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1、测评网小学六年级语文十二册课内阅读复习(第一、二单元)小学语文十二册课内阅读复习(第一、二单元) 班级: 姓名: 第一单元 别了,我爱的中国(节选) (一) 别了我爱的中国我全心爱着的中国:我, ,在高高的船栏上看着船, ,离岸了船和岸之间的水面, ,宽了。我看着许多亲友挥着帽子挥着手说着“再见再见:”我听着鞭炮, ,地响着我的眼眶, ,了我的眼泪已经滴在眼镜面上镜面, ,了。我有一种说不出的, ,。 1、 按课文内容填空。 2、 “我有一种说不出的感动”,短文哪一句话具体写出了作者郑振铎的这种内心感受。用“ ”划出。 3、 如把这句话,改写成“我流泪了。”可以吗,为什么, 4、 这段话,作者

2、通过叙述 的感人场面,表达了自己对 、 的 之情。 5、 这段话中描摹声音的词是 ,请你按此构词方式再写两个描摹声、 . 音的词:6、 这段话朗读时应读出 A内疚、自责的语气 B热情、激昂、坚决的语气 C深情、缓慢的语气。 整篇课文朗读应把握的基调是 、 、 。 (二) 两岸是黄土和青草再过去是地平线上几座小岛。海水满盈盈的照在夕阳下波涛像顽皮的小孩似的跳跃不定水面上一片金光。 1、画线的句子是( )句,它把( )比作( ),说明了 。 2、仿写画线的句子: _ 3、这段话描写了 的景物,抒发了作者 的思想感情。 (三) 别了,我爱的中国一文的中心句在文中出现了( )次,分别表达了作者( )、

3、( )、( )。在离别的时候作者认为他自己是个罪人,理由是( ),但我们从( )可以看出作者不是一个罪人而是一个( )的人。 一夜的工作(节选) (一) 这是高大的宫殿式的房子。室内陈设极其简单, ,不大的写字台, ,小转椅, ,台灯如此而已。 ,、 按课文内容填空。 ,、 解释“如此而已”( ) ,、 这句话围绕( )这个词来写的。 ,、 你所填的是( )词,从这些词中你读懂了什么, _ (二) 他一句一句地审阅看完一句就用铅笔在那一句后面画一个小圆圈。他, ,普通的浏览, ,一边看一边在思索有时候停笔想一想有时还问我一两句。 ,、在空格内填上关联词 ,、从哪些地方看出周总理不是普通的浏览,

4、 ,、从这两句话中,可以看出总理( ),进一步说明总理( )。 (三) 1、填空:读了一夜的工作一文,我深深地为周总理的 而 。 2、如果你是当时的一名国家干部、普通百姓、记者、歌唱家聆听了这样一个故事,你会怎样抒发自己的内心感受,用语言表达出来。 我是一名 , 养花(节选) (一) 1、填空:养花的作者是 ,你读过或知道他的其它哪些作品,(写二部) 、 2、默写本文的中心句: (二) 不过, ,花草自己会奋斗我若是, ,任其, ,大半还是会死的。我得天天, ,它们像好朋友似的, ,它们。一来二去我摸着一些门道 有的喜阴 就别放在太阳地里 有的喜干 就别多浇水 摸着门道花草养活了, ,三年五载

5、老活着开花多么有意思呀:不是乱吹这就是知识呀:多得些知识决不是坏事。 1、 填空并加标点。 2、联系上下文,解释下列词语 一来二去: 门道: 任其: 3、写近义词。 门道( ) 关切( ) 若是( ) 照管( )。 of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, samplin

6、g methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations . (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the

7、shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as shatterproof, perishable, cold and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, loc

8、ations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to

9、 different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 12% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material remo

10、ved, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see

11、 light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of rea

12、gents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (mor

13、e spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes . Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair br

14、ush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with wat

15、er 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying

16、(1) cant wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 欢迎登录100测评网进行学习检测,有效提高学习成绩. 4、“多么有意思”在这里指: 5、“这就是知识呀”中“这”在文中指 , 6、写出这段话的段意。 - 7、短文要告诉我们老舍养花的乐趣是 。 8、 联系生活实际,谈谈你对划线句子的感悟。 第二单元 春(节选) (一) 一切都像刚睡醒的样子欣欣然, ,张

