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1、职称口语考试参考资料No.1 您能给我们谈谈贵公司的情况吗?No.2 欢迎您到我们工厂来No.3 咨询No.4 我想和您约个时间No.5 我们达成协议了No.6 你在这儿工作感觉如何?No.7 我想和你约个见面时间NO.8 商谈计划NO.9 改善工作环境NO.10 道别NO.11 劝告与建议NO.12 在图书馆No .1 您能给我们谈谈贵公司的情况吗?Brown:Mr. Li, could you tell us something about your firm?Li: Yes, certainly. Our firm is a joint-stock enterprise and it p

2、roduces refrigerators. We employ about two thousand people in all. Most work here in Pudong at our head-quarters plant. And this is where we have the administrative department, of course.Brown: Perhaps you could say something about these departments?Li: Yes, certainly. The firm has four main divisio

3、ns. First theres the Production Division. Under the divisionwe have two factories, one in Pudong , and the other in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province.Brown : I see.Li: We also have Marketing, Finance and Personnel Divisions.Brown: But a firm such as yours should have smaller departments within the divisio

4、ns.Li: Oh, yes, that s the case. Within the Production Division, for example, we have several departments: Research and development, Planning, and Purchasing. The Purchasing Department buys the materials for production.Brown: And what about the board of directors and the chairman?Li: Yes, they re at

5、 the top. A couple of executives are directors themselves. The managing director is Mr. Liu and the chairman of the board is Mr. Shen.No.2 欢迎您到我们工厂来Li:Mr. Brown, may I introduce Mr. Qian? Hes our marketing manager and hell show you round.Brown: How do you do, Mr. Qian?Qian: How do you do, Mr. Brown?

6、 Very pleased to meet you. Welcome to our factory. Im going to show youround our new workshop.Brown: Thank you It looks very impressive.Qian: Thanks. It was completed half a year ago You might be interested in this machine. Its micro-computerized.Brown: Pardon?Qian: This machine, it s controlled by

7、micro-computers.Brown: Its very modern.Qian: It was designed and made in this factory. Until recently we have had to buy from abroad. But now we start to export machines of this kind.Brown: I must congratulate you.Qian: Thanks. We have some big competitors, but I m sure we can match them for quality

8、 and I m quite certain we can beat them for price.Brown: How long is the guarantee?Qian: Five years.Brown: It s all very interesting. We might be able to give you a trial order. Look, heres my card.Qian: It has been a pleasure talking to you. And here s my card as well Thank you very much for your v

9、isit.No.3 咨询Secretary: Good morning, sir. Have you an appointment?Bell: Yes, I ve arranged to see Mr. Wang. I think I may be a bit early.Secretary: He s on the phone just now. Would you mind waiting a few minutes? Come this way, please.(In Wang s office)Wang: Good morning, Mr. Bell. Take a seat, ple

10、ase.Bell: Well, as a matter of fact, I have a proposition to put before you. My firm produces computers. We planto get into touch with a good firm in Shanghai and set up a joint venture. I d like some information about your investment policy.Wang: Could you please be more specific?Bell: I wonder if

11、you can tell me something about the investment proportion of the two parties.Wang: As far as I know, it s more flexible now. The foreign party may have more than 50 percent of the total investment.Bell : Could you tell me some more about this?Wang: Certainly. There s a lower limit for the foreign pa

12、rty: generally no less than 25 percent.Bell: Oh, I see. There s something else I d like to know: what are the main markets for our products?Wang: The products of a joint venture should be mainly for export. Our policy encourages that.Bell: Thanks for letting me know that.No. 4 我想和您约个时间Foreigner: hel

13、lo, Mr. Wang. How are you? What can I do for you?Chinese: Im fine, thanks. I d like to make an appointment to discuss our computer.Foreigner: Very good. Do you want to come today?Chinese: Yes, if that s possible.Foreigner: Let me see yes, Im free all afternoon.Chinese: That sounds good. Shall I come

14、 at one?Foreigner: Why don t you come at noon and we ll have lunch together?Chinese: Fine, I d like that. I ll see you at twelve then.Foreigner: Good. See you then.No.5 我们达成协议了Zhao: The plan also includes a computer center. Whats your opinion about that, Mr. Smith?Smith: Well, I can see no reason to

15、 object. By the way, have you decided on what type of computer youregoing to use?Zhao: Not yet, I m afraid.Smith: To my knowledge, IBM sells first-rate computers and offers good after-service as well.Zhao: Thank you for the information, We ll certainly consider your suggestion. Could we now move on

16、to the next item on our plan?Smith: Yes, go ahead.Zhao: According to our policy, the joint-venture should be mainly export-oriented, that is to say, most of the product will be sold to foreign markets.Smith: I can understand that fairly well. I have no objection.Zhao: That s good, Now do you have an

17、ything else to say, Mr. Smith?Smith: I think you ve considered everything.Zhao: So we are agreed on the plan?Smith: I think so.No.6 你在这儿工作感觉如何?Zhao: Good morning, Mr. smith.Smith: Good morning, Mr. Zhao. Nice day, isnt it?Zhao: Yes. I ts much warmer than yesterday. How do you like working here, Mr.

