六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(6)教学案 外研版(三起).doc

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1、外研版(三起)六年级英语下册教学案Module 9 Unit 2 Because its going to rain.一、学习目标1. 能够听懂、会说并认读下列单词、词组laugh cup understand mistake baseball team make mistakes2. 能够听懂、会说并认读下列句子What is the matter ?Why are you laughing ?二、学习重点、难点询问不理解的事情的原因三、 module 9 whats the matter ?预习学案:预习目标:1. 通读课文,把不会的字词标出来2. 找出课文中有 “why”的句子及问答预习

2、内容:能够会说、读课文第三部分“learn to say” 部分的单词会用句子 “what is the matter ? why are you sleeping/ running / crying/laughing?” 进行交际。如图:why are you crying ? Im afraid. Etc.四、module 9 whats the matter 导学案:(一)学生自主学习、老师适当提示老师挂上挂图,学生们看挂图思考问题。老师适当提示。(二) 小组合作学习、讨论,教师适当点播What are they doing in picture ?Why are they laughi

3、ng ?Why have they got cups on their heads? Etc在学生讨论过程中,老师把事先在小黑板上画的评价表挂上,如图:Lion groupTiger groupElephant group(三) 向对方挑战如:lion group 向 tiger group 挑战,如果lion group 问的问题tiger group 答不上来,就算lion group 取胜,就可以得到一面小红旗。这个环节目的是激发学生的兴趣,在玩中学得知识。(四)播放录音,请听各个人物之间的对话。(五)读课文,然后模仿对话。(这是对知识的巩固)(六)教师精讲点播、进行知识的升华:Its

4、easy to make mistakes with EnglishWhat I have got in my bag!五、课堂检测Read and complete1. We cant play baseball_it is raining outside now.2. He likes music,_he cant sing well.3. The poor girl couldt hear,_she couldt see, either.4. It is going to rain,_I put on my raincoat.(and but so because )六、板书设计Whats the matter ?Why are you laughing? -Im happy / sad / tiredWhy have you got cups on your heads?


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