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1、【中考英语模拟试题】2011年广东省深圳市初中毕业生学业考试第三次模拟英语试卷与答案2011年初三第三次模拟联考英语试卷 命题单位:龙珠中学 说明:1.考试时间90分钟,满分100分。 2. 1-5;16-65小题答案涂在答题卡上,6-15;66-85小题以及作文写在答题卷上。 I. 听说部分 (共15分) 一. 听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出你听到的句子。(每小题念两遍, 共3题,每小题1分) 1. A. We shouldnt try to understand things at all. B. We should try to understand things in fact. C.

2、 We should try to understand things in nature. 2. A. Spiders appear healthy and hungry. B. Spiders appear unhealthy and hungry. C. Spiders appeared healthy and thirsty. 3. A. They wont become more materialistic. B. They will become more materialistic. C. They wont become most magical. 二. 听录音,在A、B、C选

3、项中选出与你听到的句子意思最相近的句子。(每小题念两遍,共2题,每题1分) 4. A. I like classical music more. B. I like popular music and classical music. C. I like popular music more. 5. A. They cant pay for some books B. Some books on the desk are not dear. C. Some books in the bookshop are not expensive. 三. 请根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。(每小题念两

4、遍,共3题,每小题1分) 你的同学因病住院,同学们去看望他。请回答下列问题。 6. _ 7. _ 8._ 四. 听短文回答问题。( 短文念两遍,提问念两遍) (共3题,每题一分) 9. _ 10. _ 学校: 姓名: 考号: 班级: 11. _ 五.请用英语描述下图。每空填写一句适当的句子。(即12-15题,共4题, 每题1分) The boy didnt have good habits. Look! he was reading books _12_ he was walking. When he was having lunch, he often ate as he read book

5、s. Whats more, the boy liked reading books while he was lying in bed. Soon he found there was something _13_ with his eyes. He went to see the doctor. What a pity! The boy _14_ saw the biggest letter E. So we should _15_ our eyes and do eye exercises every day! . II. 选择填空,15分,每小题1分, ( )16. Youve dro

6、pped _ s in the word gras( Oh,_ letter s should be doubled like this grass( A(a,a B(an,a C(an,the D(the,the ( ) 17. This desk is_ A. Toms and Johns B. Tom and John C. Tom and Johns D. Toms and John ( ) 18. -Well have a hiking trip, but when shall we meet? -Lets make it _ half past seven _ the mornin

7、g of May 1. A. at; on B. /; on C. /; in D. about; by ( ) 19. - May I speak to Mary, please? - _ A. Im not Mary. B. Sorry,she isnt in at the moment. C. Who are you? D. Is that Mary speaking? ( ) 20. -Hello! This is Henry speaking. Id like to speak to your father. -Sorry, he has _ Shanghai. A. been in

8、 B. been to C. gone to D. come to , ,21. -Could you please tell me the boy is standing near Nancy? -He is Nancys friend, they are celebrating her birthday. A. that, nineth B .who, ninth C. what, the nineth D. which , the ninth ( ) 22. -I dont think I can walk any further. - _. Lets stop to have a re

9、st. A. Neither am I B. Neither can I. C. I dont think so. D. I think so. ( )23. -Peter, turn off the radio no one is listening to it. - But it off already! The music is from the TV. A. so that, has been turned B. when, has turned C. if, has been turned D. because, has turned ( )24.-My grandfather ha

10、s been _ for five years. I miss him very much. -I am sorry to hear that. A. alive B. dead C. died D. living ( )25. He _goes to see his grandparents and stays with them for_. A. sometime, some time B. some times, sometime C. sometimes, sometime D. sometimes, some time ( )26. _ of the students in our

11、class _ money to help the disabled people these days. A. Two third; have raised B. Two thirds; has raised C. Two three; have raised D. Two thirds; have raised ( )27.The doctor _ the woman ,but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her. A. looked over B. looked after C. looked for D. looked out ( )

12、28. -Have you seen my glasses anywhere? -Not yet, maybe you _ them in your bedroom this morning. A. left B. forgot C. missed D. dropped ( )29 With the help of the computer, information can _ every corner of the world very quickly. A. get B. reach C. arrive D. return ( )30.Which of the following is R

13、IGHT? A. It is very kind of you to help me with the design work. B. Its silly for you to do like this. C. There are many people read in the library. D. It took a long time finishing the work. III, 完型填空,共10分,每小题1分, Umbrellas are common in our daily life. On rainy days, many people _31_ them to preven

