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1、高中英语优化设计,必修一课时训练人教版答案篇一:优化设计系列基础梳理训练及答案:新人教版必修2Unit1 Unit 1 Cultural relics 高考预练 请你根据下列提示,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈“感恩”的意义。 When we grow up,we often get a lot of love,support and help from our teachers,friends as well as our parents.However,we seldom express our gratitude to them.Being grateful to others is what

2、we shouldn't forget. 注意:?无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; ?或者列举生活中一个事例,或者谈谈自己的看法; ?词数为120左右。 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考范文 One possible version: As middle school students,not only should we acquire knowledge but also we should have good qualities.I think expressing our gratitude to people who hel

3、ped us is one of the good qualities we must possess. Two years ago,my classmate,Wang Wei ran into difficulty because his father was diagnosed with lung cancer.His father's illness added to his family's trouble,so Wang Wei was in danger of 3 dropping out of school.After learning about his bad

4、 situation,our head teacher gave him timely help by allowing him to continue his schooling without any tuition.With the help of the teacher and classmates Wang has finished school.Just before this important exam he wrote us a letter expressing his sincere thanks for what we have done.We were deeply

5、moved by his letter. Being grateful to people who helped and supported us is what we are supposed to keep in mind forever. 1(_ adj.珍贵的;有价值的?_ n(价值 2(_ vi.幸免;幸存;生还?_n(生还者?_n(幸存;生还 3(_ vt.使吃惊;吃惊?_ adj.令人吃惊的?_ n.吃惊 4(_ vt.挑选;选择?_ n.挑选;选择 5(_ n(设计;图案;构思?_ n(设计师;制图员 6(_ adj.奇特的;异样的?_ vt.想象;设想;爱好 7(_ v(装饰

6、;装修?_ n.装饰 4 8(_ n(珠宝;宝石?_ n(珠宝;首饰(总称) 9(_ n(艺术家?_ n.艺术 10(_ vi.属于;为?的一员 11(_ n(接待;招待会;接收?_ v(接收;收到 12(_ adj.木制的?_ n.木头 13(_ n(怀疑;疑惑?_ vt.怀疑;不信 14(_ prep.值得的;相当于?的价值?_ n(价值;作用?_ adj.有价值的;值得?的 15(_ n(绘画;画?_ v(绘画;画 16(_ n(根据;证据?_ adj.明白的;明显的 17(_ vi.爆炸?_ n(爆炸 18(_ n(入口?_ v(进入 19(_ n(水手;海员;船员?_ v(航海;航行

7、 20(_ adj.非正式的?_adj.正式的 5 21(_ n(争论;辩论?_ vi.争论;辩论 1(These fish are very _(稀有的)in this country. 2(Of the 30 people in the plane that crashed,only one _ (幸存)( 3(John paid only 3,000 for this used car but it's _ (值) a lot more. 4(Who has been _ (挑选)to take part in the match? 5(We are sending you so

8、me money in return for your _(宝贵的)help. 6(He is,without _(疑问),the cleverest student I've ever taught. 7(I can't tell the twins _ (分别地)( 8(The basic _(设计) of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. 9(We found further scientific _(证据) for this theory. 10(The bomb was _(爆炸) by remote

9、 control. 1(_search _ 寻找 2(belong _ 属于 3(_ return 作为报答;回报 6 4(_ war 处于交战状态 5(_ than 少于 6(take _ 拆开 7(think _ _ 看重;器重;对?评价很高 1(_ _ _ _ _ the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上了火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。 句型提炼:There is no d

10、oubt that.毫无疑问? 2(_ _ _ _ lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or (转 载 于:wWW.xlTkWJ.Com 小 龙文 档 网:高中英语优化设计,必修一课时训练人教版答案)Yuanmingyuan in Beijing? 重建琥珀屋或北京圆明园这样的文化古迹有价值吗, 基础梳理整合 词汇拓展 1(valuable;value 2(survive;survivor;survival 7 3(amaze;amazing;amazement 4(select;selection 5(design;designer 6(f

11、ancy;fancy 7(decorate;decoration 8(jewel;jewellery 9(artist;art 10(belong 11(reception;receive 12(wooden;wood 13(doubt;doubt 14(worth;worth;worthy 15(painting;paint 16(evidence;evident 17(explode;explosion 18(entrance;enter 19(sailor;sail 20(informal;formal 21(debate;debate 语境记词 1(rare 2.survived 3.

