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1、附件:非洲国家农业机械常用维修保养技术培训班项目全称非洲国家农业机械常用维修保养技术培训班实施单位名称农业部国际交流服务中心举办时间2010年5月11日至5月31日工作语后英语邀请范围贝宁、埃塞俄比亚、 马达加斯加、莫桑比克、索马里、津巴布韦、坦桑尼亚、南非、赞比亚、肯尼亚、尼日利亚、加纳、莱索托、马拉维、乌干达、卢旺达、毛里求斯,各1-3人计划人数25人学员要求年龄要求技术或管理人员年龄不超过50岁身体健康状况要求身体健康,无传染性疾病、严重高血压、心脑血管、精神类疾 病,非肢体残疾、非孕期,作语后要求英语具备良好的听、说、读、写能力其它不携带家属及亲戚朋友举办地点北京市举办地天气状况15C

2、- 20 C参观考察城市北京市考察地天气状况15C- 20 C备注实施单位联系 方式项目联系人蔡春河/李迪办公电话(0086-10-)59192454/2415手 机(0086-)86-13810823985 (李迪)13391723828 (蔡春河)传 真(0086-10-)59192611E-maillidi (李迪)、anthonycai (蔡春河) ,实施单位简介农业部国际交流服务中心(以下简称中心)是农业部直属事业单位,业务上归口农业部国际合作司。中心具有多年从事组织国际会议、执行多边和双边项目、开 展对外交流,以及国外农业调研和农业外事翻译(包括为国际组织会议提供同声传译)的经验。

3、中心的主要职能包括组织外派和接待交流团组、承担国际合作项目的 实施、承办国际会议和培训、国外农业调研及信息咨询、提供农业外事翻译服务、 办理护照签证等.项目内容介绍1课堂讲座。由中国农业机械专家开设讲座,农机维修基础知识、主要农机具 的保养和维修技术、常见故障分析等。2参观考察。在北京参观考察农机化示范基地、城市建设及文化古迹等。希望 通过以上活动,帮助学员更全面地了解中国农业机械发展和现代化建设,以加强中国和非洲国家之间的交流与合作,促进非洲国家农业机化的发展。Project DescriptionNameTraining Course on Maintenance Techniques o

4、f Agricultural Machinery for African CountriesOrganizerCenter of International Cooperation Service, Ministry of AgricultureTimeFri. 11 to Fri. 31 ,2010LanguageEnglishInvited CountriesBenin, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Le

5、sotho, Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, Mauritius, 1-3 persons from each countryNumber of Participants25 personsRequirements for the ParticipantsAgeUnder 50 for Technicians and Administrative StaffHealthbe healthy, no infectious diseases, no high blood pressure, no cerebra vascular, mental diseases, no physi

6、cally disabled, nor pregnancyther.LanguageBeing comfortable to study using English languageothersNo accompany with friends or relativesHost CityBeijingLocal Temperature15 C -20 CCities to visitBeijingLocal Temperature15 C -20 CNotesContact of the OrganizerContact Person(s)Cai Chunhe, Li DiTelephone(

7、0086-10-)59192454/2415Cell(0086-)13810823985 (Li Di ) 13391723828 (Cai Chunhe)Fax(0086-10-)59192611E-maillidi (Li Di) anthonycai (Cai Chunhe)About the OrganizerThe Center of International Cooperation Service (CICOS) is a public institution, which is directly under the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA),

8、operating under the guidance of the MOA Department of International Cooperation. The major function of CICOS is to organize international conferences and training courses, organize and receive study tours, implement international cooperation projects, conduct research activities on international and

9、 national agriculture, provide information and advisory service, provide translation & interpretation service as well as passport and visa service.Seminar /TrainingCourseContent1 Lectures. Chinese experts at agricultural machinery maintenance will be invited to give lectures basics about agricultura

10、l machinery maintenance, techniques about agricultural machinery maintenance, and common defects diagnosis, and etc.2 Field trips. In Beijing, participants will visit the demonstration center of agricultural mechanization, urban construction and cultural and historical sites, etc. This program will help the participants to gain better understanding of the status of agricultural mechanization of China to enhance bilateral cooperation and promote the development of agricultural machinery in African countries.3 4


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