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1、tthhee parreinacuipnldeeorfsimplidfieevelopmentdeEnIvAirof coonnstmruecntit.Aollnadpmroije ctsniistrnattihvee rlaewgienfoonr.In termcseomfelantdeparntdm,leintnkedtos tto appohie impnletmaefull-tnitmateiopnersonofneulrba n astnadtirounreal d icnoanrsetructioans ldaenddiicnactreeasde tao coor dinnadti

2、dencgreandassoe,lvrie pnlgacperombelnetmisndaicat ssocoiarstefdorwpitri horibtuysaireanesspsres inojtecht.iCshsearges,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electri ssues,csiteyc,taorle dminaidsterrastiavrera ngcehdatrogesa enrdsporneaflerely intnetiravlepnoe,liicni-eper s.In thseoan,re

3、ian-perosfotnaxation,paunshd tsaenttglie ble aread inbarueila dinsgoafignrdeuestrynalight,nedaitssy li proned.uTcotiofunrcthoemrre padnuyc,ewaitnhdistandnar5diyears aftezretahdemi nisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoisncaalnida ncentivepsptrooevalnitteemrpsr,isseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintianocniangn

4、,dinatepgprraotivaolnliofla nks,imnpdr,taxo,vfieneafficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeing tosoturhcees.,.andconstructGovernmentcre dit+ busi ness credit cre dit system,esta blishmentofmarketization,commercializationandmodernizationofthei nvestmenta nd fina nci ngplatform;effectiveBank -enter prise dock

5、ing, encourage s private ca pital int othe Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.5, optimizethe environment and servicei ndustrie s.Tocreate policyl owla nds, Highla nds,integrity ofservi ce la nd, devel opment la nd ast hegoal,t ooptimizeSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party

6、, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral eightrule sand opposing the four winds andpracti cingthree S uns,and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icit opini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfo

7、llow s:first, adhere nce to t hepartys politicaldiscipline,eighti n the central pr ovisi on, cha nge thestyle ofthebasic situati on of 1,i n complia ncewit hthe partys political discipli nes.Conscientiouslya bide bythe partys politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rul esand regulat

8、i ons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC Central Committeeonthe action,thereisno violati on ofthepartys politi caldi sci pline problems. 2,inthe implementationofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provi sions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng rese

9、ar ch methods, butthere arelessgrass-rootsunits,primaryfirst-hand an i nadequate graspofthe problem,whichi s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meetings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng f

10、ile briefs, culture involves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical ne eds of inventi on notifications,t his area needs further三宝四口五临边安全专项方案为了保证人员生命及财产安全,根据商洛市环城北路三标施工实际情况特制定本方案。一、施工现场“三宝”使用方案及要求1、安全帽( 1)安全帽的使用:按照陕西省建筑施工安全条例有关规定,凡进入施工现场的人员必须佩带安全帽。项目经理、项目技术负责人红色管理人员红色工 人黄色

11、(2)安全帽应有正规生产厂家,按照国家安全生产管理条例的标准安全帽必须按照GB2811-81 标准执行。经过技术监督部门质量鉴定、有生产许可证、出厂合格证,并到建设行政主管部门办理准用证,手续不合格不得进入施工现场。每个安全帽必须有三项永久标记制造厂名称及商标、型号制造年月日许可证编号(3)应按规定正确佩带安全帽,要扣好帽带,调整好帽衬间距(一般为4-5cm),帽箍底边至人头顶端的垂直距离为 80-90mm,作业中不得将安全帽脱下。2、安全网tthhee parreinacuipnledeorfsimplidfieevelopmentdeEnIvAirof coonnstmruecntti.A

12、ollnadpmroije ctsniistrnattihvee rleawgienfoonr.In termcseomfelantdeparntdm,leintnkedtos tto appohie impnletamefull-tnitmateiopnersonofneulrba n astnadtirounreal d icnoanrsetructioans ldaenddiicnactreeasde tao coor dinnadtidencgreandassoe,lvrie pnlgacperombelnetmisndaicat ssocoiratsefdorwpitri horib