12、worth 4.selected 5(valuable 6.doubt 7.apart 8.design 9.evidence 8 10.exploded 短语回顾 1(in;of 2.to 3.in 4.at 5.less 6.apart 7.highly of 典句背诵 1(There is no doubt that 2.Is it worth rebuilding 篇二:高一英语2014-2015人教版高中英语必修一综合测试题及答案 本册综合技能训练 时间:120分钟,满分:150分 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第二部分:英语知识运用 (共两节 满分45分) ?.单项填空(共

13、15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 21(2014?湖州市属九校联考)As _ matter of fact, _number of young couples who plan to have a second kid is increasing rapidly. A(the; a C(a; a B(a; the D(不填;the 答案:B 句意:事实上,计划生第二个孩子的年轻夫妇的数量在上升。as a matter of fact“事实上”,第二空填the ,the number of“?的数量”,后面的谓语是单数,选B。 22(20

14、14?兖州市期中)_ is known to all, good friends _ happiness and value to life. 9 A(It; add C(It; add to B(As; add D(As; add to 答案:B 考查非限制性定语从句和词组。句意:我们都知道的是,好朋友给人生带来快乐和价值。as引导非限制定语从句,指代后面的句子,add.to.“把?加到?里面”,add to“增加”,选B。 23(2014?龙岩市高一质检)On December 10,2013,many world's top leaders went to Johannesbur

15、g _ Nelson Mandela, who had passed away. A(in honor of C(in search of B(in favor of D(in reward of新 课 标 第 一 网 答案:A 考查短语辨析。A.为纪念;B.支持;C.寻找;D.作为回报。句意:在2013年12月10日,许多世界最高领导人前往约翰斯堡纪念刚刚去世的纳尔逊曼德拉。故A正确。 24(2014?龙岩市高一质检)Mr. Liu born in a poor family, _ a lot of suffering when still a child. A(went along wit

16、h C(went through B(went down with D(went into 答案:C 考查短语辨析。A.陪同前往;B.患;C.经历;D.从事。句意:刘先生出身于一个贫穷家庭,当还是个孩子10 的时候吃了很多苦,故C正确。 25(2014?龙岩市高一质检)My God! I'm getting late again. What will my boss say? You can keep _ now only if you make an honest explanation. A(silent C(peaceful B(calm D(quiet 答案:B 考查形容词。A

17、.沉默的;B.镇定的;C.平静的;D.安静的。句意:天哪我又迟到了,我老板会说什么呢,你现在只有心平气和诚实的解释。故B正确。 26(2014?邯郸市高一期末)In his new book, the writer _ his memories of village life. A(set about C(set up B(set down D(set out 答案:B 本题考查动词词组词义辨析。本句句意为:在他的新书里,作者记录了他对农村生活的记忆。set about doing sth,set out to do sth“着手做某事”;set down“记录、记下”;set up“建立”,

18、根据句意,可知答案B符合语境。 27(2014?玉溪一中高一期中)Hurry up! The train _. You know it _ at 8:30 am. A(leaves; leaves C(leaves; is leaving B(is leaving; leavesD(is leaving; is 11 leaving 答案:B 考查时态。句意:快点火车就要开了。你知道的,火车上午8:30开。火车将要开动,是将来时,表示位置移动的词go, come, leave, move等,可以用进行时表示将来,排除A、C;按照时刻表上规定好的时间做某事,用一般现在时,排除D。故选B。 28(

19、2014?玉溪一中高一期中)Everybody got _ when they heard the _ story. A(shocking; frightened C(shocked; frightening B(shocking; frightening D(shocked; frightened 答案:C 考查形容词辨析。以ed结尾的形容词修饰人,意为“感到?的”;以ing结尾的形容词修饰物,意为“令人?的”。Everybody指人,get shocked“感到震惊”;排除A、C;the frightening story“令人恐惧的故事”,排除D。故选C。 29(2014?广西桂林中学期

