最新201X学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit3Section ⅠWarm-up Lesson1 Festivals Word版含解析.doc

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《最新201X学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit3Section ⅠWarm-up Lesson1 Festivals Word版含解析.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新201X学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit3Section ⅠWarm-up Lesson1 Festivals Word版含解析.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、.单词拼写1What do you want to do after you graduate from university.2Sun Tao worked hard and won a scholarship to Beijing University.3A golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary(周年纪念日)4Your house is so think it needs decorating.5They turned off all the lights in the they were completely in the darkness

2、.6You cant use the is no battery(电池)in it.7Only the headmaster has the power(权力)to decide the important things.8I am uncomfortable because my body is sticky(粘的)9Many people agree that children nowadays(如今)are much lazier than they were before.10If you give water to a small baby to drink,you have to

3、boil(煮沸)it first.单句语法填空1We all had to take part in the training run,with nobody expected.2The building was burnt down in half an hour.3On Easter Sunday people decorate basket with purple ribbons.4He visited me occasionally(occasion)5It is said that the moon is its biggest and brightest that night.6T

4、here are many different kinds of moon cakes,icecream moon cakes included(include)7Traditional(tradition)moon cakes are usually made with bean paste.8She serves(serve)the people heart and soul.9That fire destroyed(destroy)the whole forest yesterday.10We held a party in celebration(celebrate)of her bi

5、rthday.阅读理解In ancient Greece,Athens and Sparta shared the same language and customs,but Spartans and Athenians led very different lives.Growing up in Sparta meant learning to become a seven,boys were sent to special schools wanted to make the boys brave the Spartan boys were learning discipline(纪律),

6、boys in Athens learned reading,writing,and even music.In Sparta,at the age of 20,boys finished training and became soldiers in the if a Spartan soldier got married,he could not live with his wife until he turned continued to serve in the military(军队)until he was 60 years in Athens served in the army

7、 for two years only,from the ages of 18 to 2 that,they could choose to be a soldier,or they could be an artist or a life was important to Athenians,so families lived together.Both Sparta and Athens had an Assembly,which was a group of leaders who helped run the ,both Spartans and Athenians chose the

8、 members of the Spartan Assembly,however,actually did not have very much were two kings in were also the ephorsa group of five men who held most of the people of Athens wanted the exact believed that no one group of people should hold all the they chose members of the Assembly every voted on new law

9、s,and they discussed lots of things. Athenians and Spartans both believed that their way of life was the best.Its no wonder that they finally went to war with one won the war,but the Spartan soldiers did not burn let the culture of Athens live on.1According to the text,boys in Sparta _.Ahad little e

10、ducationBhad no interest in the artsCliked military schools greatlyDlearned reading at a young age解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的前三句可知,斯巴达的男性从小就开始训练成为军人,接受正规教育很少。答案:A2Compared with boys in Sparta,boys in Athens _.Awere smarterBwere strongerCstudied much harderDenjoyed more freedom解析:推理判断题。第三段中讲到雅典的男孩只需要在军队里面待两年,然后就

11、可以选择自己喜欢的生活和工作,可见他们更加自由地享受生活。答案:D3The fourth paragraph is mainly about Sparta and Athens _.AgovernmentsBpeopleCkings Dlaws解析:段落大意题。第四段中提到的Assembly,kings,ephors等,都是在讲政府机构的组成。答案:A4How does the author develop the text?ABy providing reasons.BBy making comparisons.CBy following the order of time.DBy foll

12、owing the order of importance.解析:篇章结构题。本文第一段是主题段,接下来从不同的方面把斯巴达和雅典进行对比。答案:B.完形填空Year after year my brothers,sister and I would lie in bed awake on Christmas were just _1_ to hear my fathers voice saying it was all right to _2 I was the first one to jump out of can still _3_ my growing eagerness(渴望)fo

13、r the _4_ every year.Even now as I _5_ the boxes of Christmas decorations(装饰品) I can see the same familiar ones:the presents with our birth years on them,our five stockings(长袜),four for the _6_,one for the used to be easy for us to _7_ when to put up the now since we all have _8_ and social lives,it

14、 is usually a hurried activity.As we get older,the season almost brings a _9_ to a little place in our worst was the year after my grandparents had _10 couldnt go to their house to celebrate the holiday any 11_,we just had a gettogether in our when I _12_ to it,I miss the special _13_ my grandfather

15、 gave me for Christmas,I even miss him _14_ me “Jessie”,even though I cant _15_ when people call me that.Things change,not always for the good,_16_ not always for the bad the things that dont _17_ have the most important meaning to us,and Im sure they will be there for the _18_ of our all,every time