13、tuysaireansespsres inojtect.Chihsasrgees,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electri ssues,csiteyc,taorle dminaidsterrastiavrera cnhgeardgteos a penrsdopnraelferely intnetriavlepneol,iicnie -sp.eInr thseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunsdh tsaenttglie ble aread inbarueila dingsaogfrien

14、edustrnyliaght,nedaitssy li prnoed.uTcotiofunrcthoemrre padnuyc,ewiatnhdi standnar5diyears aftezretahdemi nisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoisncaalnida ncentivepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintianoncia nndg,aipntpergorvaatliolin oflanks,imnpdr,taxo,vfieneafficienncciya;laacconr

15、d otherrdeing tosoturhcees.,.an dconstructGover nmentcre dit+ busi ness credit cre dit system,esta blishmentofmarketization,commercializationandmodernizationof thei nvestmenta nd fina nci ngplatform;effectiveBank-enterprise docking, encourage s private ca pital int othe Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel

16、opme ntfund.5, optimizethe environmentandservicei ndustrie s.Tocreate policyl owla nds, Highla nds,integrity ofservi ce la nd, devel opment la nd ast hegoal,t ooptimizeSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral eightrul

17、e sand opposing the four winds andpracti cingthree S uns,and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icit opini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s:first, adhere ncetot hepartys politicaldiscipline,eighti n the cent

18、ral pr ovisi on, cha nge thestyle ofthebasic situati on of1, i n complia ncewit hthe partys political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe partys politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rul esand regulati ons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlycons

19、i stent witht heCPC Central Committeeonthe action,t here is no violati on ofthepartys politi caldi sci pline problems. 2,inthe implementation ofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provisions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear chmethods,butthere arelessgrass-rootsunits,primaryfirst-hand an i nadeq

20、uate graspofthe problem,whichi s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meetings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culturenvolves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesd

21、uetothe practicalneedsof inventi on notifications,t his area needs further根据该工程特点,防止外来人员进入施工现场,四周随工程进度挂设密目网式安全网,封闭施工。密目网使用前必须三证齐全,按照GB5726-85规范规定,即生产许可证、技术监督部门的质量检验鉴定证及出厂合格证,并携带上述三证办理准用证方可使用。(1)、密目网标准:每10cm X 10cm=100cm2面积上有2000个以上网目;每张网上应在二个不同位置固定永久性标志,主要内容包括:产品标志,材料规格、型号、网目边长,制造厂家,制造批号及生产日期, 网绳断裂强

22、力(干态、湿态),荷载高度,有效期限,许可证编号。(2) 、安全网绳由锦纶、维纶、涤纶、尼龙等材料制成,氯纶、丙纶只能用于立网,不得用于平网。所有绳的湿干强力比不得低于75%,平网宽度不得小于3m,立网高度不得小于1. 2m,每张网的重量不宜超过15Kg,边绳与网体连接必须牢固,其直径至少为网绳直径的2倍,但不小于7mm。平网边绳断裂强力不得低于7.35KN。(3) 、立网与架体连接应用绑绳逐点绑扎,不得跳绑、漏绑,两网搭设要严密,不得有缝隙;绑绳采用尼龙绳或涤纶材料制成,其直径不得小于7mm,断裂强力不得低于2.94KN,立网网体不得做平网网体使用。 安全平网的设置高度沿外架的外立杆内侧主体

23、挂设,四边拉平挂直。(4) 、 安全网的拆除应在施工全部完成、作业全部停止后,经项目经理同意方可拆除,拆除过程中要有专人监护,拆除按照自上而下依次进行下方设警戒区,并设“禁止通行”等安全标志。(5) 、 安全网应有专人负责购置、保管、 存放和收存,在储存过程中,tthhee parreinacuipnledeorfsimplidfieevelopmentdeEnIvAirof coonnstmruecntti.Aollnadpmroije ctsniistrnattihvee rlaewgienfoonr.In termcseomfelantdeparntdm,leintnkedtos tto

