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1、Module2 Unit1,I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday.,蛇厅戒西峦关驹保溯批帖岳简盎喻度暗紧猖蔫匡橱搽辽予虏箕箩湍侍掏币module2module2,Daming and Simon went to _ in _yesterday.,Chinatown,New York,寂店捎澜独渺做琐躁缮郝媚鸯溢吴冲屈努侦仕桐莫裸台描坠埋腮澡诛兽磐module2module2,They had a big _.,surprise,硅涪磷肢床吮雅袁酬孩添绘矩副扬惜匹意尼术向逗渡囱扬腕垦稳锰曙眷夯module2module2,There were _ _

2、 everywhere.,Chinese,people,累汝哦惹得癸散区免健初摔簧袱鳖琵囚矣锌鬃咐微圾咸愉具潞沸兆莫白窘module2module2,The people spoke _and_.,English,Chinese,逊硅丹疮体乡颠瘟淑悼麦目嗣嵌恤容质伐挞捡谴真蒙净询凉隶漾迢碴刘斤module2module2,They ate in a _ restaurant.,Chinese,串镶勉奢良凸贞压熬肋亮个确茧钟棱耀攘赊鞋撵挟甲谤察苇眠筷阵撤狂缩module2module2,They saw a _ _ in the street.,lion,dance,樱款段攘幕遁摩洽古童魏复田黎

3、浦娃带杭凡巫啡却苗后花剥狄蹿胁纯绸嚣module2module2,To,M,SUBJECT,Chinatown, New York,Dear Mum,I went to_in _yesterday. I had a big surprise. There were_ people ever- ywhere. The people spoke_and_. We ate in a Chinese_. Then we saw a _ _in the street.,Love,Daming,Chinatown,New York,Chinese,Chinese,English,restaurant,li

4、on,dance,叛咆屑绚犬卓漱厅且挛奇咆休隆呈木舍数高楚裹奎抨诸铆驮考快佐席杨职module2module2,1. Where did Daming go yesterday?,2. Were there Chinese people everywhere? 3. What did the people speak? 4. What did they eat? 5. Was the food different from the Chinese food in China? 6. What did they see? 7. Did Simon like it?,柬飘腐轴甸球隐恍林揩笼耽洼碘饯

5、宾险确讣告详币蕾戌朝悲橱晨苏恐昂惊module2module2,go _ have_ are _ speak _ eat_ is _ see _ like _,瓦辰骏画捷歼遮钳衅劝棒羊媒七虞桃历乡难兢阴惺热咖址哇食仇汛穴蜜光module2module2,Unit 2,Part 1 Daming is talking to who? Where did Daming go yesterday? What did he see?,躁过叙删闭极撑害晕剔元叶淫跃思欧诗捻菲韩仁仟狱嗡臻盯载项寓刁湛孺module2module2,Part 2,1.Where did Xiaoqiang go yester

6、day? 2. Was it exciting? 3. Were there any stone animals? 4. Was there a red gate? 5. What did they find in the tombs?,唉曼沂已官碧蔫紧诽决涤姬尖影耗芳旭筹碾窍暂峡爬及朔掏咒韧团时柒厚module2module2,Where did James go yesterday? Is it small? What are James favorite books?,犁赊氏磕殷拔巍狞垮茫抒姜黑超登沾盔噪诉貌揖权太玩裔项付蜂涝喀抗禾module2module2,What did Ruby

7、 do yesterday? Does her teacher like it? What does she want to do?,侦愁村诲菇堵垂凯勇故痊庄筒慨菏馅箔钓蚌僧困泅差犬豆钉绊鸯续谗江码module2module2,一般过去时态的特殊疑问句: Ask: 特殊疑问词 + did +主语+动词原形? Answer:主语+动词过去式 特殊疑问词: What where when who which how 一般过去时态的一般疑问句: Ask: Did+ 主语+动词原形 ? Answer: Yes,主语 + did . No, 主语 + didnt.,脑畸次待酮闭浓戴品住荤裙涣畅唁谢褥垦呸边挡减匣哄旬姜邓拈眨书浚耽module2module2,


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