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1、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake必背短语。1.奶昔milk shake2.打开(电器)turn on3.关闭(电器)turn off4.调Wj (首里等)turn up5.调低(音量等)turn down6.把倒入pour , into 7.把一放进put in 8.还什-件事one more thing9. 一片/张/段/首a piece of10.两片面包two pieces of bread11. 一勺a spoon of 12.在这时at this time13.用B把A装满fill A with B14.用B覆盖Acover A w

2、ith B15. 一个个的;one by one16.很长时间for a long time17.另外10分钟another 10 minutes18.从书店借一本书take out a book from the library19.挖个坑dig a hole20.在特殊的节日里on special holidays21.米线rice noodles22.在很高的温度卜-at a very high temperature23.西红柿鸡蛋汤tomato and egg soup24. 一杯酸奶a cup of yogurt、重点结构1.how many/much1.1 t,s time (f

3、or sb.)+to do sth.3 .how + to do sth.4 .need+to do sth.5 .make sth for sb6 .What s next?7 .That s it ?8 . by+doing sth.9 . forget to do sth.1. Turn on the blender. (P. 57)turn on 忌为 打开,反义词是turn off ,例句: Please turn on the radio.例句:Don t forget to turn off the light.2. Cut up the bananas. (P. 57)cut

4、up 意为 切碎 ,相当于 cut into pieces多少到(某人)做某事的时如何做某事需要做某事为某人制作某物接下来是什么?行了吧?好了吗?通过做某事忘记做某事【教材内容解析】Section A意为“关掉”。O例句:Hand the meat to me. I ll cut it up.例句: Please help me cut up the apple.3. Pour the milk into the blender. (P. 57)pourinto表示将倒进里面,pour.out 表示“把倒出来”。例句: Please pour the water into the bowl.例

5、句: Please pour the milk out.4. How do you makea banana milk shake? (P. 57)make用作实义动词,表示制作、做, make sb. sth.相当于make sth. for sb.“为某人制造某物”。例句: My mother often makes some fresh juice for us.5. How many bananas do we need? (P. 58)need作动词时,不仅可以作情态动词,还可以作实义动词,作情态动词时,后接动词原形;作实义动词时,后接名 词或者动词不定式作宾语。例句: You ne

6、edn t go to the meeting too early.例句: We need three more workers.例句:He doesn t need to worry too much.6. Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoesinto a pot and add some water. (P. 58)put.into. 表示“把放进里面去”,也可以表示“把翻译成”。例句: He put that book into the box.例句: Can you put these English sentences into Chine

7、se?(2) add用作及物动词,表示“增加、添加“,add.to. “把添加到上去”。例句:If you add six to one, you will get seven.7. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook foranother 10 minutes . (P. 58)another+基数词+名词表示再/又:相当于“基数词+more+名词”。例句: They need another ten men to do the job.例句: =They need ten more men to do the job.8.

8、Finally , don t forget to add some salt. (P. 58)finally作副词,表示“最后、最终“,相当于 at last 或者in the end 。例句: Finally they agreed with the plan.9. Do you know how to plant a tree ? (P. 59)how to plant a tree是“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构,不定式经常和特殊疑问词连用,在句中作主语、宾语和表语。例句: When to start is not decided yet.例句:I don t know what to d

9、o next.例句: The question is when to begin the work.10. First, dig a hole. (P. 59)dig此处用作及物动词,表示“挖、掘”。例句: They will dig the garden before winter.Section B1) .and is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn . (P. 61)(1)此句中的动词不定式作定语,动词不定式作定语时,放在被修饰词后面。当作定语的不定式和被修饰词构成动宾关系时,而且动词又是不及物动词时,其后应该加上适当的介词。例句

10、:I have a letter to write.例句: They are looking for a hotel to live in.2) ) give thanks for sth.“因某事而表示感谢,give thanks to sb.对某人表示感谢“。例句:I d like to give tha nks for your help.2. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanksby having a big meal at homewith their family . (P. 61

11、)(1) by可以用来表示方式,意为“通过”,后接名词或者动名词短语。例句: He usually goes to work by bus.例句: The man makes a living by selling newspapers.(2) family指代家庭这个整体时,谓语动词用单数形式,指家庭成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。例句: Jims family is small.例句: His family are discussing their holiday plan.3. Here is oneway to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.