16、 I hear my fathers _19_“All right you guys,come on down,nice and slow”and we go down the stairs,first my brother,then me,then my sister,then my older brother,I still _20_ the true Christmas spirit.语篇解读本文作者回忆了小时候圣诞节热闹非凡的场面。回忆中有快乐也有悲伤,但作者对真正的节日精神仍然记忆犹新。1BstartingCwishing Dforgetting解析:根据该句后的 Usually I

17、 was the first one to jump out of bed 及 my growing eagerness 可知,作者渴望听到父亲的声音。答案:C2 up Bcome downCcome on Dcome out解析:联系文章最后一段中的 come on down 及 we go down the stairs 可知,父亲是叫他们下楼,故选 come down。答案:B3 BunderstandCreceive Dremember解析:从上文作者对自己在圣诞节早晨急切行为的生动描述中不难看出,作者对圣诞节的记忆很深,所以此处指作者仍然记着自己对圣诞节的渴望。故选remember。

18、答案:D4 BseasonChabit Dresult解析:第三段首句中的 the season 的提示,此处指圣诞节这个时期。答案:B5 away Bset downClook through Dgive up解析:从冒号后列举的东西可知,作者是说自己翻看圣诞节的礼品盒。故选 look through。答案:C6 BgirlsCboys Dbabies解析:根据最后一段 first my brother,then me.brother 可知,作者家有4个孩子,选项中 girls,boys 和 babies 所指的意思不全面,所以都不对。答案:A7 BgetCrecord Ddecide解析:

19、本句与下句 it is usually a hurried activity 形成对比,所以可以推知,过去很容易决定什么时候把圣诞节装饰品挂起来。答案:D8 BballsCjobs Dcandies解析:结合本空后的 social lives 可以推知,此处指他们都有了自己的工作。答案:C9 BpainCjoy Ddisappointment解析:本空后是对一些痛苦经历的描述,所以此处是指节日也会带来痛苦,故选 pain。答案:B10 BfailedCsucceeded Dmarried解析:联系句中的 the worst 等语境可知,此处指祖父母都去世了。答案:A11 BIndeedCIns

20、tead DLuckily解析:由于祖父母都去世了,作者不再去祖父母家过节,而是在自己家里团聚。 instead 表示“作为代替”。答案:C12 back Bturn backCstep back Dthink back解析:当作者回顾过去的事情的时候,仍然很想念 move back“搬回”;turn back“转身”;step back “走回”均不合语境。答案:D13 BnewsCreplies Dtools解析:过圣诞节,祖父自然要送作者礼物,故选 gifts。答案:A14 BcallingCtelling Dintroducing解析:这里表述的都是作者对祖父的怀念之情。根据此处语境判

21、断,可知选 calling。答案:B15 BlistenCwatch Dstand解析:尽管作者不能忍受其他人叫她的昵称,但她却怀念祖父这么叫,故选 stand。答案:D16 BsoCbut Dor解析:根据上下文的逻辑关系可知,此处表示转折意义,而不是表示并列、因果或选择,故排除A、B和D三项。答案:C17 BgrowCappear Dhappen解析:下文中父亲的话语及作者的兄弟姐妹按顺序下楼,都是没有变的东西。故选 change。答案:A18 BrestCtruth Dhappiness解析:在悲喜变迁中,那些没有改变的东西对作者意义重大,并将伴随作者余生。答案:B19 BdreamsC

22、promises Dwords解析:引号内是父亲的话语。故答案选 words。答案:D20 BhateCfeel Ddoubt解析:由上文所述内容可知,作者仍然能感受到真正的圣诞节精神。故 feel 符合此处语境。答案:C.语法填空The MidAutumn Festival is 1.celebrated(celebrate) by the Chinese people all over the world,and it is a special 2.occasion (occasional) for moon cakes are usually made with bean 3.nowad

23、ays (now),there are many different kinds of moon cakes 4.including (include) fruit,coffee,etc.The Lantern Festival falls 5.on the fifteenth day of the first lunar marks the end of the Chinese New Year 6.celebrations (celebrate)The tradition of the Dragon Boat Festival started more than 2,000 years f

24、rom other cultures have also taken part 7. in the races and 8.enjoyed (enjoy) the fun.There is a special food for the festival,9.which is called zongzi.It is 10.sticky(stick) rice in fresh bamboo leaves.短文改错Air travel has three advantage over train ,it can save much can fly from one place to other i

25、n a short time,but by train we have to spend more ,air travel is more comfortable because the plane flies so smooth that we can have good rest during the ,the train is crowding sometimes and we have to sit for a long time,what makes us train travel also has its own an example,traveling by train cost

26、 only a little ,we can enjoy the view out of the trains windows.答案:Air travel has three over train ,it can save much can fly from one place to in a short time,but by train we have to spend more ,air travel is more comfortable because the plane flies so that we can have good rest during the ,the train is sometimes and we have to sit for a long time, makes us train travel also has own an example,traveling by train only a little money.,we can enjoy the view out of the trains windows.


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