20、中) I've got to go now. Something has just _ at school and I'm needed there. A(come to C(come up B(come in D(come over 答案:C 此处come to“谈到”;come in“进来”;come up“发生”;come over“走过来”。句意:我必须得走了,学校发生12 了事情,那里需要我。根据句意选C。 30(2014?海南嘉积中学高一上期中) Excuse me, but can you tell me _, A(where can I get to the l

21、ibrary B(where I can get to the library C(how can I get to the library D(how I can get to the library 答案:D 考查宾语从句。句意:对不起,你能告诉我怎么才能去图书馆吗,从句意看是疑问词how,排除AB,另外宾语从句的语气陈述句语序,选D。 31(2014?长春市第二中学高一期中)Though he was _ trouble after he was wounded, he managed to escape _ caught by the enemy. A(out of ; being C

22、(on ; to be B(in ; being D(in ; to be 答案:B 句意:虽然他受伤后处于困境中,但他设法不被敌人抓住。第一空考查短语be in trouble意为:处于困境中;第二空考查escape的用法,其后接动名词。故选B。 32(2014?龙岩市高一质检)How long has your brother been working in this factory? _he dropped from school in 2010. A(When 13 C(Since B(Until D(Before 答案:C 考查连词。A当?时候;B直到;C自从;D在?之前。句意:你哥

23、哥在这家工厂工作了多久,自从2010年他从学校辍学。故C正确。 33(2014?邯郸市高一期末)When _ to hand in his homework, Philip told his teacher that he had left it home. A(asking C(having asked B(asked D(to be asked 答案:B 本题考查省略。本句句意为:当被要求上交作业时,飞利浦给老师讲他把作业忘家里了。当主从句主语一致是,从句的主语和系动词可以被省略,且Philip和ask逻辑上构成被动关系,故用过去分词。本句补充完整应该是:when he was asked

24、 to hand in his homework.。 34(2014?陕西,21)I'd appreciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. A(it C(one B(you D(this 答案:A 考查固定句式。I would appreciate it if you could.“如果你能(.我将不胜感激”。 35(2014?邯郸市高一期末)This is the first time we _ a film in the cinema together as a family

25、. A(see 14 C(saw B(had seen D(have seen 答案:D 本题考查动词时态。本句句意为:只是我们作为一家人第一次一起去电影院 看电影。根据固定句型:it is the first time that sb ,现在完成时,故答案D符合语境。 ?.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 (2014?忻州市第一次联考) Many language learners think their pronunciation is good enough because their te

26、acher them. the least attention to in language learning. Mostthe students say Also, the students at pronunciation may be afraid that it will embarrass their their mistakes. Although you believe your pronunciation is good enough you may beclass in Poland. However, when he went to America, he found Am

27、ericans didn't understand of what he said.to understand what you're saying and will not be comfortable with you.you've tested your skills on real native speakers. for native or near-native pronunciation so that peopletime on it. 文章大意:语言学习中,你应该关注读音。 15 36(A.mistake C(surround B(watch D(un

28、derstand 答案:D 许多语言学习者认为他们的读音很好,因为他们的老师不会经常修正他们的读音,或者因为他们的同学能“听懂”他们的话。understand“理解,明白”;mistake“误会”;watch“观察”;surround“包围”。 37(A.made C(paid B(found D(called 答案:C 在语言学习中,读音是最不被“关注”的领域。pay attention to“注意”。 38(A.never C(even B(ever D(usually 答案:D 大多数老师“通常”只是让学生读(而不关注他们的读音)。 39(A.only if C(even if B(as

29、 if D(so that 答案:A “只有当”学生彻底错了的时候,老师们才会阻止学生。only if “只有”;as if“好像”;even if“即使,尽管”;so that“结果,以至于”。 40(A.fantastic C(necessary B(impossible D(important 答案:B 对班里所有学生的读音进行修正是“不可能的”。16 fantastic“极好的,异想天开的”;impossible“不可能的”;necessary“必要的”;important“重要的”。 41(A.poor C(good B(well D(strict 答案:C 同样的,读音“好”的学生

