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1、英语主谓一致般说来,谓语必须与主语在人称和数上保持致,即主谓致。主谓致涉及三个方而:语法上致,总 义上i致,就近一致。一、语法上i致1不可数名词、动名词、不定式、从句等做主语时,谓语通常用单数。MUCh milk is Offered to him Reading aloud is Very important in Iearning EngliShTO nod OnezS head means agreementWhat they Said is true2 and连接主语时,注意以下几点:1)由and, both.and连接两个单数名词谓语用复数,但当and连接的两个名词指同个人,同-物,

2、同 事,同一概念时谓语用单数。BOth bread and butter Were SerVed for breakfast in this hotel.The teacher and Writer is going to give US a talk2)凡是由 each.and each.ZeVery.and every. ,no.and no., many a. and many a连接名词作主语时谓语用 单数。EaCh man and each WOman has a Chanee to be raised in OUr COmPany.NO boy and no girl doesnt

3、 go to SChOOl at the age Of SeVen in this ViIIage3)由and连接的前置并列修饰语+不可数名词做主语时,谓语用复数。GOOd and bad meat in the market are SOId out.4)不可数名词+并列修饰语作主语时,谓语用单数。Beer from the USA and Germany is much better that from Bntain.5)凡由and连接两个带the(a或物主代词)的单数可数名词,谓语用复数,如果只有前个名词带the(a或 物主代词)则谓语用单数。The PrOfeSSOr and the

4、Writer have PUbIiShed a few new books On radio.The tenth and IaSt ChaPter is Written by a young man.6)由and连接的第二个名词短语农示否定或带有状语时,谓语的单复数与第个名词致。The teacher, and PerhaPS his StUdents too, is IikeIy to be PreSent7)What从句的并列式作主语时,并列完整式常用复数,缩略式常用单数。What he SayS and What he thinks have nothing to do With me

5、What I Say and do is my OWn affair.8)由and连接的两个疑问代词、不定式、动名词作主语时,根据意义-致的原则确定单复数。WhGn and Where to build the new factoryyet.(MET1991)A is not decided B are not decided C has not decided D have not decided3 主语 + 夕Li司(短语):With, except, as Well as, no IeSS thar rather than, more than, OVeG besides, togeth

6、er WithZ like, including, Inadditionto等连接的名词时,谓语以介词(短语)前的主语为准,不受介词后的名词影响。The man With hs daughters and SOnS is WatChing TV.The girls as Well as the teacher are dancing.考例:1) E-mail, as Well as telephones,an important role in OUr daily Iife(1999 上海)A PIaying B Play C PlayS D have PIayed2)A Iibrary Wi

7、th five thousand booksto the nation as a gift.(MET 1990)A is Offered B has Offered C are Offered D have Offered4 不定 yf 弋词 eithe each, one, another any On 巳 anybody, no OneZ no body, SOme one, somebody, an ythi ng, nothing, something, everything, everyone, everybody, neither等作主语时,谓语用单数,none做主语时,谓语单复数

8、均可。 There is nothing WrOng With the machineEither Of the ShirtS fits me VerY WellNOnG Ofthe farmers has (have)been abroad5 many a (an) +名词和more than One +名词做主语时谓语用单数。Many an apple is in the basketMOre than OnG StamP has been COIleCted by her.6在四则运算中谓语单复数均可。Three and four is (are) SeVen.TWO times ten

9、 is (are) twenty.7当kind OfZ Pair Ot type Of等做主语时,谓语与Of前的kind, PairZ type等保持致。如:ThiS Pair Of trousers fits youThe kind Of the apple tastes delicious8当a lot of, IOtS of, PIenty Of等短语作主语时,谓语与Of后的保持-致。There are Plenty Of eggs in the basket. LOtS Of meat has been SOld OUt 考例:AS a result Of destrOying the

10、 forests, a IargeOf desertCOVered the Iand.(2001 上海)A number, has B quantity, has C number, have D quantit have9当分数或百分数+名词作主语时,谓语与后面的名词保持致。Three fourths Of the SUrfaCe Of the earth is COVered With water.70 PerCent Of PeOPle have known about the truth考例: Of the Iand in that districtCOVered With trees

