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1、八年级下册物理知识点梳理Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and gu

2、idance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration g

3、uarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental cons

4、truction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of en

5、gineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical forc

6、e rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, qua

7、lity first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the companys overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced tec

8、hnology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control, the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for e

9、xcellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal model safe and civilized construction site. promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new eq

10、uipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of八年级下册物理知识点梳理 第七章 力 第1节 力 1、什么是力?力是 ,力不能离开 存在,其中给出力的物体叫 物体,另一个接受力的物体叫 物体; 2、力的

11、单位:物理学中,力用符号 表示,力的单位是 ,简称 ,符号是 3、力的作用效果有两种:一是力可以使物体的 发生改变; 二是力可以使物体的 发的改变和 改变、 生改变。运动状态的改变包括物体运动快慢4、力的三要素:力的 、 、 叫力的三要素。影响力的作用效果的是力的 、 、 5、力的示意图:在受力物体上沿着力的方向画一条线段,在线段的末端画一个箭头,表示物体所受力的 和 。这种方法叫做力的示意图。(会画力的示意图) 6、物体间力的作用是 的。穿溜冰鞋的人用力推墙,人会向 退,这是因为力的作用是 第2节 弹力 1、物体由于 而产生的力叫做弹力。物体受力时会发生形变,不受力时形变能自动恢复到原来的形

12、状的特性叫做 ;不受力时不能自动恢复到原来形状的特性叫做 。拉力、压力、支持力都是弹力,对吗,答 。 2、测力计是测量 的大小的工具 。实验室里测量力的工具是 ,它是根据在弹性限度内,弹簧受到的 越大,弹簧的 就越长的道理做成的。测量力的工具还有握力计,臂力计等。而各种各样的秤是测 质量 的。 3、使用弹簧测力计时,首先要观察它的 和 ,不许超过它的 。还要观察弹簧的指针是否指到零刻线,若没有,则 要调 或读数时要进行 加减修正。弹簧在测量范围内有:伸长与受到的拉力成 比,弹簧的伸长=长度-原长。如原长2厘米,受3N时弹簧长5厘米,受6N的拉力时弹簧长 厘米。 4、注意:、测力时 力的方向要与

13、弹簧测力计的轴线方向一致 第3节 重力 1、重力:物体由于 而受到的力叫做重力,用字母 表示。重力的施力物体是 ,方向是 。地面 附近的一切物体都受到了 力的作用。 2、物体重力的大小跟它的 成正比,表达式为 ,重力与质量的比值为 ,它的意义是 。粗略计算时,g取 N/Kg、重力的大小要随位置而 ,而质量随位置 变。物体在月球上受到的重力是地球上重力的 。地面上60千克的物体受到的重力为 牛顿,拿到月球上去重力为 N。地面上800克的物体受到的重力为 牛顿,用量程为5N的弹簧秤能称出它的重力吗?答 。 3、重锤线是利用重力的 制成的,用它来检查所砌的墙壁是否 。 4、重心是重力在物体上的 。均

14、匀外形规则的物体的重心在这个物体的几何中心上。 会画物体受到的重力的示意图: 5、宇宙间的任何两个物体间都存在 的力这就是万有引力。 第八章 运动和力 Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the s

15、cientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configurat

16、ion, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, a

17、nd high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related law

18、s, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, fundin

19、g, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-orie

20、nted, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the companys overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed,

21、 safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control, the 16-character guideline to

22、ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal model safe and civilized construction site. promotion, application construction

23、of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation ofConstruction

24、scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to abou

25、t content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and qu

26、ality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the estab

27、lishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering construction, e

28、xisting national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich construction and r

29、elated engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first, fully embodie

30、s the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the companys overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, reducing the cos

31、t of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control, the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. ensuri

32、ng construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal model safe and civilized construction site. promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and improve the l

33、evel of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation of第1节 牛顿第一定律 1、 阻力对物体运动的影响:运动的小车受的阻力减小,向前滑行的距离变 、如果小车运动时不受阻力,小车将 运动下去、 2、牛顿第一定律:一切物体在没有受到力的作用时,总保持 状态或 状