17、开了眼。山朗润 , ,起来了水涨, ,起来了太阳的脸红起来了。 1、给“ ”的字注音。 2、这一句话是在告诉我们春天 ,张开了眼。(用一个成语) 3、照句中叠词的样子再写几个 。 4、这句话读起来很有韵味,有节奏感,关键在于用上了“ ”这个词,你 能仿写一句富有韵味的话吗, (二) 桃树、杏树、梨树你不让我我不让你都开满了花, ,。红的像火粉的像霞白的像雪。花里带着甜味儿 闭了眼 树上仿佛已经满是桃儿 杏儿 梨儿 花下成千成百的蜜蜂嗡嗡地闹着大小的蝴蝶飞来飞去。野花遍地是:, ,有名字的没名字的散在草丛里像眼睛像星星还眨呀眨的。 1、填空并给第三句话加标点。 2、这段话写得很有条理,井然有序,

18、从文中这三个词看出: 、 、 3、这段话从多角度描写景物,它们是: 、 、 4、这段话写得很生动、很美,请用“ ”划出你最喜欢的一个句子,并说明理由: 5、“花下成千成百的蜜蜂嗡嗡地闹着”一句中,“闹”可换成“嚷”或“叫”吗,为什么, 6、最后一句话中与“遍地”一词相对应的词为 ,写出了 。 7、请你为本段加个小标题 (5字以内) (三) “吹面不寒杨柳风”不错的像母亲的手,着你。风里带来些新翻的泥土的气息混着青草味儿还有各种花的香都在微微 的空气里 。鸟儿将巢安在繁花嫩叶当中高兴起来了呼朋引伴地卖弄 的喉咙唱出 的曲子跟轻风流水应和着。牛背上牧童的短笛这时候也成天 地响着。 1、在括号中写词

19、语。 2、在第一句中,引号表示 ,“吹面不寒杨柳风”的意思是 ,写出春风 的特点,同时运用,的修辞手法,表达了作者对春风的 。 3、第二句中的“气息”的意思是( )。 ?呼吸时进出的气。 (2)气味。 4、第三句话采用了,的修辞手法。 5、这个片段写了春天的 ,作者从,、,、,这三个”把短文分三层。 方面来写的,请用“/6、读了这段话,你想起了哪一首古诗,写一写。 , 。 , 。 7、选择朗读节奏正确的一项,打“?” (1) A(鸟儿将巢/安在繁花嫩叶/当中。 ( ) B(鸟儿/将巢安在/繁花嫩叶当中。 ( ) C(鸟儿将/巢安在繁花/嫩叶当中。 ( ) (2) A(牛背上/牧童的短笛,这时候

20、/也成天嘹亮地响着。 ( ) B(牛背上牧童的/短笛,这时候也成天/嘹亮地响着。 ( ) C(牛背上/牧童的短笛,这时候也成天嘹亮地/响着。 ( ) 8、照样子写词语 打滚 踢球 健壮 嘹亮 轻悄悄 软绵绵 嫩嫩的 绿绿的 披着蓑 戴着笠 打两个滚 赛几趟跑 繁花嫩叶 轻风流水 舒活舒活筋骨 抖擞抖擞精神 of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should b

21、e increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations . (3) if not carried by hand wh

22、en the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as shatterproof, perishable, cold and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly

23、 state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and s

24、traws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 12% of industrial hydrochloric acid for

25、 several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes,

26、and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing no

27、t open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped

28、), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes . Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOA

29、P, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and the

30、n washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging

31、 beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) cant wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 欢迎登录100测评网进行学习检测,有效提高学习成绩. 绿叶(节选) (一) 我爱绿叶因为她是大自然最宠爱的儿女。当春风姑娘佛过大地是她最先把自己唯一的装饰品叶绿素与太阳光结合起来把阳光变成化学能把二氧化炭以及那些

32、没生命的旷物质变成塘和蛋白质直接或间接的供给人类和动物生命的须要。据计算一年中全球所有植物的叶子能制造4千亿吨有机食物。她总是勤勤恳恳、默默无闻地工作着使世上万物充满生机使花儿开放使鸟儿欢唱使人们昂首阔步去更好地生活 1、 给“宠爱”一词换两个意思相近的词:( ) ( ) 2、“一年中全球所有植物的叶子能制造4千亿吨有机食物”中的“有机食物”在文中具体是指什么, , 3、读这段话,你发现绿叶有什么作用,你还知道绿叶有什么作用, , 4、找出文中的错别字并订正。 , 5、文中省略号的作用是 ,破折号的作用是, (二) 我爱绿叶因为她是生态环境最勇敢的维护者。当狂风扑来绿叶挺直身躯阻挡着肆虐的流沙