14、t the rain. But its not easy to hold an umbrella _32_ there is heavy rain and strong wind. And its harder to make a phone call or ride a bike with an umbrella in the hand. An American _33_ name is Alan Kaufman and his company spent 6 years inventing a hand-free umbrella. At last, they _34_ it. They_

15、35_ it Nubrella. Just _36_ a button, and the Nubrella will open easily. _37_ the help of its shoulder support, the umbrella can rest on the users shoulders. So the user neednt hold the umbrella any more. He can walk with hands free even in the strong wind. The hand-free umbrella is $59.94 each. Peop

16、le all around the world _38_ it very much. Having one such smart _39_, they can use their phones to talk and send short messages in rain now. _40_ in the rain under a Nubrella is really cool, isnt it? ( )31. A. held B. hold C. to hold D. have held ( )32. A. though B. since C. if D. because ( )33. A.

17、 who B. whos C. whose D. which ( )34. A. made B. make C. had made D. are to make ( )35. A. will call B. called C. had called D. has called ( )36. A. touch B. touches C. touching D. touched ( )37. A. On B. At C. With D. In ( )38. A. was liking B. to like C. has liked D. like ( )39. A. invention B. in

18、ventor C. inventing D. invented ( )40. A. Walked B. Walk C. Walks D. Walking IV. 阅读理解,共25分,每小题1分, A ADVERTISEMENTS For Sale Manager Needed Japanese-made camera 30-year-old man Good condition ,3,000 a month Li Tong Speak good English Tel: 6537469 GR Company Tel: 6839745 Roommate Wantedale(男) Lost Blu

19、e Bag From England With 2 Books on English teaching Want to share Call Mr(Zhang a 2-bedroom flat Tel: 6533860 with kitchen and washroom No(5 High School Call Chen Tel: 6233868 (Any evening after 6) Want to Rent(租用) One-bedroom Flat ststFrom May 1 to July 31 Better near the park Call Lingling Tel: 62

20、35376 ( )41(If you want to find a job and you can speak English well, please A(call Chen B(telephone 6233868 C(call Ling Ling D(telephone 6839745 ( )42(You can call Li Tong if you want to ( A(buy a camera B(want a roommate C(rent a room D(lose a bag ( )43(Chen wants someone to live with him probably

21、 because ( A(he is free after 6 in the evening he wants to cook for his roommate B(C(he wants to improve his English D(he wants someone to share his flat ( )44(Ling Ling wants to rent a one-bedroom flat for ( A(two months B(three months C(four months D(five months ( )45(Mr(Zhang may be ( A(a teacher

22、 B(a manager C(a computer salesman D(an engineer B A boy and his father were walking in the mountains(Suddenly the boy fell, hurt himself, and cried, “Ah!” To his surprise, he heard the voice repeating somewhere in the mountain(“Ah!” Then the boy shouted, “Who are you?” He received the answer, Who a

23、re you? He got angry at Foolish” He received the answer, Foolish” the answer, so he shouted, “He looked at his father and asked, “Whats going on?” The father smiled and said, My son, I love you!” listen(” And then he shouted to the mountain, “I love you” The voice answered, “Again the man cried, “Yo

24、u are the best!” The voice answered, “You are the best! The boy was surprised, but did not understand(Then the father explained, people call this Echo, but really this is life(It gives you back everything you say or do(Our life is just a reflection of what we have done(If you want more love in the w

25、orld, have more love in your heart(If you want to be successful, work hard(This can be used in everything in life(Life will give you back everything you have given to it(” ( )46(At first the boy cried because A(he hurt himself and felt badly B(he wanted to give himself a surprise C(he felt it was so

26、 quiet in the mountain D(he hoped his father would help him ( )47(When the boy heard the voice repeating, he thought A(it was foolish to hear others voice B(someone else in the mountain liked his voice C(there were many other people in the mountain D(he was laughed at by someone else in the mountain

27、 ( )48(The father shouted to the mountain to A(find out who was repeating his voice B(have fun with other people in the mountain C(show more examples to his son before giving him the answer D(let his son know whose voice was louder ( )49(The word Echo means A(life itself B(repeating voice C(love in

28、the world D(everything in life ( )50(From the story, we know A(the boy didnt like others voice at all B(the father had his own way to teach his son it is not polite to repeat others voice C(D(the boy and his father were rather tired C Weekend one-day out A walk along the Wall Beijing Hikers is organ