12、(P. 61)way表示“方法”时,后常接动词不定式或者of doing 作定语。例句: Can you think out a way to open the door/of opening the door?4. First, mix together some bread pieces, onions, saltand pepper. (P. 61)mix表示混合”,常用的结构为:mix sth. and/with sth. 把同混合起来”。例句: First you should mix milk with eggs.5. Next, fill the turkey with this

13、 bread mix. (P. 61)fill.with. 表示“用装满:常用结构还有 be filled with 装满、充满”,相当于 be full of例句: He filled the glass with water.例句: The schoolbag is filled with books.6. Then, put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it fora few hours. (P. 61)a few意为“一些”,修饰可数名词复数,表示肯定含义;few也修饰可数名词复数,但是表达否定含义。例句: There are a few stu

14、dents in the classroom.例句: Few people like mice.7. When it is ready,place the turkey on a large plate andcover it with gravy. (P. 61)(1) place此处用作及物动词,意为“放置、安置”。例句: He placed the machine under the table.(2) cover表示覆盖时,常用的结构为:coverwith.用覆盖”。被动结构为:be covered withsth. “被覆盖”。例句: The mother covered her d

15、aughter with a blanket at night.例句: The ground was usually covered with snow in winter.8. Finally, serve it to your friends with some vegetables. (P. 62)serve此处用作及物动词,意为“接待、服务、提供“,常用的结构为:serve sth. to sb.或者serve sb. (with)sth.意为“用某物招待某人”。例句: The waiters are serving coffee to customers.9. Then, cook

16、it at a very hightemperature for a long time. (P. 62)temperature 作名词,表示 温度“, at a high/low temperature “高温 / 低温”;take one s temperatu re 意 为“量某人的体温”。例句: The workers work at a high temperature.例句: The nurse took my temperature just now.10. To make this special food , you need to have rice noodles, ch

17、icken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs. (P. 63)句中的to make this special food是动词不定式结构,在句中作目的状语,可位于句首或者句尾。例句: To catch the bus, he got up early.例句: My parents came to New York to see me last month.11. Then, makethe chicken soup very hot, over 100oC. (P. 63)make sb./sth.+ 形容词“使某人/某物怎么样”;make sb. do sth.使

18、某人做某事”例句: His parents made him stay at home.例句: The news made us excited.12. Now it s time to enjoy the rice noodles! (P. 63)It s time to do sth. 意为“该做某事了,相当于 It s time for sth. 。例句:It s time for class.例句:=It s time to have class.【语法讲解】一祈使句1祈使句定义用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句。祈使句的动词都为一般现在时,句末则使用句号或感叹号。

19、2 祈使句结构( 1)第二人称祈使句通常用来向听话者发出命令,提出要求或建议。这种祈使句的主语you 通常不表示出来,而是以动词原形开头。( 2)第一、三人称祈使句是以第一人称、第三人称代词或者名词等作为祈使的对象,这类祈使句通常以let 为引导词表建议。3 祈使句的强调形式及否定形式( 1)祈使句的强调形式是在整个结构之前加do。( 2)祈使句的否定形式是在整个结构之前加don t 或 never 。( 3)以let 为引导词的祈使句的否定形式通常是在Let s 或 Let us/ me 后加 not。4 祈使句的反意疑问句( 1) Let s 表示第一人称的祈使句,反意疑问部分为“shal

20、l we ”。( 2) Let me 和 Let us 表示第二人称的祈使句,反意疑问部分为“will you ”。( 3)其他行为动词引起的祈使句,无论其陈述部分是否定还是肯定的,多用“will 。二 可数名词和不可数名词普通名词分为可数名词和不可数名词两类。表示可以计算数目的人或物称为可数名词,可数名词单数前面可以用不定冠词a an 来修饰。1名词复数的规则变化:(1) 在词尾后加 -s。如:book-books, cup-cups(2) 以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的词后力口 eso 如:busfbuses, boxfboxes, dishfdishes。watchfwatches

21、。(3) 以f, fe结尾的词,先将 f或fe变成v再加-es。如:half fhakes , wife fwives .(4) 以。结尾表示有生命的事物的词后加-es。如:herofheroes, potatofpotatoes。tomatoftomatoes , mangos mangoes(5) 以辅音字母加y 结尾的词,先将y 改为 i 再加 -es ;以元音字母加y 结尾的词,直接在词尾加-s 。如:city fcities , family ffamilies , boy-boys, day-days。2名词复数的不规则变化:(1) 元音发生变化。如:man men womans

22、women foot feet . tooth fteeth , mouses mice, goosefgeese(2) 单复数同形。如:a sheep-two sheep 两只羊,a deer ive deer五只鹿,a fish -a lot of fish许多鱼,aChinesefsome Chinese 一些中国人,a Japanesefthree Japanese 三个日本人(3) 有些名词只有复数形式。如:clothes 衣服, trousers 裤子, glasses 眼镜, scissors 剪刀, compasses 圆规(4) 合成名词变为复数时,两个词都要变为复数。如:two men doctors 两名男医生,10 women teachers 10 名女教师3不可数名词不可数名词表示不能计算数目的人或物。它们前面不能用不定冠词a an 修饰,没有复数形式。不可数名词要表示数量,要借助于量词。如:a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡,three pieces of bread 三片面包


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