)Dont talk in class.不要再上课讲话.四、【巩固训练】I.精挑细选( )1. If you arrive late _ class, you must say _ to your teacher. A. for, thanks B. for, sorry C. to, sorry( )2

6、. Can you sing in the classroom? _ A. Yes, you can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, we can.( )3. Dont arrive late. You must be _ time.A. to B. on C. at( )4. Please listen _ the teacher carefully (认真地). A. to B. on C. at( )5. Dont _ TV after class. A. watch B. watches C. watching II、翻译官1. school rules _ 2. arr

7、ive late for class _3. (be) on time _ 4. in the hallways _5. 在餐厅 _ 6. 听音乐_五、学法引导情境交际法、任务型教学法、自主学习六、反思本课利用多媒体进行教学,充分发挥了多媒体声音、图像、文字、动画为一体的优势,呈现直观,让视听有机结合,能使学生自然地将英语学习直接与现实生活中的事物建立联系,有助于培养学生用英语思维的能力。此外,在教授语法的过程中将传统的填鸭式教法转变成教师引导、学生看图自主归纳,这样更能凸现学生的主体地位。整节课我不仅激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛,而且循序渐进地落实了各教学步骤,取得了较好的教学效果。【巩固训练】答案I、精挑细选1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.AII、翻译官1. school rules 2. 上课迟到 3. 准时 4. 在走廊上 5. inrestaurants 6.Listen to music


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