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1、新人教版四年级英语上Unit6 Meet my family A Let s talk一教学背景分析:本课教学容为PEP小学英语四年级上册第六单元A,要求学生掌握How many people are there in your family?与答复 My family haspeople.功能句型。本课的授课对象是小学四年级的学生,他们从三年级开场学习本套教材。本课的教学设计强调从学生的学习兴趣出发,采用小组合作的学习方式,课 堂评价贯穿始终,让学生在小组活动中,通过唱、做、写、说、演等多种手段学 习和使用英语,完成学习任务。使学生在学习活动过程中培养综合语言运用能力。二、教学容:本节课学习

2、使用 How many people are there in your family?提问,并答 复My family has-people 0并通过创设真实生动的情景,使学生能够灵活地使 用句型询问数量和表述自己的家庭成员。培养和提高学生在真实情景中恰当运用 语言的能力。三、教学目标:知识与能力目标:1 .本课学习巩固功能句型 How many people are there in your family?与 答复My fami ly haspeople.学习如何在真实的情景中谈论数量和家庭成员 进展真实日常交流。并学习单词,people, puppy, only2 .通过创设真实生动的

3、情景,学生能够运用句型How many people are there in your family?与答复My family haspeople.询问数量,表述自己的家庭成员。3 .培养和提高学生在真实情景中运用语言的能力。过程与方法目标:1 .通过演唱活泼的歌曲,调动学生积极性。2 .通过看视频来创设语言环境,激发学生求知欲,给学生进展大量的语言输 入。3 .通过小组的操练活动让学生在交流体验中承受新知识。通过认读和表演增 强对课文的掌握和运用。4 .通过小组合作共同完成各种不同形式的活动任务,鼓励学生充分感知、理 解和运用所学句型 How many people are there i

4、n your family?与答复 My family haspeople.询问数量,表述自己的家庭成员。培养和提高学生在真实 情景中运用语言的能力。5 .通过教师不同层次的语言评价,小组竞赛等评价形式,鼓励学生的学习兴 趣和积极性。使学生在英语课程的学习过程中不断体验进步与成功。情感与态度目标:1 通过丰富有趣的活动,让学生体会到学习英语的乐趣,并感受在日常生 活中如何运用英语,如何用英语表达自己正确的意思。2 德育方面,渗透爱的教育,教育学生要关心保护自己的每一个家庭成员, 培养学生乐于与他人交往的良好品质。四、教学过程我这次授课的过程主要分为5个步骤Step 1. Lead in1.Gr

5、eetingsT: Good morning. / Boys and girls. Today we are going to learn Unit 6 Meet my family Part A Let s talk.Ss: Good morning. 2. Warm up1) Let s sing:观看跟唱歌谣Finger family.复习已学过的家庭成员名称。T: Before our class, let s have a warm up and sing a song.T: Now, look at my hand. How many fingers can you see?教师快

6、速闪过手 指,学生答复数量。I have some books here. Can you tell me how many books are there? 学 生根据书本数量答复。Step2. Presentation1)出示一动漫人物路飞家庭合照。T: This is Luffi s family. Do you know who are they? 分 别介绍 grandpa,dad等家庭成员。T: Now can you tell me how many people are there in the picture? Ss: Five.T: So “His family haspe

7、ople. 教师介绍今天的任务:T: Tcxlay you get a mission. Let s make a new photo of Luffi s fami 1 y.In each task, the winner group can get one photo. Let s see which gr oup can make out the photo.(简单呈现每个任务环节,说明每个任务中的优胜组可获得一位家庭成员的卡片,比比看哪个组先完成一幅完整的家庭照。)2 )Taskl学习课文容用课件分别呈现Chen j i e和Amy的家庭合照。T: Lookthis is the ph

8、oto of Chenjie. This is Chenjie, s father. This is her mother.They are Chenjie s parent. Can you tell me how many people are there in herfamily?教学 How manyare there- Ss: Three.T: So we can say her family has three people. Now, look at Amy s ph oto.(课 件 显 示 Amy 介 绍 :My family has six people. ) Who ar

9、e they? Let s see.呈现逐个成员的图片,让学生答复除宠物外的家庭成员This is her.T - But that only five people. Who s missing?(课件出示宠物的图片Oh, look there. There is a little puppy. He is the last member.Step3. Practice(巩固练习)Task 2 看 课 文 动 画 , 判 断 对 错。Watch the video and do true or false. Task 3 根据课文容填空,全班朗读 课文 Fill the blank and

10、read the story. Task 4 Retell the story.课文复述 5/8学生可选择三个任务中的一个,小组合作练习,教师再请几组同学演示。1Read the story +1 分朗读2Act out the story+2.分分角色对话3Chant the story+3 分用歌 谣唱Step4. Production拓展练习Task 5 Make a survey.四人小组为单位,每人轮流采访A: How many people are there in your family?B: My fami ly has -people. My ,my,myand B: How

11、 many people are there in your family?C: My fami ly has -,people. My ,my,myand这一步骤主要是结合了任务型学习以与合作型学习的方法,使学生在有意义 的语境下,运用新学的单词,结合局部已学单词和已学句型询问别人家庭成员数 量以与介绍自己的家庭成员。同时能开展学生与人合作,沟通交流的能力。Step5. Evaluation评价与思想教育(1)总结,带读本课重点句型。T: Today we have learned these sentences. Now read after me.(2)教师评选出优胜组。T: You d

12、id a good job today. Now, who is the winner today?在这一步骤,除了总结该课所学单词以与运用的主要句型外,我会结合课堂上 运用的竞争机制来对学生课堂表现进展评价,以鼓励学生积极参与课堂学习,提 高他们学习英语的兴趣以与自信心。# / 86/8幺:H丁片 1 : Good morning everyone. Nice to see you again. Today we are going to learn Unit 6, meet my family, part A, Let s talk.(板书)幺7*丁片 2 : Before our cla

13、ss, let s have a warm up and sing a song.唱歌Do you know the meaning of “family ?Please look at the TV.幺7大丁片:3 : It means “father and mather I love you. Read it together.Now, look at my hand. How many fingers can you see?快速闪 过不同的手指,学生答复数量I have some books here. Can you tell me how many books are there

14、?拿出不同数量的书幺)*丁片 4: How many trees are there?幻灯片 5 Wow, a family tree.Please look at the blackbord, we also have a family tree. You can put up the 1eaves on the tree when you are good. OK?幺:H丁片 6 : Today we have a new friend, who s she? You can guess.There are some tips.幻灯片11 - Hello幻灯片17 :数人数幻灯片 19 :

15、数人数:But that s only five. And my little puppy.(教读) 幻灯片 20 : Look at the picture, which one is baby? Baby? Yes or no?幻灯片 21 -This one is baby brother, and this one is baby sister.幺7*丁片 22 : Look at this picture, How many-? My family has-.幻灯片 23 : But that s only six. Why? And my little puppy. Boys an

16、d girls, do you like little puppy? Yes, I like it too.幻灯片 24-26 : Now, let s meet their family. How many people are there in your family?Xiao Wanzi/Lily幺:H丁片 27 : How many people are there in your family?Xiao Xin.Five? And the little puppy.幺7米丁片 28: Now , open your book, turn to page 58. Watch the video, then answer the quistions.(播放动画) 幻灯片29 :答复下列问题幻灯片 30 : Now, let s do some task. Task 1 :find family.幻灯片31-34 : tadpole蝌蚪caterpillar毛毛虫幻灯片 35 : Task 2: snowball. First, practice with your pattern. OK, are you ready?幺7灯片 37 : Task 3: translate the sentence and choose the correct answer.9 / 8


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