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1、天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology )Vol. 52 No. 9Sep. 2019第52卷第9期2019年9月D0l:10.11784/tdxbz201810039一类大转角两转动并联机构的构型分析与运动学优化设计112 1宋轶民,周培,齐杨,霍欣明(1.天津大学机构理论与装备设计教育部重点实验室,天津300354 ;2.天津职业技术师范大学天津市高速切削与精密加工重点实验室,天津300222 )摘 要:面向航空航天和仿生设计等领域对大转角两转动并联机构的应用需求,围绕一类新型两自由度转

2、动并联机 构一一2-RRRR&2-RSR机构的构型分析与运动学优化设计问题展开研究.首先,以投影关系为基础分析2-RRRR&2-RSR并联机构在给定工作空间内实现两自由度转动运动所需满足的几何条件,并针对两种投影情况分析机构的参数 特解其次,基于闭环矢量法求解2-RRRR&2-RSR并联机构的位置逆解,推导机构驱动角度与动平台姿态角之间的映射关系,继而利用RRRR支链与RSR支链的运动特点,获得机构动平台姿态角的正解模型以此为基础,借助螺旋理论建立 2-RRRR&2-RSR并联机构的速度映射模型,构建机构的广义雅可比矩阵,并通过软件仿真验证机 构位置正、逆解及速度映射模型的有效性.再次,根据2

3、-RRRR&2-RSR并联机构的运动特性,以奇异性、铰链许用转角范围、连杆安全距离为约束条件,借助极限边界搜索法求解机构动平台中心点的位置工作空间,进而对应位 置工作空间等效获得机构的转角工作空间最后,借助螺旋理论中运动与力的互易积的物理含义定义可描述2-RRRR&2-RSR机构瞬时功率传递特性的无量纲运动学性能评价指标,并结合工程实际需求设定机构的约束条件, 实现机构的尺度参数的运动学优化设计研究成果可为大工作空间两自由度转动并联机构的样机设计与控制策略制 定奠定理论基础.关键词:转动并联机构;构型分析;运动学分析;工作空间;尺度综合中图分类号:TH112.1文献标志码:A文章编号:0493

4、-2137( 2019)09-0908-09Topology An alysis and Kin ematic Optimizati on of a 2 -DoF Rotati onalParallel Mecha nism with Large WorkspaceSong Yimin1, Zhou Pei1,Qi Yang 2, Huo Xinming 1(1. Key Laboratory of Mechanism Theory and Equipment Design of Ministry of Education ,Tianjin University ,Tianjin 300354

5、,China; 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Sepeed Cutting and Precision Machining ,Tianjin University of Technology and Education ,Tianjin 300222,China)Abstract : This wor k focuses on topology analysis and kinematic optimization of a new type of two degr ee-of- freedom(2-DoF)rotational parallel mech

6、anism 2-RRRR&2-RSR to meet application r equirements for 2-DoF r ota- tional parallel mechanisms with large workspaces in the fields of aerospace and bionic design. First, geometric conditions necessary for the 2-RRRR&2-RSR parallel mechanism to realize 2-DoF rotations in a given workspace are analy

7、zed on the basis of the projection relation of revolute joint axis ,and specific parameter solutions of the mechanism for two pr ojectio n cases are formulated. Second,the 2-RRRR&2-RSR par allel mecha nism is subjected to in verse position analysis via closed-loop vector method,and mapping relation

8、between actuated angles and attitude angles)f the moving platform of the mechanism is derived. Then ,forward solution of the attitude angles is obtained in accordance with motion char acteristics of RRRR and RSR limbs. Accor dingly, velocity mapping model of the 2- RRRR&2-RSR par allel mechanism is

9、established based on scr ew theory,and generalized Jacobian matrix of the mechanism is constructed. The validity of the inverse/forward position mapping model and velocity mapping model of收稿日期:2018-10-23;修回日期:2018-11-30.作者简介:宋轶民(1971-),男,博士,教授.通信作者:宋轶民,ymsong.基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51475321).Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 51475321).


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