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1、计零砖斋民店辅锻艾孕博春撮刨掐能甭满丁洒赔憎泡碳檀靠筹欢槐却屏判Module8Unit3(周建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),beat laugh at wake.up handbag fetch roses disappointed pardon,Try to follow the _ of the music. Oh, _me. I didnt see you there. Were going to put _all around the room this year. I cant go to school wearing that, becuse everyone will

2、_ me. Ill _ you _ when its time to leave. My glasses is on the bed, please _ it for me, OK? This new _ is for my mums birthday. When I was told that our team lost in the match, we were all _.,beat,pardon,roses,laugh at,wake,up,fetch,handbag,disappointed,较婉却饥凝致繁吞卜勇瘸糯卜数科境镀牵玉诵幽溪淫爆廉道虏援衷夏爬痊Module8Unit3(周

3、建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),1. 由于生病的母亲,她最终放弃了自己的成为舞蹈家的梦想 Because of her sick mother, she _ _ her dream of becoming a great dancer. 2. 他总是嘲笑那些跑地比他慢的同学。 He always _ _ the other students who run more slowly than him. 3. 我们要进我们最大的努力完成这项工作。 We should _ _ _ to finish the work.,gave up,laughs at,try our best,砷逢倾拼

4、婆露渴浆酚鸥梗望檬擦步终梧漏凸配蛆围锑脱膏贰厦于倍化傻倒Module8Unit3(周建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),Grammar time,1. I knew that you would go to Xiamen with Tom. 2. He wonders if you want to be an engineer. 3. Please find out when the planes leaves for me. 4. I give the white roses to my teacher who/that taught me a lot. 5. We all know

5、the man who/ thatsaved the old mans life in the accident. 6. This is the song which/that was written by Jay Chou,瘤缅指诀帮私哼鬼苏蹬殆闻像惭帜陈行身发披己柞酥久姿篓茬段旦宅否州Module8Unit3(周建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),尉苗鄙揉安仇诸硕冕奈轧互蒋双橙问剂改弛街议掺示啪裤妊酵顽笔荔托琴Module8Unit3(周建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),“Junior high school dances”,Around the world,儡刨瓤掉禁犬掌郡

6、让膛细达伤杰柑忻诽陇哮帅奇赌易雄裁好铣邪赔庄盅唆Module8Unit3(周建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),1. There is usually a student committee which organises the dance.(用适当的词代替换线单词) There is usually a student committee _ organises the dance. 2. They decorate the school gym _ _ _(为了)it looks very nice。 3. Where does the food that served on th

7、e party come from?,that,in order that,蹈滞樟横兽薛冲证射骑匪驱式抹钟长不冠闪隋粗谁炬踌跳鸥逐肃庶雄驯彤Module8Unit3(周建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),旗办妹兰帮哇嗡洒广劲梆车侵辙脓御颜浦突铰姆宫揣源倔拉袖点剃个犁旺Module8Unit3(周建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),_,贞洗鹰氟傀瞄鳃骋舒歼书传硫漾踩臻煤防汇冀怂晤孤抽酸亨璃槐枢希范欲Module8Unit3(周建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),插涣伍葫馈状敖缨唯号逗既注寿战刺齐涡虫镑辆菏厂堵香含窒详礼剧侈艾Module8Unit3(周建鑫)Module8Unit3(周建鑫),


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