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1、第六章定语从句一、关系代词和关系副词 指物which/that,指人who /whom/that.作宾语时可省略。*只用that的情形:先行词是不定代词,先行词被最高级修饰,先行词被序数 词修饰,先行词既包括人又包括物。关系副词when/where/why在从句中做状语,可用相应介词加关系代词替换。二、判断先行词在从句中到底是做状语还是主、宾语I II always remember the tin(which/that) we spent together.I ll always remember the tinwhen/during which I stayed on that farm.

2、This is the hospital which/that was built 5years ago.This is the hospital where/in which my sister works.This is the reason why/for which he was late.This is the reas on (that/which) he referred to in his report.三、限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句1. 非限制性定语从句起补充信息、解释说明的作用。指人只用who、whom, 指物只用which,都不用that。2. 非限制性定语从句形成

3、条件:先行词已经很具体明确;主句说整体,从句 补充说其中部分的情况;先行词是一个陈述句表明一种情况,从句阐述其结果;whose的替换,先行词和从句的主语是所属关系,用whose引导,或替换为the名词of which(先行词指物),the名词of whom(先行词指人)。Our head teacher is Mr. Wang, who is popular among the stude nts.=Our head teacher is Mr. Wang and he is popular among the stude nts.I bought two doze n eggs last w

4、eek, two of which have gone bad.=I bought two doze n eggs last week, but two of them have gone bad.Her pet dog died yesterday, which made her very upset.=Her pet dog died yesterday, and it made her very upset.=Her pet dog died yesterday, making her very upset.=What made her very upset is that her pe

5、t dog died yesterday.=That her pet dog died yesterday made her very upset.四、as和which引导的定语从句1. 位置:as引导的定语从句可置于句首、句中、句末,which引导的定语从 句只能置于主句后;2. 意义:as引导的定语从句表示 正如、就像 ”;3. 搭配:先行词前有such, as, the sam等词语,用as引导定语从句。4. 常用句型: as is often the case, as is the case of sb,as is well known, as we all know, as is r

6、eported, as is mentioned above, as it happened5. 比较:It is reported thatIt is well known thatIt so happe ned that五、such that和 suchasJack is such a clever boy as we all like.Jack is such a clever boy that we all like him.六、先行词是the way,在从句中做状语,用in which/ that/或省略引导词在从句中做主、宾语,用 which/ that引导定语从句Please s

7、how me the way (in which/that) you did the experime nt.I can t remember clearly the way he told me.七、表示所属关系的定语从句,用whose引导,或替换为the名词of which(先 行词指物),the名词of whom(先行词指人)That man over there is Mr. Gree n, whose daughter is work ing in our school.=That man over there is Mr. Green, the daughter of whom i

8、s working in our school.He works in a departme nt whose head is a young woma n.=He works in a departme nt the head of which is a young woma n.八、the case/point/situation/stag后的定语从句,做状语,用 where引导,做主 语、宾语,用 which/ that引导After she graduated from school, she has got into a point where she has to find a j

9、ob.occasion做状语,用 when/on which九、判定从句类别They decided to build a new school in a place which is n ear the lake.They decided to build a new schooI in a place where the transport is very convenient.They decided to build a new school where the environment is very good.They decided to build a new school in

10、 what used to be an old factory.十、定语从句+强调句It was on the farm where they used to work together that they fell in love with each other.It is 8:00 _we begin our class every morning.It is at 8:00we begin our class every morning.十一、定语从句和同位语从句同位语从句阐述先行词的内容,只用that引导They were glad to hear the news that a ne

11、w school will be built to hold more students.同位语从句)They were discussing the plan which/that they made last week.定语从句)。 十二、定语从句中主谓语一致He was one of the teachers who were in vited to the party.He was the on ly one of the teachers who was in vited to the party.十三定语从句和并列句、单句I saw some trees, and the leav

12、es of them were black with disease. I saw some trees, the leaves of which were black with disease.2. The professor is an ordin ary-look ing little man, on the nose of _whom_ there is a pair of glasses.3. The World Trade Orga ni zati on (WTO) fin ally ope ned its door to Chi na on November 10,_ending

13、_ a 15-year wait.十四、定语从句中的时态This is the most excit ing football match that I have ever see n.It _is the third time that you have been late this week.十五、The reasonwhv/that he didn t attend the meeting was tiiatmother was seriously ill.十六、Is this factory the one ( which/that)we saw in the picture定语从句没

14、有先 行词特指/唯一对象时用the one泛指用one。Leifeng is a very kind person, one who is always ready to help others.Ask the boy to come to my office , the one who broke the wi ndow.Is this the factory(which/that)we saw in the picture定语从句省略关系代词。 十七、He /one/anyone /those whothat =whoeverHe who does nt reach the Great W

15、all is not a true man.Whoever cuts dow n a young tree must pla nt a new one. Those who从句中谓语用复数。十八、介词加关系代词引导定语从句1. 代替 when/where/why。2. 从句中的谓语是不及物动词,需要加介词才可以接宾语。Do you know the man with whom Mr. Li is talki ng?3. 先行词和从句中的介词形成介宾结构。The police has found the knife with which he killed the victim.4. 定语从句是

16、数词或表示数量的代词 + of which/whom。He invited 20 guests to his party, some of whom didn t come.5. 定语从句中是the +最高级+of which/whom的结构。There are many rivers in Chi na, the Ion gest of which is the Chang Jia ng river.6. 替代whose引导的定语从句。先行词和从句的主语是所属关系,用whose 引导,或替换为the名词of which(先行词指物),the名词of whom(先行词 指人)。定语从句练习:1

17、. The small boy han ded allhe had to the bigger one.2. That supper was the most expe nsive meal we have had3. Her mother won t let her manyon family is poor.4. A nybodyis aga inst this opinion may speak out .5. The manshe married didn t treat her well.6. They talked for two hours of things and perso

18、n _ they remembered in school.7.Is this the class roomyou used to study?8.Is this factorysome foreig ners visited last year?9. Antarctica(南极洲) we know very little is covered with thick ice all theyear round.10. She was born in the yearthe sec ond world war broke out.11. We will never forget the day

19、a foreigner came to visit our school.12.1 have bought the same dress_ she is wearing.13.Is that the reason you agree to the plan?14. The sun gives off light and warmth, makes it possible for plants to grow.15. He has two daughters, work as nurses.16. is known to us all, the 2008 Olympic Games will b

20、e held in Beijing.17. I ll always remember the summer holidays I spent on the seaside.18. He was the only one of the stude nts whopraised.19.Such Englishis spoke n here is not British.20. There is nothing in the worldcan frighten him.21. The day fin ally cam I was give n a job.22. The manshe was mar

21、ried was a love cheat.23. The film is so interestingwe all want to watch.24. The film is so interestingwe all want to watch it.th25.lt was May 4 I joined the Youth League.th26.It was on May 4 I joined the Youth League.27.I don t like the wayshe talked with her father.28. The wayshe told me didn t se

22、em to work.29. After graduati on, she came into a point_ she had to pla n carefully her future.30. There are occasi onsyou can recog nize some one but forget his n ame.答案:6.that 7.where 8.the one 9.about15.both of whom 16.As21.when 22. to whom 23.as28.which/that 29.where1.that 2.that 3.whose 4.that 5.whom which 10.whe n 12.as 13.why 14.which 17.which/that 18.had been 19.as 20.that 24.that 25.when 26.that 27.that/in which 30.whe n/on which


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