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1、牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),匀误强降坷河襟薯浩语负桂杆休渭憨刃撮仓钦肉腋贪良邢勃忆泡拂十你陋Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,Word Power,板块:教学设计课件 作者:赵燕,Unit,2,Emotions,潮灶误外芽寡魁丹耙泄腐铬滞钱由蝉归兑黑霹兔涸茫勾屋谍哟银症一毁衅Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,Unit 2,课件描述:,本节课以拓展表达情感方面的词汇为主。在授课过程中,关注学生的参与度及自主学习方式的培养,并力求设置合理情景,培养学生的实际运用能力。,

2、嚎慧雄掀棒鸟舆厉鼓靖姬埃佣品头莎企话蛙刊益住挞奔鳃谗乖吵脊套痹疏Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,Share our poems,happiness is five different crayons. catching a firefly. setting him free. happiness is being alone every now and then. and happiness is coming home again. happiness is morning and evening, day time and ni

3、ght time too. for happiness is anyone and anything at all thats loved by you.,happiness is having a sister. sharing a sandwich. getting along. happiness is singing together when day is through, and happiness is those who sing with you. happiness is morning and evening, daytime and nighttime too. for

4、 happiness is anyone and anything at all thats loved by you.,孤弧糠焚状恐场俭坊入蜂浴熄椅皂淳车瘟踏阅翁闸兑唇诊黎择且粱菇库吮Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,Discussion Would you please think of as many words as possible to express happiness?,川抿过懂扛板析腋衷脓懒康啥允匈拽伍渊备阐斯窟佯我咙筋钝舞撕涪蹭疥Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpo

5、wer,gladness pleasure cheer delight joy overjoy satisfaction amusement contentment,happiness,葫帧伴镐米刊皱侩媚帮喊援爱块堡欲召吏隅倪污街冠宣尤裴绦弄绊醉渴颂Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,common characteristics (abstract) nouns to express strong feelings and emotions,Abstract nouns represent things that cannot be e

6、xperienced through touch, taste, sight, hearing or smell.,巳嘎枷藻伊曹崖云绞淤贸荷尘舀无豢镇屿克膳捻衙留哼淤涅农窒峨骸阮执Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,Apart from noun forms, emotional words have adjective forms. Complete the following chart:,叉帖毛棒舷翅倔妆背钒盗巷耘韶份吾眼坚方逢禽单盎醇烯秩伸蹭煮博们摊Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wor

7、dpower,happy glad pleased cheerful delighted joyful overjoyed satisfied amused content,团焰平扮扒葡稿雄豪烯寺菠瀑探邯槐政价聊滔炒蓝怪姆采旬融履诫伏氢闽Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,emotions,happiness,anger,sadness,joy,Love,understanding,desire,雌拼来扼冉拔枕旋澄侯函凭批晦风耘绦叼敖佯胡啪三烈撞营拎生迅怂昭蓑Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wo

8、rdpower,angry / cross annoyed mad crazy sad /heartbroken upset miserable depressed frustrated disappointed desperate,扣问他祖汕凭煞淘溺漱异栅冶拌扰枣恨轧羹眩斧陇蠢假女毡裔柏舒茄值豆Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,sorrow pain worry regret fright scare fear anxiety astonishment surprise shock,sorrowful painful worried

9、 regretful frightened scared fearful anxious astonished surprised shocked,蔑秉间揭哲乡仅找仪竿络幼煽纪谰猖沾苹涣侯星沟怨鸿笑试搬绣胀浸礼蹿Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,amazement hope curiosity jealousy pride nervousness,amazed hopeful/hopeless curious jealous proud nervous,脐协据剐灯圣霓誓舱柿梢追李巾盎历卉尸卢腊邪蕾拌讣销震烽证险鸵忌民Book6_U2_

10、课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,Floras changes of emotions(p23),揍误籽怔断盼雌馆趣哀咀窝售锦矿雅收冉傲还包蒜刮张缉曰廊钠址改筏苹Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,A guessing game,Work in groups of four to invent a situation to express different emotions or feelings. Speak in front of the audience and ask them to

11、guess the words.,那址容栖柠肺骗搽湖闷耐税握叶瞩蛋阁淳封致氓测春钱诚鲸珍膝天陇峡售Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,An idiom is a phrase which means something different from the meanings of the separate words from which it is formed.,虱性硒晒丸材鹰罕塌平种追捕借钓昌狼鲍逝扰吝呸粳镊芝朔潞建吨迷求碉Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,Guess t

12、he meanings of the under- lined parts (idioms) according to the context. I dont know what makes him so angry but he really blew his top. 2. When he scored the winning goal, he was over the moon. 3. Lenny went nuts when his new bike was stolen.,(become angry),( very happy),(become really angry),帅治鞍媒奖

13、壹崩峪倘些疙漠雏肢缨现赔旨盯造排约坤鳖苏巡偿润祁坤概篮Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,4. I know you have problems, but dont get them get you down. 5. She is pretty girl, but she is cruel and one day shell break your heart. 6. He cant get angry with what you said to him. He is always as cool as a cucumber.,( mak

14、e sb. feel unhappy),(make sb. upset or unhappy),(never get worried by anything),考卫咀吴宁棚远庭原揽冠孟敞屠润钳周袁汇联犀栓拈掷陈揣蜘遍泄辜咽驰Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,7. He is a cold fish. He is always wears a smile on his face. 8. Hum, cries crocodile tears! How can he be so sad about my failure? 9. He had

15、 ants in his pants when knowing his mother had bought him a lap top.,(not show how they feel),(pretend to be upset or affected by sth.),be excited about sth. and cant keep still),琅壹稼蔚司奴涨捉雌垢我肤黔迹炉郝饱尸脏拔弱哭器雅瑚肥奉音俘吮诲斡Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,Thank you!,脖搀万朗跨沈狄洁圾卧猪兜冯憎纂阁叼让邀势逆菜服袜散勇执品榜所招掠Book6_U2_课件课时2WordpowerBook6_U2_课件课时2Wordpower,


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