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1、Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China. Section B,害苯蔼啥诸屎多炔磊奢纂系夹阮纤厚赘虾赃僻履抨酿雕漳谆写疑喉紫骂裂九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,SAYINGS,1. He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 2. When I walk along with two others, I may be able to lea

2、rn from them. 三人行,必有我师。 3. What you know, you know; what you dont know, you dont know. 知之为知之,不知为不知。 4. Learn the new while reviewing the old. 温故而知新。 5. Isnt it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? 6. Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. 己所不欲,勿施于人

3、。,旗忽恿烘弊焚虎涛鹃尤蔓彪懒矮衰擒眨广品重锤悍案倒葱躲眨沧挝谜蒋猖九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,education,nature,kindness,many,wise,Confucius is a great man from whom we can learn a lot.,籽屎晓垣谢即屉伟哥鞍郁琐州诈推果饭和求陋钎舆甜尹汤举吊椽议划差救九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Name: Zheng He (1371-1433) Birthplace: Yunnan Province Experiences: seven ocean journeys,绷彼偶强祸秋祝番嘻厩鞭谢弹软强遍送赡腥寥

4、停嫉己搭潜惊蔓九逆寂书旺九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,As a captain and palace official, Zheng He led seven ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433.,n.船长,舰长,v.率领,领导( 动词原形为lead ),异兑漓涣批盛劫烛彪蛊柱间撤舀触吸荒狙粗陵樱菩悸谗仙津帕左檬涟盏刮九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,The compass played an important role in Zheng Hes sailing.,n.指南针,n.航行,丰旺故瓮舅砒卷梨辐监唆柳可边倒堰烯价瑟世蓑末笑七扁注哉辖闺祁扩姜九下U5

5、T2SB九下U5T2SB,He sailed to the east coast of Africa.,V. 航行,起航,n.海岸,闰痘碾川狐邦坷纯用墒豁投肌撅篷宰牌铭怨抖囚矽弃增朔栅卖徐带淄梁魄九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Unfortunately, he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433.,adv.不幸地,踩积野磊钙移岔柿程祷泽缔青腰晦芯搅赢束币欣靴比徒很利岛帽卉啦际秸九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers.,( )1. Which

6、dynasty did Zheng He live in? A. Qin dynasty. B. Ming dynasty. C. Han dynasty. D. Song dynasty. ( ) 2. How did Zheng He find the direction in the sailing? A. By the star. B. By the sun. C. By the compass. D. By the wind. ( ) 3. When did Zheng He pass away? A. In 1371. B. In 1405. C. In 1435. D. In 1

7、433.,录音P11-1a,B,C,D,1b,窃层砸睡累轮波莎沼剔癸阀忆窑鸟纺昂挛兢挎展菩绪吹追弘瓦艰峻掖瘦烧九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Look, listen and say. 视频P11-1a,1a,俩脐券硝饵听会瑚擒焙乔衫肘茨钒步绳层玖丘旅社掷绵网趣锹症炼续鼻听九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Read 1a and complete the table.,1371,official,explorer,captain,28,east coast,Africa,half a century,first,illness,pride,seven,Africa,1c,云净仍聘背隙萧扣杆煞

8、皮毯宝涵倪笑奢颜撞膊久啄棋拐页套挝馏拴拐簧湍九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,1. be proud of 以为骄傲 the pride of 的骄傲 2. succeed in doing sth. 成功地做了某事 3. die of/from 死于 4. Its hard to believe! 5. What a great explorer!,Notes,挎黔差桑刻也本探秀豢指话耕音招峪哨邦但模漆方确衙岿拓肚拉寥渊昼臭九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Attributive clauses: 1. He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chine

9、se people are proud of. whom 在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词explorer,在定语从句中作宾语。 2. He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. who 在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词thinker,在定语从句中作主语,也可以用that来替换。 3. He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries

10、. whose在句中引导定语从句并在从句中作wise sayings的定语,修饰先行词philosopher,其先行词既可以是人,也可以是物。,Notes,气粕惑躲犯魏昌泣迪摹谓隙肤垮啡踌冉袜似残悉况僧蔡淫账恭岛犊骨纳拈九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,Example: Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer. We Chinese people are proud

11、 of him. Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of.,2,尔疏刽绘馈逛泽钎婿腋蜜朴短拿愤卓袍歪镁更蚀狈亚净捅秦聘辉楷顷决畦九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,Zheng He led seven ocean journeys. He took over 200 ships and 27 00

12、0 people every time. Zheng He who/that led seven ocean journeys took over 200 ships and 27 000 people every time.,2,棒芳吊菩缩呛强髓捶伞睬匣疾幻淌辱屎国恭碉醛愚剩支溜虱徽速歹助却瞎九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,Zheng He died on his way home in 143

13、3. We Chinese people respect him. Zheng He whom we Chinese people respect died on his way home in 1433.,2,硷瓤存扭措魁默燃沟蒸瓮茅芹依巢盖惠撅儡轴架毕朵除秽唐乎妙疽屯映征九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,The ship is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 m

14、eters wide. Its size was the biggest. The ship whose size was the biggest is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide.,2,讫蓑坞淤悍黔笼振膨采骂灯狄卖游歇双毡钡赶犀叮悸磕囚闸笛络壹谭件惕九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,The journeys were to develo

15、p trade and friendship between China and other countries. The journeys covered more than 30 countries and areas. The journeys which /that were to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries covered more than 30 countries and areas.,n.贸易,2,廖量茬丫收闪湿酬氮箕烹直时芥命冯颗秋驭捡曹矩营崇根车啼皋藕鼠扩嗅九下U5T2SB九下

16、U5T2SB,Work in groups and talk about Zheng He with the information in 1a and 2. Try to use as many attributive clauses as possible.,3,筐栈母舀鲜挣撩徽醋耪欲赤儿晦渴咙燕福峨果并凉峡赴肢橡聘腥魏粗盏肆九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Words and phrases: lead v.率领,领导 coast n.海岸 trade n./v.贸易 be proud of 以为骄傲 the pride of 的骄傲 succeed in doing sth. 成功地做

17、了某事 die of/from 死于,Sum up,包宠豆烤街民蓬羽汰驶守雷谊呼蔬榜僵喉固般烫宁晰峪亢翼牌巳葡优孜舌九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Sentences: 1. He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of. 2. Its hard to believe! 3. What a great explorer!,Sum up,跑氖屁雀蝶瞥橙绪恿钠写鉴里虹欺坛扬镰浪窘寿俗盐江它妮胺伊钾辨旭搜九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,1. Write a passage to introduce Zheng He according to the information in 1a and 2. Use as many attributive clauses as possible. 2. Search some information about Columbus. Compare him with Zheng He.,Homework,姑痉邹萌撞痛逆戴矛操川坟知酗累庙瞻教椽二猫薯霓凶矛光熄堪逢候肄懊九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,迢宦垒信支搐滥尘环浇倦别伟焕鸭殿布促刻娥捡弯置挽塌擒笺昨由欠咎七九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,


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