29、izing a hike in a village along the Great Wall in Changping District, north of downtown Beijing( The walk will take around three hours covering a distance of 10 kilometres( Time:8:0 0 a.m-4:30p.m, Dec.4 Cost:200 yuan (US $25) per adult, 150 yuan (US $18.50) for under-12s( Meeting place:8:30 a.m(in f

30、ront of Starbucks at Lido Holiday Inn, Jiangtai Lu To sign-up (one day before the hike) and more information, contact Huijie at or call 139-1002-5516( Skiing and hot springs Cycle China plans a days skiing fun at a resort around Beijing followed by an outdoor hot spring bath for your sore body( Cos

31、t:350 yuan (US $43.40) Time:8:30 a.m-6:30p.m, Dec.4 Location:Meet at the office of Cycle China, opposite the east gate of Jingshan Park, Xicheng District( For more information and reservation, email reserve cyclechinacom or call 139-1188-6524( Horse riding This is a trip to a professional horse-ridi

32、ng club with well-trained bilingual(能讲两国语言的)instructors, offering lessons to people who love riding and those willing to learn more(The club is located in Hebei Province next to the Kangxi Grassland( Time:1:30 a.m-4:30p.m, Dec.4 Cost:330yuan (US $40.74) including one hours riding, transportation, gu

33、ide, lunch To sign-up and more information, contact Lucy at 8580-5080, 130-1117-1326 or L( ( )51(This passage is written mainly for ( A(tourists B(holiday-makers C(guides D(sportsmen ( )52(If Mary, who is ten years old, wants to hike along the Great Wall with her parents, they will pay dollars( A(45

34、0 B(400 C(68.50 D(65 ( )53(If you have only 340 yuan with you, and you have something important to do at 6:00p.m, which can you join in? A(A walk along the Wall and Skiing and hot springs B(A walk along the Wall or Horse riding C(Skiing and hot springs and Horse riding D(A walk along the Wall only (

35、 )54(If you are interested in the knowledge about horse-riding, youll contact ( A( B(139-1188-6524 C(130-1117-1326 D(139-1002-5516 ( )55(Cycle China is ( A(a website which offers traveling information B(a traveling agency C(a trainer for skiing D(a resort which offers hot spring bath D According to

36、a recent report by Beijing University, students in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai spend on average about 12.9 hours studying each day. We suggest the students spend eight hours studying each day(They really need time to do something else(In addition, it is good for their health( Hours spent on stud

37、y each day: 14.4 13.2 11.9 Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou After school study time( in hours) 4.2 3.6 2.9 Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou ( )56(After reading the report, the longest time the students spend studying each day is _ hours( A(12.9 B(13.2 C(14.4 D(11.9 ( )57(Whom was the report written by? A(Studen

38、ts in Shanghai B(Students in Guangzhou C(Students in Shanghai D(Students in Beijing University ( )58(In which city do the students spend the least time studying after school each day? A(Beijing B(Guangzhou C(Shanghai D(Shenzhen ( )59(What is the main idea of the passage? A(Too much time is spent stu

39、dying( B(Too less time spending studying( C(Time spent on studies each day in three big cities( D(the average time spent studying in Beijing University( ( )60(According to the report, the proper time should be spent studying is _( A(an-eight-hour time a day B(an-eight-hour time a week C(less than ei

40、ght hours a day D(more than eight hours a day E Chinese are very generous(慷慨的) in educating their children(Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the United States and Australia(They also want their children to take extra-course a

41、ctivities such as musical instrument learning or ballet (芭蕾) classes, or other classes(They think these will give them a good future(The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is(So parents will spend much unreasonable(不合理的) money on education(Even poor parents will b

42、uy a computer for their son or daughter( However, what most parents fail to see is that the best early education they can give their children is usually very cheap( Parents can see that their children are very good in some areas while poor in others(Parents also can see some children are good at the

43、se skills and others do well in others(Most parents fail to realize that todays children lack(缺乏) self-respect and self-confidence( The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills th

44、at they need to be confident, happy and clever( Parents can achieve this by teaching skills like cooking, sewing(缝纫) and doing other Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in housework(life(Cooking needs patience and time(It is an enjoyable but difficult exp

45、erience(A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and finish his job successfully(His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and lots of self-confidence( Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play w

46、ith will make him curious(好奇心) and improve his interest(He will spend hours looking at them, trying to fix them(Your child might become an engineer when he grows up(These activities are not only teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind(And that is more important( ( )61(Parents in China, according to


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