11、 and grass.(2000 上海)A TWO fifth, is B TWO fifth, are C TWO fifth, is D TWO fifths, are10在OneOf+复数名词+定语从句中如关系代词作主语引导定语从句时,谓语根据先行词来判断,若是Oneof 结构,定语从句用复数,若是the(only) One Of结构,定语从句用单数。ZhOU Xia is One Of the girls WhO Iike hiking.Tian Iili is the OnIy OnW Of the girls WhO has PaSSed the exam考例:He is the

12、OnIy Of the StUdents WhOa WinnGr Of SChOlarShiP for three years.(2002 上海)A is B are C have been D has been11 Wa number of+复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,,the number Of +复数名词作主语时,谓语用单数 形式。The number Of books is no more than 100, but a nUmber Of them is Of Iittle USe考例:the number Of PeOPIe inVitedfifty, but a nUm

13、ber Ofthemabsent for different reasOns.(NMET 1996)A Were, WaS B WaSz WaS C WaS z WereJ D were, Were二、意义上一致1当农示时间,距离,价格、度量等的名词作主语时谓语用单数。Ten years is quite a IOng time.2当the+形容词(过去分词)”指类人作主语时,谓语用复数。指个人或抽象概念时,谓语用单数。The rich IiVe a happy I讦巳 While the POOr IiVe a hard life.The WOUnded is OUr CaPtain.3当m

14、aths(mathematics)z POIitiCSz PhySiCS等学科名词作主语时,谓语用单数,但前有物主代词修饰指某人的某 方面时,谓语用复数。MathS is difficult to IearnHiS PhySiCS are poor.4用作书名、剧名、报名、国名、地区名称的复数名词作主语时,谓语用单数。The Arabian NightS is a Very interest!ng bookThe United StateS is a developed country.5如果名词词组的中心词是all, most, half, rest, Part等词语,农示的是复数意义,谓语

15、动词用复数形式,反之 用单数。(单独all作主语,指人用复数,指物用单数)。AIl Of the rubbish WaS Cleared away. AIl Of the CIaSSmateS have PaSSed the exami nation 6 当集合名词 family, class, army, group, team, enemy, government, PUbIiCz COUPIe 等作主语时,如果主语看作 个整体,谓语用单数,如果看作其中的成员(个体时)谓语用复数。CIaSS 3 are UnabIe to agree On the Plan HiS family has

16、just moved to Beijing7有的名词如police, cattle, PeOPleZ CIOtheSz IrOUSerS等没有单数形式,作主语时,谓语只能用复数,而有的名 词则是单数.复数相同,l SheePJ deer7 aircraft, mean, fish, WOrkSJ species,等,作主语时,就必须根据意思来确 定其谓语的单复数形式。ShOrtIy after the accident, the POIiCe Were SGnt to keep order.考例:EVery POSSibIe meansto PreVent the air POIlUtiOnz

17、 but the Sky is StilI not Clear(2000 上海)A is USed B are USed C has been USGd D have been USGd三、就近一致1 连词 or, either.orz not.butz neither.norz not OnIy.but also, Whether.or 等连词并列作主语时,谓语与它最靠 近的主语-致。Either you Or I am going to anSWer his question NOt Only he but also his friends have been to NeW YOrk考例:

18、Either you Or the headmasterthe PriZeS to these gifted StUdents at the meeting(1994 上海)A is handing OUt B are to hand OUt C are handing OUt D is to hand OUt2在there be结构中,如果主语不只是个,谓语通常和邻近的,即每个主语致。如:There is a desk and three ChairS in the roomThere are three ChairS and a desk in the roomAddition:表达祝愿的

19、句型。1) lWeLet US +wish sb.+ sth.I WiSh you happiness I WiSh you a full recovery. I WiSh you every SUCCeSS in your new post. Let US WiSh you the Very best Of IUCk2) 主语(I We Let US) +wish+ sb.+ to do sth.I WiSh you to SUCCeed in your PerfOrmanCe Let US WiSh you to Win StiIl greater ViCtOrieS in the SCi