34、态。这就是著名的 。 牛顿第一定律是:经验事实科学推理 得出的,因此 (能/不能)用实验直接验证, 3、牛顿第一定律直接描述:物体在不受力时所处的状态,即 状态或 状态。牛顿第一定律物体运动状态的原因。 间接说明:力不是维持物体运动状态的原因,而是4、惯性指一切物体都有保持原来 性质叫做惯性。一切物体任何状态下都有惯性,惯性的大小只与质量有关、 能用惯性解释生活中的现象、 第2节 二力平衡 1、物体受到几个力的作用,如果保持 状态或 状态,我们就说这几个力相互平衡,物体处于平衡状态。平衡状态是指 状态和 状态 。 2、二力平衡的条件:作用在同一物体上的两个力,如果大小 、方向 ,并且在 上,这

35、两个力就彼此平衡,它们的合力等于 0 。归纳为八个字“等大、反向、共线、同体”。 3、物体在非平衡力作用下运动状态将 。(改变、不变)、物体受平衡力作用或不受力时,物体的运动状态将 。(改变、不变) 或静止(没推动),则受到的力都是一对对的 力,即受到的4、二力平衡条件的应用:物体处于 匀速这对力方向 、大小 、作用在同一物体同一直线上。 第3节 摩擦力 1、一个物体在另一个物体表面上发生相对运动或要发生相对运动时,产生的阻碍 的力叫摩擦力。 2、滑动摩擦力的大小跟接触面的 和 大小有关系。 越大、接触面越 ,滑动摩擦力越大。 3、冰刀与冰面之间发生相对滑动,它们之间产生的摩擦称为 摩擦,瓶子

36、与手之间有相对运动的趋势,它们之间产生的摩擦称为 摩擦。自行车在地面上滚动,车轮与地面之间产生的摩擦称为 摩擦。共同点:两个物体相互 ,都产生了 力 综上可得:摩擦力产生的条件是 (1)两个物体要相互 ,(2)两物体之间发生 。 4、磨擦分为 、滚动摩擦和静摩擦。 5、增大有益摩擦方法:使接触面 些和增大 (自行车的刹车)。 6、减小有害摩擦方法:(1)使接触面光滑和减小 ;(2)用 代替滑动;(3)加润滑油;(4)利用气垫或磁悬浮。 第九章 压强 第1节 压强 1、压力:垂直作用在物体表面上的力叫压力。方向:垂直于物体表面,并指向被压物体。 scope other than unit pac

37、kage contents directly within the construction drawings of all civil works, installation. 1.1.4 used in this project the main norms and standard Atlas serial number name number 1 the architectural engineering construction quality approval standard GB 50300-2001 2 building ground foundation engineeri

38、ng construction quality approval standard GB masonry project construction quality approval standard GB 50202-2002 3 50203-2002 4 50204-2010 concrete structure project construction quality approval standard GB 5 project quality approval . Steel parts of its steel to meet the relevant national standar

39、ds on the basis of, also to meet the specification and design on mechanical properties of earthquake-resistant structures. For easy rebar supply reasonable, subcontractor selection 1-2. 2 steel raw materials testing steel comes into play, must verify that the certificate of quality of materials, whi

40、ch include: strength and reinforcement level, grade, grades, specifications, quantities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, process performance, order date, inspection seal, certificate number. Projects identified in the certificate is complete and accurate, listed mechanical properties, p

41、rocess performance and chemical composition in accordance with the corresponding technical standards, steel, model consistent with the procurement plan. Best steel quality certificate for the original, if when you copy, stamped seal of the original storage units. Steel comes into play, inspection an

42、d acceptance by batch, each issue of the same grade, the furnace tank, reinforced with the specifications, delivery status, and weight of not more than 60 tons for a second interview. Witness sampling by a supervising engineer, after passing the second interview and acceptance of supervision enginee

43、rs to be used. 3 steel making 3.1 steel processing making Qian, Xia material table to by technician and foreman audit, and will steel processing Xia material table and design figure review, check Xia material table whether has errors missed, on each species steel to by Xia material table check wheth

44、er reached design and specification requirements, after this two road check Hou, again by Xia material table made sample, trial qualified rear can batch making, processing good of steel semi-finished products to tone identifies, stacked neatly ordered. 3.2 when you need reinforcement replacement in

45、construction, agreed with the consent of the design, and there is a written notification before substitution, shall not be an area of high-strength steel bars reinforcement replacement of low intensity. 3.3 bar surface cleaner, glue, grease, dirt, rust must be cleaned before use. 3.4 After straighte

46、ning, the bars must not have local bending, small dead bent, wavy, its scars on the surface section of the reinforcement must not be greater than 5%. 3.5 steel according to the rebar sizes, diameters, lengths and quantities length match,Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation

47、as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. According to about content and the company related engineering cons

48、truction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee measures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee

49、safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulatio


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