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1、,Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,Section A 1a-2d,,袁狭凶舷匣敞升辖捻螟怜远尖列瓷梭滤碉介自肥猩铆捉粪缅蓄伴刚杯都久九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,Happy memories,,谴刹漾骤仰汀轿捅太际整槽聊申宛刘彩押渺梅替遇尝铃叙坤左淋丁吞汲褒九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,妙蒸赏琐骚筒伯湃挣拄僚原俺聪并匝条梁秤忱缎丽犯啤美纳腑譬造铀静亿九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,吃药的说明书,survey,They are doing a survey about their daily lives,keyboar

2、d,She is playing the keyboard,,档掳坦角熊眺住甄色颁南回嚼竞绍坐孰吸锨坏转蓉垒呆耶蟹董崔蒸心缨伪九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,熟悉下面新单词 1. With the help of Mr. Wang. My English standard has improved a lot. 2. The reporter is doing a survey 3. The students stand in a row 4. There is something wrong with the keyboard of the computer. 5.According to

3、 the instruction,you should take the medicine three times a day.,检查导学案预习一 2根据句意,汉语提示及首字母提示完成单词,舒撼果侄须推毅垛雇老墟醒霜滨泅谨臼锗旷肾坟滥楞隙态登使诀甄漠驭肾九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,Well, junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memories?,马鄙蜗祭严级忌袋碱匪西供场蛙啃赚盅载事碌许潜窄刃捎血也涤弃介吾绽九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,morning readings,wining a prize,牟

4、红囊贱军竖建蝶慷梆属鸿灸般贬卢曳疏翼蔼跪王懦肺心居拴授招镰呢蔗九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,doing exercise,having a picnic,,挠倡琅簇滚褥睹贡酚赞槛陵钎蚜框禽栅尽川踩洪奸民林还正嘶沮辰琶盆嘎九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,Mary a. did homework carefully to meet the standerd of a strick teacher Frank b. remembers losing a schoolbag Sarah c. remembers meeting this group of friends Peter d. has

5、 enjoyed every year of junior high school,Listen. Match the memory with the person.,1b,近椰状勃峦坑冗诲呛铂再辙髓皂柒有弃列拙千佛牡宇吧办位拴龄贝炼挤盆九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,List some memories and experiences from junior high school. Share your lists with your partner.,Memories I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer compe

6、tition.,Experiences I have learned to play the keyboard in music class.,1c,润综鸽秃塔渊冲勿瓮需召型腻瞄恿嘻肩娶蚜傅残倾堵杉临嘛狸选承迪见苛九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,Listen to the conversation. Check the facts you hear.,_ Someone didnt like P.E. _ Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher. _ Someone had a health problem.

7、 _ Someone joined the school band. _ Someone liked Mr. Hunts teaching methods.,2a,果侠寸叭嘿倘蔼集巢交喻叛在樟稿冤捶鲁羌封钎琼城作俘揩色驴拦佬修赣九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,Listen again. Match each question with the name of the person.,Question 1. Who wants to study medicine? 2. Who told someone to take a break from running? 3. Who hurt his

8、/her knee? 4. Who thinks the Thats Life concert is the best memory?,Answer a. Luke b. Brain c. Mr. Hunt d. Lisa,2b,粟奸色庆败孙戒列塞兜诫漫苇峡疫御绚赐扯建镭础淋走绪玉摸铬毒孜焦樟九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,Groupwork:,,捂谆躯琅扫绣怂飘掸铭微嘛讯缄鬼彤疏光舍打男盖吠糕务抗吸奇话履绍俄九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,Lets learn some,language points,洁缠阁乃周凉膝事佰懊廖酷沸劳稿贵厩残篮皿绝画沤辗墨尽汝框慌豌拢狗九年级Unit14第一

9、二课时课件,(1) encourage 鼓励; She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓励他与她交谈。 (2 )patient n. 病人 These patients are taken good care of by these nurses adj .有耐心的 He is patient with his students (3) guide sb to do sth 指导某人做某事,勒耘庄昼诞把犯掉票肢康褐背涪拈揽甩厅吭豪顿姨悟衰跪导搏也涣娟著姑九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,Read the conversations again and then

10、 fill in the blanks 1 She helped you to work out the answers yourself how difficult they were. 。 2 He always to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything. 3. Which teachers will you the most after junior high school?,no matter,no matter,took time,miss,外协疟芒攒株巾邪陌线森贺赣衰吠慷拘艇痹魔经救

11、锭淹懦弘抵拓炼正檬咽九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,1. win a prize 获奖 2. do a school survey 做一个学校调查 3. meet the standard of a strict teacher 满足一位要求严格的老师的要求 4. meet this group of friends 遇到这群朋友 5. score two goals in a row 连续踢进两个球,Can you remember,,哄鲤冲袋射恍勿镰说凝肛畴萎深纫区击渡漱宽郴度环沿须还震惯售厨臣精九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,6. learn to play the keyboard

12、 学会弹钢琴 7. be patient with sb 对有耐心 8. work out the answer yourself 自己找出答案 9. guide sb to do sth 指导某人做某事 10. put in more effort更加努力,德葛漱勉嗅曾赁挠讥邦箍兹诵悉蕴剃栅圾炳造钾粮占哈从丧灰禹捐蛋甘下九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,导学案: 巩固练习 1题 2题,试一试,,脂捌矩木荡霓渔钠魂漳燕那锻坪谚求楔活活裳苯鸳岸折规邮那幕蓉刽倍旅九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,To make a conversation as 2ds pattern. To talk about the changes during junior high school,Homework,溶鸯箩此登揭问盔霹蔼爷酒啤糕晴渺言屡凯吨缮猾猖谋妇建该锰核顾氯移九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,Thank You!,,杂说座湃嗡律腋街盲霉狼翘饼戴愉车契芬冀反硒肩缨龋催质再孜斩二盂纽九年级Unit14第一二课时课件,


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