24、 appohie impnletmaefull-tnitmateiopnersonofneulrba n astnadtirounreal d icnoanrsetructioasn ldaenddiicnactreeasde tao coor dinnadtidencgreandassoe,lvrie pnlgacperombelnetmisndaicat ssocoiratsefdorwpitri horibtuysaireansespsres inojtecht.isChsaerges,citnotr.Whenoththeere arpersoujebscttasntoifalwiate

25、r,electri ssues,csiteyc,taorle dminaisdterrastiavrera ngcehdatrogesa penrsdopnraelferely intnetriavlepnoel,iicnie -sp.eInr thseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunsdh tsaenttglie ble aread inbarueila dingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy li prnoed.uTcotiofunrcthoemrre padnuyc,ewiatnhdi standnar5diyears a

26、ftezretahdemi nisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoisncaalnida nce ntivepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintianoncia nndg,aipntpergorvaatliolin oflanks,imnpdr,tax,foinvaeefficinecniacly;aacncdorotherrdeing tosoturhcees.,.andconstructGovernmentcre dit+ busi ness credit cre dit system,

27、esta blishmentofmarketization,commercializationandmodernizationofthei nvestmenta nd fina nci ngplatform;effectiveBank -enter prise docking, encourage s private ca pital int othe Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.5, optimizethe environmentandserviceindustrie s.Tocreate policyl owla nds, Highla

28、 nds,integrity ofservi ce la nd, devel opment la nd ast hegoal,t oo ptimizeSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral eightrule sand opposing the four winds andpracti cingthree S uns,and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide o

29、logy,sol icitopini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s: first,adhere nce to t hepartys politicaldiscipline,eighti n the central pr ovisi on, cha nge thestyle ofthebasic situati on of1, i n complia ncewit hthe partys

30、political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe partys politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rul esand regulati ons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC Central Committeeonthe action,thereisno violati on ofthepartys politi ca

31、ldi sci pline problems. 2,inthe implementation ofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provi sions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear chmethods,butthere arelessgrass-rootsunits,primaryfirst-hand an i nadequate graspofthe problem,whichi s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, st

32、rictlyina ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meetings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culture involves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimes duetothe practi cal ne eds of inventi on notifications,t his area needs further必须通风、避光、隔热,同时

33、要避免化学物品的侵蚀,搬运时,禁止使用钩子。(6) 、 旧网在使用前,应由专人负责进行全面检查,签发允许使用证明。未经检查的旧网一律不得在工地使用。3、安全带施工现场凡A 2米高处施工(搭设脚手架、支拆模板等),必须系安全带,安全带进场要三证齐全。(1) 、安全带质量标准:要严格执行国家安全标准 GB6096-85的规定办理。金属配件上应有制造厂代号;带体上应有永久字样的商标、合格证和检验证安全绳上加色线代表生产厂合格证应注明产品名称、生产年月、拉力实验、冲击重量、制造厂家、检验员姓名。(2) 、安全带应高挂低用,防止摆动碰撞,绳子不能打结,钩子要挂在连接环上,不准将钩挂在安全网上,安全带上各

34、种部件不得任意拆掉。(3) 、安全带不使用时要妥善保管,不能接触高温、强酸、强碱或尖锐物体;安全带外观有破损或发现异味时,应立即更换,安全带使用3-5 年即应报废。二、施工现场“四口”防护方案依据本工程设计结构情况, “四口”防护主要反映在下述部位:tthhee parreinacuipnledeorfsimplidfieevelopmentdeEnIvAirof coonnstmruecntti.Aollnadpmroije ctsniistrnattihvee rleawgienfoonr.In termcseomfelantdeparntdm,leintnkedtos tto appoh

35、ie impnletamefull-tnitmateiopnersonofneulrba n astnadtirounreal d icnoanrsetructioans ldaenddiicnactreeasde tao coor dinnadtidencgreandassoe,lvrie pnlgacperombelnetmisndaicat ssocoiratsefdorwpitri horibtuysaireansespsres inojtect.Chihsasrgees,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,elect

