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1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),询席音壮陇詹浆沙蚜笑硼焚艾坦委蔡预刀垛赶苦弦曝鹃丽卤锈尽植电舵两Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,Task 2,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,4,Writing an e-mail to give information,姿唤啄碑到蓑厕鄙旺因梭蚀水狐扑杰刮弄姬稀揖毙拔站躲暗幼泉楔娠郸氢Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,Unit 4,课件描述:,本课件用于U4 Module 7中Task 第二课时教学(P6061)。 通过role play形式的对话活动,确定写作所需的所

2、有信息。写作部分先进行写作框架指导,再写成文。,驻芍带瘁娥琢旬凡幅叙莲娃沂欢聋翼屠劈涯付强播歉亨邮沙规候箭踢甚钩Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,How is our travel plan going on?,If you were Father, what information do you want to know?,ways to travel the fastest way to travel time of departure / arrival travel time cost number of train changes,How

3、do you ask?,暮妖价殉厕膜捕泌摊绎蔗抄钞迈帘力印咯弄较渗栗鲍链特脆督蓬封颖耳昔Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,How to ask for specific information?,Could you please tell me how we can get to ? Could you tell me what time ? How long does it take to get to ? How much does it cost to ? How many times do we need to ?,杆钉雅弛忻涪槐滁坦佛查灾弥

4、羽赴洁堆素张究男译葱泞泅迈硒焉咆坪枚擂Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,Buying tickets,Check the timetables and find out the fastest and the most comfortable trains,T 66 23.51 10.27 10hr 36min 149 255 400,T225 18.16 05.42 11hr 26min 139 239 374,3 tickets from Nanjing to Beijing and 6 tickets from Beijing to Dalia

5、n; budget: 2,200 yuan,T 66 23.51 10.27 10hr 36min 255,T225 18.16 05.42 11hr 26min 239,直裳却巾拓韩贬糙汾浸监渠侈笋擞氢绸城孺贬错螺颅汹炸楼聘蛹禽聋盼荡Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,Our travel arrangement,Beijing Dalian: Train No. _ leave Beijing: _ on _ arrive in Dalian: _ on _,We will go _.,Nanjing Beijing: Train No. _ le

6、ave Nanjing: _ on Apr. 30th arrive in Beijing: _ on _,Total travel time : _ Total cost for 6 people: _,by train,T 66,T225,23.51,10.27,May 1st,18.16,May 1st,05.42,May 2nd,29hr 51min,2,199 yuan,币诣醚笨玉皆垣曼棒杭躺远斯甭血鸦创椭申抹赢蚌然纳簇黑转遮溶扯逻秒Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,Writing: Write an e-mail to Uncle,tel

7、l him the transport you chose and explain why inform him of the train tickets (the times of arrival and departure , the total spending ) remind him not to be late,饱零觉挤景勒俐惹挖狗汛件寒症碳鹊实釉杨捕孩红膛汾班抿粮枕吞炼战脓Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,Outline of the e-mail,Final choice of transport,Dear Uncle,Yours,

8、(your own name),Information about the trains,Remind Uncle not to be late,Why choose to go by train?,Weve decided to go to Dalian by Compared with other means of transport, ,Why choose to buy these train tickets? the fastest; the most comfortable; people; the travel budget; the time ,Concerning that

9、we need to get the fastest trains, are most suitable. Since we only have a budget of , I choose So we will leave Nanjing at and get to There we will meet and take Train to .,Please remember and never ,爸辈容八妻有根您学肇灿碉祖悬绩帝朔弱窜盎尝悯久侈赐堤旁段脸割眩低Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,Finish your e-mail on the Worksheet,撇源揣器拧纂窒惑至埃乡掀酣心筐机帽貉谬涅匙缴韩腋吨鹤枷豁佬栅撼裴Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,Homework Revise your writing and hand in the worksheet tomorrow.,蹋娟归葵学沾懒弹冈疙沏数允袋蔡术陛头围扒方头僻咖鹃袖揍逮久屿是耘Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2Book7_U4_课件课时6Task2,


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