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1、三年级英语第二学期期末质量检测附答案完成时间:60分钟题号IRmIVVVIVUVfflIXXXIXUXIII总分得分听力部分(50分)I、听音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内1. A. vegetableB. helpfulC. beautiful2. A. sayB. tryC. high3. A. fastB. fruitC. find4. A. TuesdayB. WednesdayC. Thursday5. A. ninetyB. ninety-nineC. nineteen葭听音,根据所听顺序用数字(1,2,3,4,5)给下列图片重新排序。()()()()()田、听音写数字。

2、School A30School BIV、听听,选一选,勾一勾(,或x )V、听一听,连一连,填一填。Report: LinglingVI、听短文,完成下列表格。What will they take to the picnic on Sunday?MathsLingling is aD. computer gamesVII、听对话,判断正(,)误(x)(quite goodtries hardMusicSciencegirl, she isntBooks were on the second floor.Toys were on the first floor.Fruit was on th

3、e first floor.Milk was on the first floor.Vegetables were on the second floor.very goodnotverygoodEnglishw- wA. basketball B. flute C. kite笔试部分(50分)即、请按顺序规范默写26个大小写英文字母。IX、请根据所给语境写出正确的单词。1. I like(牛奶)very much.2. He can sing ,(但是)he cant swim.3. (为什么)not go for a walk?4. This river is very(宽的).5. 子)

4、are my favourite fruit .X、选择,将正确的答案写在题前的括号内。()1. We pick fruit this weekend.A. areB. willC. were()2. I can English.A. speakB. hundredC. loud()3. A:B: Im from China.A. What day is after Sunday? B. Where are you from?()4. Mum and Amy in London yesterday.A. wasB. areC. were()5. Tomorrow I go to school.

5、A. wontB. dontC. am notXI、根据问句选答句,把正确的序号写在题前的括号内( )1.Will you phone me ()2.Is Daming naughty()3.Was he there?()4.What will you be ?()5.How many boys?A、No, he isnt.B、Yes, I will.C、No, he wasnt.D、There are forty.E、Maybe I ll be a writer.刈、根据语境,选择恰当的单词或短语填写在横线上plus , lots of , who , them , work hard1.

6、There are books in the big bag.2. We at English.3. A: Whats ten two? B: Its twelve .4. Im going to help.5. A:is she? B: She s Lingling .XIII、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F )Im Linlin. I m a quiet girl. I m eight. Im short and thin. Look at this photo, they re my grandparents. They wereHt old then. They were v

7、ery young. But now they are old. This is their dog. Its hair was short then. Now its long. And its cute.()1. Linlin is a girl and shes 18.()2. Linlin is quiet.()3. Her grandparents are very young now.()4. They have got a cute dog.()5. The dog is short and thin.三年级英语听力题签:注意:每道听力试题读二遍,听力时间控制在25分钟内。听力部

8、分(50分)I、听音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内。1. These flowers are beautiful.2. What does it say?3. I can t find my pen .4. Tomorrow is Thursday.5. It s ninetye.n听音,根据所听顺序用数字(1,2,3,4,5)给下列图片重新排序。1. This house is very old.2. The London Eye goes round and round.3. He ll be a footballer in the future.4. Big Ben is ve

9、ry tall. It s a very old clock.5. I ll read some books. I won . t watch TV田、听音写数字。1 .- How many pears are there at School A?-There are thirty.2 .-How many pears are there at School B?-There are fifteen.3 .- How many apples are there at School A?-There are fifty apples.4 .- How many apples are there

10、at School B?-There are forty.5 .-How many peaches are there at School A?-There are eighteen peaches.6 .- How many peaches are there at School B?-There are twenty.IV、听一听,选一选,勾一勾(域x )。请把Amy在动物园里看到的动物用 勾出,没有看到的动物用“x”画出。Amy will go to the zoo this weekend. She ll see lions, tigers and pandas. But she wo

11、nt see elephants. Because there aren eHephants at the zoo. And she also won t see pigs.V、听一听,连一连,填一填。Lingling is quite good at English. She s very good at Maths. She tries hard aMusic. She is not very good at Science. Lingling is a nice girl. She isn shy.VI、听短文,完成下列表格。(将其序号填入相应的方框内)Hi, I m Sam. On S

12、unday I am going to have a picnic with my friends. They are Amy, Daming and Lingling. Amy will take a kite to the picnic. Daming will take a basketball. Lingling will take her flute. And me? I will take my computer games. We will play together. And we will be very happy.VII、听对话,判断正(/误(x )。A: Where w

13、ere the books?B: They were on the second floor.A: And the toys?B:They were on the second floor.A: And the fruit?B: It was on the first floor. And the milk was on the first floor, too.A: Were the vegetables on the second floor?B: No, they weren t听力部分到此结束!三年级英语答案及评分标准:听力部分I、(15 = 5 分)CA CCB口、(15 = 5 分

14、)31452田、(25=10 分)ad5=10 分)V V X X VV、(1 6 = 6 分)MathsquiteverygoodgoodEnglishtries hardMusic1分)Lingling is a nice girl, she isnt shy.(2 个单词完全准确方可各得VI、(1 *=4 分)噂eDCAB即、(2X5=10分), X , 义笔试部分U、5分(备注:要求一律用手写体规范书写 26个大小写英文字母,如果个别字母 没变体就算错误,4个或4个以内字母合计0.5分,共52个字母合计5分,扣 完为止!)IX、(2 5= 10 分)1. milk 2. but 3.

15、Why 4. wide 5. Peaches(备注:画有“一一”黑体的部分各扣 0.5分。要求一律用手写及书写单词,如果个别字母没变,整体书写扣 0.5分。)X、(2 5= 10 分)BABCAXI、(15 = 5 分)BACED刈、(25=10 分)1. lots of 2. work hard 3. plus 4. them 5. W ho(备注:画有“一一”黑体的部分扣0.5分。要求一律用手写体书写单词,如果个别字母没变,整体书写扣0.5分。)XIII、(2 涔=10 分)F T F T F备注:卷面满分为100分。(听力50分,笔试50分。)优秀:90-100良好:80-89及格:60-79不及格:0-59


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