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1、关于买化妆品的英语对话A: I need some mascara. Do you have good thickening mascara?我想买一些睫毛膏。你们有卖浓稠式睫毛膏吗?B: Of course. Here is our thickening mascara. We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes.有,这是我们的浓稠式睫毛膏。我们也有一些助长睫毛的睫毛音。A: Alright. And I want to consider your eye shadow too. Do you have a color c

2、hart can look at?好的,我也想看看你们的眼影。你们有颜色表让我参考吗?B: We have a very wide selection of colors. And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin. So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some?我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。擦在眼睑上是非常温和的。你想 试试看看吗?A: Oh, sure I will need to clean off

3、 my own eye shadow first.好的,我先把我的眼影去掉。A:May I help you, sir?A:有什么可以帮您的,先生?B:Yes, I have many things to buy. I would like to choose the cleaning milk first.B:是的,我有很多东西要买。我先选一瓶洗面奶。A:All right. What is your type of skin?A:好的,您属于哪一种肤质?B:Dry Thats my problem.B:干性的,真够烦的。A:You can use this. It has special

4、effect for keeping your face moisturizes. It has this lotion, as a gift attached.A:您可以用这款,对于脸部保湿有特殊功效。另外还有一瓶乳液作为赠品。B:Sounds good. What about shampoo? I would like to buy the product that prevents scurf.B:听起来不错,那么香波呢?我想要去头屑那种的。A:How about this one? It is well-known for the effect of removing scurf.A:

5、这种怎么样?这种去除头屑很有效。B:Is it a newcomer?B:是新牌子吗?A:Yes, it is a new brand.A:是的,是新品牌。B:I do not care the brand as long as it works well.B:我不在乎牌子,只要用起来有效。A:Anything else?A:还要什么其他的吗?B:I want to buy the toothpaste, the brand of Jiajieshi.B:我还要买牙膏,佳洁士牌的。A:Yes, here you are.A:好的,给您。customer: Hi, Im interested i

6、n your moisturizers, could you tell me more about them?嗨,我对你们的保湿产品有兴趣,你可以介绍一下吗?salesman: Sure, do you know your skin type?好的,你知道你是哪一类肌肤吗?customer: Im not sure. My T-zone gets oily easily, but my cheeks are dry in the winter.我不太确定,我的T区很容易出油,但两颊在冬天会很干.salesman: I see. This Cream of Olives is our bestseller for combination skin. You can try some on your hand.我知道了.这种“橄榄滋养霜是我们卖得最好的一款,专门针对混合性肌肤,你可以在 手上试一下.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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