18、Smith?Smith: Very well indeed. I get along well with my colleagues. They are really nice to me. Im feeling quite athome here.Zhao: That s great. Well, what s your opinion of our new plan?Smith: I beg your pardon?Zhao: Our new plan. Have you gone through it yet?Smith: Oh yes, I have.Zhao: How did you

19、 find it?Smith: Don t you think it s too ambitious?Zhao: Could you explain yourself?Smith: To be frank, I think the plan is a little too difficult. You know, the economic situation is not so good.Zhao: That s partly true. However, things are improving these days. So we think our plan will work all r

20、ight.Smith: I see you are optimistic.No.7 我想和你约个见面时间Mr. Zhao: Well, Mr. Smith, we ll have to meet again to talk about the contract.Mr. Smith: Would Wednesday morning be all right?Zhao: Im afraid I won t be free that day.Smith: What a pity! What time do you prefer then?Zhao: How about Thursday mornin

21、g?Smith: That s fine with me.Zhao: Very good. So I ll see you Thursday morning in my office. Nine o clock?Smith: Yes, nine o clock. Good-bye, Mr. Zhao.Zhao: Good-bye.NO.8 商谈计划A: Good morning, Mr. Hu. Nice day, isnt it?B: Good morning, Mr. Cobett. It s really a fine day. Well, Mr. Cobett, have you go

22、ne through our plan?A: Oh, yes. I have just finished reading it.B: What s your opinion of it?A: Well, I would say the plan is on the whole very good, but have you considered the current economic situation?B: I know what you mean. Yes, things are not so favorable at present, but were sure there will

23、be changes for the better soon.A: Yes, there are reasons to be optimistic.B: What else do you have to say about the plan?A: Nothing, I guess.NO.9 改善工作环境Li: Mr. Smith, we re now driving in the sub-area. Look, a large power plant will be set up there.Smith: Yeah, electricity is essential.Li: This will

24、 be a tax-free district.Smith: Sounds good.Li: We re now driving by the Yangtze-River.Smith: I guess you are going to build a port or something here.Li: Youre right. We plan to build a large modern harbor and a shipbuilding yard.Smith: That will need an enormous amount of money.Li: Yes. So we re see

25、king foreign capital in all possible ways.Smith: It will be quite risky to invest in an underdeveloped area.Li: That s why we re doing everything to improve the investment environment, and the government, for example, has a series of preferential policies for this citySmith: So I guess it might be a

26、 second Shenzhen.Li: To some extent, it will be more“special ” than Shenzhen, or any of the other special economic zones.NO.10 道别Secretary: Good afternoon. Mr. Smiths office.Zhao: Good afternoon. May I speak to Mr. Smith?Secretary: Hold the line a minute, Ill see if he s in.Smith: Hello.Zhao: Is tha

27、t Mr. Smith speaking?Smith: Yes, speaking.Zhao: This is Zhao Yuan-lin. Im calling to say good-bye. I m leaving tomorrow morning. I just cant leave without thanking you for all that you ve done for me. You ve been most helpful during my stay here.Smith: That s very kind of you. W ere pleased to have

28、had you visit here.Zhao: Thank you. If you ever visit my country again, please come and stay with us for a few days.Smith: I ll certainly do that. Bon voyage, Mr. Zhao.Zhao: Thank you, and I hope we can meet again very soon. Good-bye.Smith: Good-bye.NO.11 劝告和建议A: Hello, Elizabeth. How are you?B: Fin

29、e, thanks.A: Are you sure you re all right? You look a bit worried today. Is anything wrong?B: Well, yes, there is something wrong actually. Perhaps you can give me some advice.A: Of course, if I can.B: Well, last night when I returned from the theatre, I found that I d lost my wallet.A: Oh dear! Th

30、at s terrible! What was in your wallet?B: Well, some money, of course, my visa, all my identity cards and some photos.A: Well, if I were you, I d go to the police station straight away and report it.B: Yes, I ve already done that, and they said they d make a search for it. But we re leaving soon and

31、 I need my visa and identity cards badly.A: Oh dear! What a pity! Are you sure you lost the wallet in the theatre?B: Yes, quite sure.A: I think you should put an advertisement in the China Daily, saying when and where you lost it.B: But that takes too long.A: Wait a minute! I know! How stupid of me.

32、 My uncle lives in Beijing and he lives very close to the theatre.I ll telephone him and ask him to go there to inquire about it. Youd better go and have breakfast and I llmeet you later.B: Oh, thank you. That s marvelous.NO12. 在图书馆A: Excuse me .Is this the Reference Desk?B: Yes, what can I do for y

33、ou?A: Id like to find some materials on computers.B: Is this for a particular research project or some general information?A: Well, I just need some general information for now.B: Is there any particular type of computer youre interested in?A: Im interested in the impact of microprocessors on everyd

34、ay life. I would prefer something current.B: Journal articles would be perfect for your purpose. We have quite a few journals here dealing specifically with microprocessors.A: Can I have the titles?B: Follow me. Let me show you how to locate them.A: Thanks. That was a great help.B: Any time. Do you

35、have any other questions?A: Uh, yes. Can you show me how to find books in the stacks here?B: Certainly. did you see the “card catalogues ” here? All the catalogues are in alphabetical order by author, title, and subject. Find the particular item you are looking for. Jot down the call number.A: excus

36、e me. What s the call “number ”?C: That s the number on the upper left hank corner of the card.A: I see!B: The books are shelved by call number .Do you see the shelf directory on the wall there?A: Yes.B: Follow those instructions and you should find your books in no time.A: How do I check out the bo

37、oks?B: Bring the books to the circulation desk, and the clerks will help you.A: Where is the circulation desk?B : That s where you just got your library card.A: Oh, I see. That s also called “loan desk ”, isn t it?B: Yes, you re right.A: Thank you so much.B: Oh, you re welcome. Bye now.A: Bye-bye.9 / 8


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