20、entifiC research3) 主语(I We ) hope+宾语从句I hope all is going WeIl With YOUr family.4) May +主语+动词原形+其它May you both be always happy May you return Safe and SOUnd. May all happiness attend you5) 主语(l/We/let me) +send /offer+宾语+forLet me Offer my hearty good WiShed for your SUCCeSS6) 名词to SbSUCCeSS to you

21、all! A good journey to you! GOOd IUCk to everyonw!1. Writing StOrieS and articlesWhat m fond of.A isB Were C are D have been2 Either you Or Igoing to attend the meetingA is B are C am DWiIl3. -一EaCh Of the StUdentS , WOrking hard at HiS Or her IeSSOnS,to go to UniVerSitySO do I.A. hope B. HOPeS C. h

22、oping D to hope4. The Singer and COmPOSerCOming next Monday.A is B are C Were D WaSyoungto be rude to the OId in SOme areas noWadaySA Seem B SeemS C Seeming D Seemed6. Lily is One Ofthe StUdents WhOSkatingA IikeS B Iike C Iiked D Iiking7. Of the making Of good books there is no end ;neitherany end t

23、o their influence On mans IiVeS A. there is B. there are C. is there D. are there8. Bills aim is to inform the VieWerS that Cigarette advertising On TV is illegal,A. isn,t it B, is it C. isnt he D. is He9. It WaS Only With the help Of the IOCal guideA. WaS the mountain Climber rescued B. that the mo

24、untain Climber WaS rescuedC When the mountain Climber rescued D then the mountain Climber WaS rescued10. I have always been honest and StraightfOrWard , and it doesrt matterthat l,m talking to A. WhO is it B. WhO it is C. it is WhO D. it is WhOrn11 SeVenty PerCent Ofthe StUdents herefrom the COUntry

25、sideA. is B. are C. COmeS D has COme12. Threefourths Of the homeworktoday A. has finished B. has been finished C. HaVe finished D have been finished13. Onlyin the SChOOlbeen repaired A. One third Of the desks ; HaS B One third desks ; HaVe C. One third Of the desks; haveD. One third Of desks; HaVe14

26、. AbOUt 40Of the POPUIatiOn Of that COUntryOn farms A. PerCent; IiVeS B. PerCent; IiVe C. PerCents ; IiVe D PerCentS ; IiVeS15. MOre than 60 PerCent Of worlds radio PrOgrammeSin EngIiShA. is B. WaS C. are D be16. The total number Of the POPUIatiOn in Chinaabout IOO million On APril 14, 1989.A. added

27、 UP B. WaS C. Were D. rose17. A Iarge number Of the StUdents in OUr ClaSSgirlsA. areB. WaSC. isD be18. The number Of StUdents Of this SChOOlIargeA. areB. WaSC. isD. be19. The WhOIe CIaSSthe teacher attentively.A. are IiStening to B is IiStening to C. are IiStening D. is IiStening20. The Chinese PeOP

28、lehard-working and brave A are B. is C. has been D are being!21. The POliCethe murderer everywhere When He SUddenly appeared in a theatreA. is SearChing for B. Were SearChing for C. are SearChing for D Were SearChing22. ThOSe WhOinCOmPOSiti OnS, PIeaSe hand them in this after noon.A. hasnt handed ;

29、HiS B. havert handed ; his C HaS handed ; their D have handed ; his23. Jane is One Of the best StUdents in her ClaSS WhOby their teacher.A. are PraiSed B. is PraiSed C PraiSecl D. PraiSing24. HG is the Only One Of the StUdents WhOelectedA. are B. HaVe C has D is25. The SUbjeCt Of PhySiCSalways inter

30、ested him A. has B. have C. is D are26. TherePlenty Of rain in the SUmmereA is B areC has D have27. The United StateS Of AmeriCaOne Of the most IargeSt COUntrieS in the WOrldA. is B. are C. WaS D Were28. The OIymPiC GameSheld everyyearsA. is ; four B. are; four C is ; five D are ; five29. Herto her

31、Chilclrers faultsquite extraordinary A. blind ; is B blind ; areC. blindness ; is D blindness ; are30. Whererubbish , there are flies A. there are B. there is C. is D. there has31. The news Of ViCtOrieSSPending far and Wide A. is B. are C. have been D Were32. A great deal Of Gnergythis Way A. are Wa

