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1、牛津深圳版 八年级下册 7单元语言知识点过关.doc8B chapter 7语言知识点过关(1) 一, 单词拼写。 1, You must a_ to your sister for being so rude to her. 2, Mary is a girl who likes to follow the l_ fashions. 3, He was g_ to the poor. 4, I d like to buy your house if youre w_ to sell it. 5, My friend i_ on paying the bill after dinner and

2、 I had to agree. 6, The young mother thought it her r_ to bring up the little baby by herself. 7, What a surprise! We never e_ he could win the arts and crafts competition. 8, Thank you for o_ of help. 9, My brother is such an honest boy that he s_ breaks his promise. 10, Tom asked Joan to marry him

3、 but she r_ him. 二、必背词组:(中英互译) 1.写一篇关于的文章 2.与某人交谈 3.大量 4.零花钱 5叫某人做某事 6.打扫某人的房间 7.毕竟,终究 8. 一个快乐的童年 9. 打扰某人 10. 不得不做 11. 学着做 12. 照顾,看管 13. 付钱给某人做 14. 的责任 15. 一些有用的东西 16. 开始做 17. 给某人买某物 18. 想不劳而获 三,按要求写出相应的单词。 1, rarely(近义词)_ 2, fair(反义词)_ 3, disturb(同义词)_ 4, use (形容词)_ 5, expect(同义词) _ 6, afford(同义词)_

4、 7, value (形容词) _ 8, last(近义词)_ 9, responsibility(形容词)_ 四,从括号中选择适当形式填空。 1, You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; _(After all, At all) he is over seventy. 2, Dont _(disturb, satisfy) your mother while shes getting dinner. 3, He as well as I is _(responsibility, responsible) for it. 4, The tea

5、cher _(hopes, expects) his students to study hard. 五、选择填空 ( )1. _ pocket money do you need every week? A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How soon ( )2. -Could you please tell me _? -Bus No.32 will take you right there. A. where is Henan Museum B. what Henan Museum is like C. how can I get to H

6、enan Museum D. which bus I shall take to Henan Museum ( )3. We had learnt more than 2,000 English words _ last term. A. at the end of B. by the end of C. in the end of D. to the end ( )4. Sorry _ you, but Ive got something to tell you. A. to disturb B. disturbing C. troubling D. trouble ( )5. The ki

7、ds are busy _ ready _ the Christmas party. A. getting, for have B. to get, to C. getting, to have D. to get, for ( )6. -He seldom does housework, _ he? -_.Hes very lazy. A. does, Yes B. does, No C. doesnt, Yes D. doesnt, No ( )7. Can you find out what time _? A the train leave B. does the train leav

8、e C. will the train leave D. the train leaves ( )8. Could you tell me _ the radio without any help? A. how does he mend B. what does he mend C. how he mends D. what he mends ( )9. The conductor reminded the passengers _ any of their belonging on the bus. A. not to leave B. not leave C. dont leave D.

9、 dont to leave ( )10. I _ lots of time playing with my pet dog. A, pay B, take C, spend D, cost 六、 解释句子 1. I spent 100yuan buying the latest racket. 0 抛物线与x轴有2个交点;2. He seldom finishes his homework. (1)三边之间的关系:a2+b2=c2;3. Dont disturb me while Im studying. 4. The dictionary is very useful when you l

10、earn English. 推论2:直径所对的圆周角是直角;90的圆周角所对的弦是直径;5. I am expecting a big present from my parents on my birthday. 函数的增减性:七. 完型填空 Kate and Sandy are American students. they ,1, sisters. They live ,2, now. 二次方程的两个实数根Kate is ,3, than Sandy. She likes living in town very much. Kate thinks living in town is ,4

11、, than ,5, in the country. There are more parks, shops and cinemas in town than in the country. She especially likes the lights in town. She thinks the lights ,6, are more beautiful than the stars. She likes to read and reads ,7, than Sandy. Often Kate reads until very late at night. Sandy likes the

12、 country ,8,. She thinks the country life is quiet. There is less noise and fewer cars. She likes to visit her Aunt Peggy. She often helps her aunt ,9, her work. 7.同角的三角函数间的关系:Sandy likes to run. She runs faster than Kate. In the country Sandy can run longer than in town. She also thinks running in

13、the country ,10, the most exciting thing to do. ( )1. A. am B. is C. are D. , ( )2. A. in the town B. in town C. in the country D. in country 一年级下册数学教学工作计划( )3. A. old B. older C. more old D. more older 推论: 在同圆或等圆中,如果两个圆心角、两条弧、两条弦或两条弦的弦心距中有一组量相等,那么它们所对应的其余各组量都分别相等.( )4. A. interesting B. more intere

14、sting C. beautiful D. more beautiful 4、初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受数学在日常生活中的作用,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系,同时获得一些初步的数学活动经验,发展解决问题和运用数学进行思考的能力。( )5. A. live B. living C. to live D. is living ( )6. A. at night B. at the night C. in night D. in the night 一、指导思想:( )7. A. quickly B. more quickly C. quicklier D. more quickly ( )8. A. good B. well C. better D. best ( )9. A. for B. at C. to D. with ( )10. A. am B. is C. are D. ,


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