30、可能担心如果帮助“指出”同学读音的错误会让同学很尴尬。be good at“擅长”。 42(A.put out C(try out B(work out D(point out 答案:D point out“指出”;put out“扑灭”;work out“计算出”;try out“实验”。 43(A.communicate C(pronounce B(travel D(exchange 答案:A 尽管你认为你的读音可能足以“交流”;但是当你真地到了外国的时候,你会很“吃惊”。communicate“交流”;travel“旅游”;pronounce“发音”;exchange“交流,交换”。 4

31、4(A.happy C(surprisedB(sad D .excited 答案:C surprised“吃惊的,震惊的”;happy“高兴的”;sad“悲伤的”;excited“激动的”。 45(A.Polish C(German B(French D(English 17 答案:D 此处指在波兰和美国的共同语言,应该是“英语”。 46(A.none C(rest B(half D(lot 答案:B 只有A、B两项语法正确;再由语境可知,选half。 47(A.near to C(far from B(near from D(next to 答案:C 你的读音可能与那位以英语为本族语的人“相

32、去甚远”。far from“离(.远”。 48(A.same C(case B(matter D(fact 篇三:人教版高中英语必修一过关检测卷_Unit1_Friendship(含答案) 英语?必修1(人教版) 第一单元过关检测卷 第一部分 词汇短语与句型 一、根据首字母或中文意思完成下列句子(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1(Jack i_the traffic rules and drove after drinking. 答案:ignored 18 2(He seemed to be c_with the event. 答案:concerned 3(Everyone must

33、 calm down and s_the problem. 答案:settle 4(You have no idea of the pain and s_I went through. 答案:sufferings 5(Put on your overcoat because it's cold o_. 答案:outdoors 6(After the terrible hurricane,the whole house was destroyed_(完全地)( 答案:entirely 7(By now,he has formed the_(习惯) of reading before go

34、ing to bed. 答案:habit 8(True friends always_(分享) their happiness and sadness with each other. 答案:share 9(We can easily_(交流) with people over the world with Internet. 19 答案:communicate 10(Some animals hibernate under snow,because there is much air in_(松的) snow. 答案:loose 二、根据句子的语境选择适当的短语填入空白处(注意所填短语的形式

35、变化)(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分) add up (to) be concerned about go through set down a series of on purpose in order to according to get along with fall in love join in have got to hide away face to face 1. We've chatted online for some time but we have never met_. 答案:face to face 2(It is nearly 11 o'

36、clock yet he is not back.His mother _him. 答案:is concerned about 3(The Lius_hard times before liberation. 答案:went through 4(_ get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam. 答案:In order to 5(I think the window was broken _by someone. 20 答案:on purpose 6(You should _the language points on the black

37、board.They are useful. 答案:set down 7(They met at Tom's party and later _ with each other. 答案:fell in love 8(You can find_English reading materials in the school library. 答案:a series of 9(I am easy to be with and _my classmates pretty well. 一年级数学下册教材共六个单元和一个总复习,分别从数与代数、空间图形、实践活动等方面对学生进行教育。答案:am g

38、etting along with 10(They _in a small village so that they might not be found. tanA不表示“tan”乘以“A”;答案:hid away 三、根据提示翻译句子(共5小题;每小题1分,满分58、加强作业指导、抓质量。分) 面对新的社会要求,教师与学生应首先走了社会的前边,因此我们应该以新课标要求为指挥棒,采用所有可行的措施,尽量体现以人为本,培养学生创新,开放的思维方式。另一方面注意处理好内容与思想的衔接,内容要在学生上学期的水平之上发展并为以后学习打下基础,思想上注意新思维与我国传统的教学思想结合1(那个哭闹的小孩很快就安静下来了。(calm down) 4、初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受数学在日常生活中的作用,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系,同时获得一些初步的数学活动经验,发展解决问题和运用数学进行思考的能力。_ 21 答案:That crying child soon calmed down. 2(她为什么这么重视自己的分数呢,(be concerned about) 1、会数、会读、会写100以内的数;在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系;能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。_


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