32、Sted B. Were WaSted C. is WaSted D. WaSteS33. The PaPer for books and newspapersmade Of WOOd A. are B. is C HaVe D has34. The air in big CitieSVery dirty A. are Often made B. is Often madeC have Often made D has Often made35. The rest Of the apples in OUr CIaSSWithin half an HOUr A. is SOld OUt B .a

33、re SOld OUt C. WaS SOld OUt D Were SOld OUt36. UAIlPreSent and allgoing On Well ” OUr monitor Said A. is ; is B. are ; are C. are; is D. is; are37. The richnot always happy.IA. are B. is C hasD have38. Can be donebeen done A. All; have B. AIl that; have C. All; has D. All that; HaS39. Many a manCOme

34、 to help US A. HaVe B. has C. is D .are40. What you Said just nowthe matter We are CliSCUSSing A. have SOmething to do at B. has SOmething to do With C had SOmething to do With D has beenSOmething to With41. Mary as Well as her SiSterSChinese in China A. are StUdying B have StUdied C. StUdieS D. StU

35、dy42. NO One but her ParentSit A. know B. knowsC is knoWing D. are knowing43. AliCe z together With the two boys Zfor having broken the rule A. WaS PUnishedB. PUniShed C. Were PUniShed D being PUniShed44. EVeryOnG here z including Children and Old PeOPle Zin for SPOrtS A. go B. goingC. to go D goes4

36、5. I,WhOyour teacher z WiIl try my best to help you With your StUdy A. beB. amC. areD. is46. It is I WhOwrong.A . isB amC. are D. is47. NO bird and no beastin the IOneIy island A. are SeenB is Seen C See D SeeS48. EVery meansPreVent the Water fromA. are USed to; POIIUting B get USed to ; POIIUting C

37、. is USed to ; POIIUted D is USed to ;beingPOIlUted49. NOt OnIy my brother but also Igood at Painting both Of USgood at PaintingeA. are ; are B. am ; are C is ; is D are ; is50. Either your Parents Or your elder brotherto attend the meeting tomorrowA. is B. are C. are going D have51. Neither my fath

38、er nor Iat HOmeA. am B. is C. are D be52. EVery boy and every girlto attend the evening Party A. WiSh B. WiSheS C. Iike D. is Iike53. In Winter Wet ClOtheSnear fireA. OftGn hanged UP B. are Often hanged UP C is Often hung UP D are Often hung UP54. APPleS Of this kindA. tastes good B. tastes WeIl C.

39、taste good D. taste WeIl55. YOUr trousersdirty, you must haveWaSheClA. is ; it B. are ; it C. are ; them D. is; them56. The IeagUe SeCretary and monitorasked to make a SPeeCh at the meeting A. isB. WaS C. are D. Were57. JOhn has two brothers z but eitherOUt Of WOrk now.A. are B. is C. has D have58.

40、The results Of the examthat you have all made greatA. ShOW ; PrOgreSS B. ShOWS; PrOgreSS C. ShOW ; PrOgreSSeS D. ShOWS; PrOgreSSeS59. a good GnOugh PriCe for this book A. TWO yuans areB TWO yuan are yuans is D , TWO yuan is60. Many PeOPle Say IOZOOOa IOt Of money A. dollar is B. dollars areC dollars

41、 isD dollar are61. What We needgood textbooksA. is B. are C have D has62. PrOfeSSOr Wu, With three IeCtUrerSzattending a SymPOSiUm(专题砒F讨会)in Shanghai On energynowA is B are C WaS D Wereand a half hoursPaSSedA has B are C is D have64. Many a StUdentgoing to take Part in the exam next monthA is B is t

42、o C are D WaS65. What mattersnot Winning but PartiCiPatingA are B to be CWaS D is66. EVery POSSible meansUSed to SaVe the Panda.A has been B have been C are D has67. JOhn is the OnIy One Of the StUdentS WhOto Franee.A has been B have beenC Had been D goes68. PhySiCSVery difficult to IearnA is not B are not C Were not D wasntnumber Of the books500, but a number Of themOf IittIe valueA isz are B are, are C is, is D are , is70. NObOdy but San and Annin the lab.A are B had been C Were D is


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