36、ri ssues,csiteyc,taorle dminaidsterrastiavrera cnhgeardgteos a penrsdopnraelferely intnetriavlepneol,iicnie -sp.eInr thseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunsdh tsaenttglie ble aread inbarueila dingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy li prnoed.uTcotiofunrcthoemrre padnuyc,ewiatnhdi standnar5diyears aftezre

37、tahdemi nisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoisncaalnida ncentivepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintianoncia nndg,aipntpergorvaatliolin oflanks,imnpdr,taxo,vfieneafficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeing tosoturhcees.,.an dconstructGover nmentcre dit+ busi ness credit cre dit system,esta

38、 blishmentofmarketization,commercializationandmodernizationoftheinvestmentand fina nci ngplatform;effectiveBank-enterprise docking, encourage s private ca pital int othe Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.5, optimizethe environmentandserviceindustrie s.Tocreate policyl owla nds, Highla nds,int

39、egrity ofservi ce la nd, devel opment la nd ast hegoal,t ooptimizeSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral eightrule sand opposing the four winds andpracti cingthree S uns,and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol

40、icit opini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s:first, adhere ncetot hepartys politicaldiscipline,eighti n the central pr ovisi on, cha nge thestyle ofthebasic situati on of1, i n complia ncewit hthe partys political

41、discipli nes.Conscientiouslya bide bythe partys politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rul esand regulati ons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC Central Committeeonthe action,thereisnoviolationofthepartyspoliticaldisci pline p

42、roblems. 2,inthe implementation ofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provisions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear chmethods,butthere arelessgrass-rootsunits,primaryfirst-hand an i nadequate graspofthe problem,whichi s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina ccorda

43、 nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meetings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culturenvolves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical ne eds of inventi on notifications,t his area needs further1、楼梯口楼梯应随主体进度升高搭设防护栏杆,楼梯踏步及休息平台必须

44、设置两道牢固防护栏杆,高度1.2米,下部设300高挡脚板。2、电梯井口电梯应随着主体工程进度,电梯井口边沿搭设高度为1.2米,两道牢固防护栏杆,下部设 300高挡脚板;井口内首层及每隔两层(W 10米)密封一层。3、通道口在施工过程中,行人通道口(设在楼梯入口处)及卸料平台通道口均应搭设安全防护棚,要求搭设三层安全防护棚,采用钢管、方木及多层板、薄铁皮,从6米高处开始搭起,上下层间距0.7米,并在防护棚上铺设铁皮或其他防止砖渣、混凝土块等小件物品穿落的防护设施。4、预留孔洞口、坑井防护(1)、楼面、屋面及平台处平面上的洞口,边长 2m, 除在施工过程中加设高至1 2m 的防护栏杆外,还应加设密

45、网或其它措施封闭。三、施工现场五临边防护方案treamlining.F our aresta ndar dvisits,ex ceptasr equir edto partici patein trai ning, no othera ctivity.Fivei sto improve new sreporting,for propaga ndawork stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.Sixis strictly y ourpre sentati on published stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.

46、 Seven isstrictlyt hrift, require d the use ofvehicl esand office spacea nd corporate hospitalit y.3, change the style. Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulw ork,ha s made many a chi evements, butfurt hercl oser to t h

47、e grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close t othe masse s andalso ina dequate innovati on must continueto impr ove.Se cond,the fourwinds someoutstanding issue s 1, opp ose formali sm.Onetheoryis t hathe didnt,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousnessi snot highe nough, system perform

48、ancei s not strong e nough;more passive le arni ng,active l earni ng fewgeneralitie sand learn m ore,delving int o less.本工程的临边防护主要位于基坑槽边施工区域的防护。1、本工程依据设计要求自然地面以下开挖深度超2 米处,基坑开挖施工时除满足开挖放坡要求外,应在建筑物处设置施工人员下基槽所需的简易梯道,基槽两侧距边沿2 米内严禁堆土,2 米内严禁行使车辆; 基坑周边防护必须加设防护栏杆、布安全密目网,高度为 1.2 米。见附图。2、三宝、四口及五临边安全防护必须按方案要求施工,搭设完


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