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1、关于常见购物英语情景对话随着网络技术的发展和普及,网上购物已经成为了人们生活中越来越重要的一部分。精心收集了关于常见购物英语情景对话,供大家 欣赏学习!关于常见购物英语情景对话IPeter :Good afternoon. What can I do for you?下午好。您需要点儿什么?Linda :Hi, I want to buy a bottle of contact lens solution.你好,我想买瓶隐形眼镜护理液。Peter :All right. Please come this way.好的。请到这边来。Linda :Which brand would you rec

2、ommend? I've heard there are quality problems with some brands.你能给我推荐个牌子吗?我听说一些牌子的护理液有质量问题。Peter :Oh, don't worry. There are no such problems with the ones we sell.哦,别担心。我们卖的护理液没有这些问题。Linda :Ok. Then I'll take this one. How much is it?好吧。那我就买这个吧。多少钱?Peter :50 Yuan.五十块钱。关于常见购物英语情景对话2Peter

3、 :It's too difficult to put in contact lenses!隐形眼镜太难戴了 !Linda :It will be a little difficult putting them in the first time, but after some practice, you'll be fine.第一次或是有点儿难,但你很快就会熟练了。Peter :All right. Is there anything I should pay attention to?好吧,有什么需要注意的吗?Linda :Yes, wash your hands befo

4、re putting on the lenses, and take them off before sleeping.戴隐形眼镜前要洗手,还有睡觉前一定要把眼镜摘下来。Got it, thank you.我知道了,谢谢。关于常见购物英语情景对话3Peter :Good afternoon. What can I do for you?下午好。您需要点儿什么?Linda :Hi, I want to buy a pair of yearly disposable contact lenses.嗨,我想买副年抛的隐形眼镜。Peter :All right. What is your prescr

5、iption?好的。您眼睛都多少度?Linda :475 degree nearsightedness for right eye and 225 degree nearsightedness for left eye.右眼四百七十五度近视,左眼二百二十五度。Peter :Ok, please come this way to pick out the ones you like.好的,请到这边来挑选喜欢的眼镜吧。Linda :I like this pair. How much are they?我喜欢这副。多少钱?Peter :4130 yuan.一百三十块。关于常见购物英语情景对话篇 4

6、Peter :Hello, I want to buy a pair of glasses.你好,我想配副眼镜。Linda :All right. What is your prescription, sir?好的,您眼睛多少度?Peter :300 degree nearsightedness for both eyes.两眼都三百度近视。Linda :Please come this way to pick out the glasses frame and lens.那到这边来选一下镜架和镜片吧。Peter :Hmm…I'll take this frame and

7、 please give me the most expensive lens.嗯……镜架要这种,镜片要最贵的。关于常见购物英语情景对话篇 5john :i want to buy a pair of fashionable sunglasses.我想买副时尚点儿的太阳镜。lily :good. how do you like these?好啊,你觉得这副怎么样?john :the color is a little too bright. how about this orange pair?颜色有点儿太艳了。这副橙色的怎么样 ?lily :orange is very popular and the color suits you well.橙色最近很流行的,而且也很配你。john :ok, so i'll take this pair.好,那就买这副了。5


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