33、 不让它埋没良田 当暴雨打来 绿叶紧紧拥抱住大地 坚强地忍受着暴雨的袭击 不让沃土变成沟壑 当骄阳无情地炙烤着大地时 猎狗吐出舌头发喘 水牛在泥塘里打滚 绿叶却从不屈服 她把自己体内的水分向空中大量蒸发吸收了酷热为人们送来阴凉和爽快。由于树林能蒸发水分吸收热量绿叶分布面积大的地区能使降雨次数和降雨量显著地增加。 1、在“ ”处填上标点。 2、这一段是围绕“ ”这句话来写的,写了绿叶能 ,能 , 能 ,能 四个方面。 (三) “动物呼吸需要氧气,燃料燃烧要补充氧气,微生物繁殖离不开氧气,每个日出日落,世界上要消耗多少氧气啊”这句话中的3对反义词是: ( )( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) 请

34、求(节选) 1、读句子,回答问题 1)让我独个儿在坎坷的路上磕磕碰碰向前走。 “坎坷”的意思是,,课文中指,;“磕磕碰碰”的意思是 ,这句话的含义是 。 三三角函数的计算2) 在一次次摔跤之后,我才能肩挑泰山走过九十九条沟。 “摔跤”是指 , “泰山”比喻 ;“九十九条沟”比喻 ,这句话的意思是 1、认真研读教材,搞好课堂教学研究工作,向课堂要质量。充分利用学生熟悉、感兴趣的和富有现实意义的素材吸引学生,让学生主动参与到各种数学活动中来,提高学习效率,激发学习兴趣,增强学习信心。提倡学法的多样性,关注学生的个人体验。 本卷由100测评网整理上传,专注于中小学生学业检测,练习与提升. = 1、会

35、数、会读、会写100以内的数;在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系;能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。适用版本: 人教版,苏教版, 鲁教版,北京版,语文A版,语文S版,冀教版,沪教版,北大师大版,(2)两锐角的关系:AB=90;人教版新版,外研版,新起点,牛津译林,华师大版,湘教版,新目标,苏科版,粤沪版,北京版,岳麓版 5、能掌握一些常见的数量关系和应用题的解答方法,逐步提高解答应用题的能力。适用学科: 语文,数学,英语,科学,物理,化学,生物,政治,历史,地理 三、教学内容及教材分析:适用年级: 一年级,二年级,三年级,四年级,五年级,六年级,七年级,八年级,九年级,小一,

36、小(1)理解确定一个圆必备两个条件:圆心和半径,圆心决定圆的位置,半径决定圆的大小. 经过一点可以作无数个圆,经过两点也可以作无数个圆,其圆心在这个两点线段的垂直平分线上.二,小三,小四,小五,小六,初一,初二,初三,高一,高二,高三,中考,高考,小升初 适用领域及关键字: cos100ceping,51ceping,52ceping,ceping,xuexi,zxxx,zxjy,zk,gk,xiti,教学,教学研究,在线教学,在线学习,学习,测评,测评网,学业测评, 学业测评网,在线测评, 在线2. 俯角:当从高处观测低处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为俯角在线测试,教育,在线教育,中考

37、,高考,中小学,中小学学习,中小学在线学测评网,测试,习,试题,在线试题,练习,在线练习,在线练习,小学教育,初中教育,高中教育,小升初复习,中考复习,高考复习,教案,学习资料,辅导资料,课外辅导资料,在线辅导资料,作文,作文辅导,文档,教学文档,真题,试卷,在线试卷,答案,解析,课题,复习资料,复习专题,专项练习,学习网,在线学习网,学科网,在线学科网,在线题库,试题库,测评卷,小学学习资料,中考学习资料,单元测试,单元复习,单元试卷,考点,模拟试题,模拟试卷,期末考试,期末试卷,期中考试,期中试卷 = 本卷由100测评网整理上传,专注于中小学生学业检测,练习与提升. 二特殊角的三角函数值o

38、f sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and

39、 ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations . (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen sampl

40、es to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as shatterproof, perishable, cold and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glass

41、ware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, ne

42、w glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 12% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of

43、 concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation proces

44、s released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as gene

45、ral filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: co

46、mmon test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes . Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing de


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