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1、Unit Unit 8 8 When is your birthdayWhen is your birthday 第 1 1 课时 Section Section A A 1a-2d1a-2d 教学目标 一、知识与技能 1. 掌握本节课的重点词汇和短语。 2. 掌握句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is on . 二、过程与方法 为学生设置情景,进行表演。小组合作练习对话。 三、情感态度与价值观 通过学习,了解同学、朋友及家人的生日,养成关爱他人的意识。能理解孩子的生日是母 亲的受难日,学会爱母亲,能帮母亲做一些力所能及的活。 教学重点 1. 掌握月份

2、的表达。 2. 掌握重点句型:When is your birthday? Its on . 教学难点 掌握月份和个别日期的表达。 教法导航 发挥教师指导作用,指导学生掌握重点词汇和短语。 学法导航 生生互 动,相互交流,小组合作学习,培养合作精神。 教学准备 图片、视频、写有每个月份的卡片。 教学过程 Step 1: Greetings Greet the students as usual. Step 2: Presentation 1. 复习基数词 131的读法和写法。 2. 下面是打乱顺序的 12个月份,按 1 月到 12 月的顺序排列好。 April June December Oc

3、to ber July May 1 January November August February September March 1 月: 2 月: 3 月: 4 月: 5 月: 6 月: 7 月: 8 月: 9 月: 10月: 11 月: 12月: 它们的简写如下: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. (5月没有) Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Step 3: Listening Work on 1a Listen and repeat the months. Step 4: Group work Work in groups to make

4、 a calendar which includes 12 months. Step 5: Listening 1. Work on 1b Listen and number the conversations 1-3. 2. Listen again and mark the date on the calendar. Step 6: Practice Work on 1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Step 7: Pair work Work in pairs and practice the dialogue

5、like this: A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on . Then mark the date on the calendar. Step 8: Number game The teacher shows the students the cards with numbers on them but only shows each one every time. Then get a student to speak out the number on it. Step 9: Listening Work on 2a Listen

6、and repeat. Work on 2b Listen again and circle the numbers you hear in 2a. Work on 2c Listen again. Match the names, months and dates. Step 10: Survey Make a su rvey. Ask the students: When is your birthday? To know their birt hday and fill in the 2 blanks. N ame Li Lei Birthday June tenth Step 11:

7、Homework 1. 询问全班同学的生日,并汇集成班级生日册,在增进了解的同时,还加强了句型在实 践中的应用。 2. 做一个家庭所有成员的生日调查,并填写下面的表格。 Grandfathe Name Grandmother Father Mother Uncle Brother r Birthda y 课堂作业 句子配对。 ( ) 1. When is your birthday? A. Red ( ) 2. How much is this sweater ? B. Yes, please. ( ) 3. How old is he? C. Youre welcome. ( ) 4. Can I help you? D. Its may 7th. ( ) 5. Thank you! E. He is 13. ( ) 6. What color is the T-shirt? F. Its 30 yuan. 参考答案:1. D 2. F 3. E 4. B 5. C 6. A 教学反思 月份和序数词比较多,学生不可能一下子就记住,要在以后的课堂中不断练习巩固,最终 才能形成永久记忆。 3


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