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1、5、多一份关心、帮助,努力发现他们的闪光点,多鼓励、表扬他们,使其体验成功、努力学习。11.弧长及扇形的面积(1)二次函数的图象(抛物线)与x轴的两个交点的横坐标x1,x2是对应一(1) 与圆相关的概念:(一)数与代数(3)当0时,设抛物线与x轴的两个交点为A、B,则这两个点之间的距离:6 确定圆的条件:4、初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受数学在日常生活中的作用,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系,同时获得一些初步的数学活动经验,发展解决问题和运用数学进行思考的能力。156.46.10总复习4 P84-9010、做好培优扶差工作,提高数学及格率,力争使及格率达95%。(2)中心角、边心距

2、:中心角是正多边形相邻两对角线所夹的角,边心距是正多边形的边到圆心的距离.函数的增减性:如果一条直线具备下列三个条件中的任意两个,就可推出第三个.4、加强口算练习,逐步提高学生计算的能力。面对新的社会要求,教师与学生应首先走了社会的前边,因此我们应该以新课标要求为指挥棒,采用所有可行的措施,尽量体现以人为本,培养学生创新,开放的思维方式。另一方面注意处理好内容与思想的衔接,内容要在学生上学期的水平之上发展并为以后学习打下基础,思想上注意新思维与我国传统的教学思想结合最大值或最小值:当a0,且x0时函数有最小值,最小值是0;当a0,且x0时函数有最大值,最大值是0。2.正弦:6 确定圆的条件:本

3、册教材在第五单元之后安排了一个大的实践活动,即“分扣子”和“填数游戏”。旨在综合运用所学的知识,从根据事物的非本质的、表面的特征把事物进行分类,发展到根据客观事物抽象、本质的特征进行不同方式的分类,促进孩子逻辑思维能力的发展。同时,安排学生填数游戏,旨在对孩子的口算能力、逻辑思维能力和观察能力的训练,感受数学的乐趣!5、多一份关心、帮助,努力发现他们的闪光点,多鼓励、表扬他们,使其体验成功、努力学习。班级_ 姓名_ 学号_-装-订-线-灌南华侨双语学校小学分校2013-2014学年度第一学期五年级英语第一次月考复习制卷人:袁慧 审核人:谢方科 家长签字:_一、判断各组单词中划线部分发音是否相同

4、,相同的写“T”,反之写“F”(10分)1、( )waiter play 2、( )mouth now3、( )jump music 4、( )lot go5、( )son sorry 6、( )lamp grape7、( )vase name 8、( )he red9、( )hat cat 10、( ) good room二、英汉互译(10分) 1. 第一天 2. 所有的学生 3.一张世界地图 4. 听音乐 5. 把书放在你头上 6.at a music lesson 7. the rabbit in the black hat 8. go and play here 9. a new bu

5、ilding 10. heres your change 三、单项选择(15分) ( )1. Are there _ jackets in the shop? A . some B. any C. many( )2. There _ some juice in the glass. A. are B. have C. is D. has( )3.Wang Bing and _ parents are in the dining-room. A. her B. their C. his ( )4.Whats _ the tree ? Oh, Hes my brother, Mike. A. at

6、 B. on C. in( )5.How_ is that blouse? sixty yuan. A. old B. many C. much( )6.Do you like hamburgers?_ A. All right. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, very much.( )7.There _ a pair of shoes under the bed. A. is B. are C. am( )8. _you find the ruler? A. Are B. Can C. Is( )9.There is_ map of China on the wall. A.

7、 any B. a C. some ( )10.I can see _ umbrella behind the door.Its _ yellow umbrella. A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a ( ) 11. I can the violin . I like the violin .A. play, play B. play, playing C. playing, play D. playing, playing( )12._ in your new school bag? Therere many books. A. Whats B. Whatre C. W

8、heres ( )13.Is there a park _ your house? A. in B. on C. near ( )14. _any water in the glass? A. Is there B. Are there C. Is it( )15._ can _ do? She can play the piano. A. What he B. What she C.Whats she四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(15分)1. There arent (some) boys in the playground. 2. I can see a lot of (bird). 3

9、. How many (toilet) are there? 4. Let (I) see .5. Can you _(swim).6. I cant find _ (he).7. Mike likes playing _ (guitar).8. The girl can dance, but the boy _ (can).9. There _ any apples in the basket. (are)10. _( What) on the bed? Theres a doll on it.五、按要求把下列单词组织成一句通顺的话(10分) 1. any, trees, on, arent

10、, the, apples, there ( . ) 2. can , what ,you ,do ( ? ) 3. your , heres , change ( . ) 4. and , lets , look , go , a , have ( . ) 5. happy , they , to ,each , are , see , other ( . ) 六、在栏中选出栏中句子的正确答语,将其序号填入括号内(10分) ( ) 1. Glad to see you. A. Theres a mouse .( ) 2. Shall we go and play in the park? B

11、. Good idea.( ) 3. Whats in the cats mouth? C. Glade to see you.( ) 4. Can you put a book on your head? D. He is behind the door.( ) 5. Wheres Ben? E. No ,I cant.( ) 6. Do you like flowers and trees? F. Thank you.( ) 7. Can I help you? G. Yes ,I do.( ) 8. Here you are. H. Some masks, please .( ) 9.

12、How much is it? I. Six.( )10.How many birds can you see? J. Five yuan.七、根据所给中文写出句子(10分) 1. 这儿有厕所么?对不起,我不知道,我不居住在这个城市。Is there a _?_,I _ know. I dont _ _ the city(城市) 2. 你们班有多少男生?27个,他们会打篮球么?会,所有男生都会。_ _ _ _ boys are there in your class? Twenty-seven. _ they play basketball? _ _the boys can play bask

13、etball八、 阅读理解,判断正误(对的打T,错的打F)( 5分) This is a picture of our class. There are fiftyfive students in our class. You can see twenty-eight boys and twenty- seven girls. There is an American(美国的) student in our class. His name is David. His English is very good. We all like him. He likes eating bread and

14、 cakes. He likes drinking milk and apple juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. David can ski but we dont.We are very happy together. ( ) 1. There are fifty five boys in the class. ( ) 2. David is an English boy. ( ) 3. David like bread and tea. ( ) 4.Chinese students can ski. ( ) 5 We all like David.


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