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1、Unit 2MyfavouriteseasonTeaching aims(1)Be able to read and understand thedialogue rightly(2)Be able to act out the dialogue(3)Be able to use the key sentencesBecause I like summer vacation(4)BeabletousethenewWord because,and master it s pronunciationwImportant and difficult points(1)Be able to use t

2、he key sentences whBecause I like summer vacation(2)BeabletousethenewWord because,and master it s pronunciationLearning methods:Pair work, reading, acting, discussionLearning tools:Some pictures, self-made headwear,a recorderTeaching procedureStep1warm-up(about 8 minutes)(1) Make friendsItake out th

3、ese pictures and ask my children :“which season is it”? My children answer : “ spring”, I put it up on the blackboard.Review “summer ,autumn, winter ”like this, and then I take out the word cards, and let a student match them rightly.(2) lets singI play English songs and ask my children to follow it

4、 like this: Spring is green, summer is hot, autumn is golden, winter is white.(3) Play chain gameI ask my children “whats the weather like in spring ? They answer:“warm” ,“ whats the weather like in summer? It s hot “ .whats the weather like in autumn? ” It s cool.“ Whats the weather like in winter?

5、” Itscold .I praise my children: “ good job”, In Spring, the weather is good and colours are beautiful, I like spring best, now, which season do you like best? ”, I divide my children into 4groups: Group1 is Spring Group, Group 2 is Summer Group, Group 3 is Autumn Group, Group4 is winter Group. I as

6、k one student to answer my question .And then, the student ask the same question to the next student.They play the chain game .The students answer this question rightly get a point.Step2Presentation (about15 minutes)I Lead inI show my children these pictures, I ask my children to observe and discuss

7、 them.(1)What season are they?(2)What are there in every picture?By this, they can recall dependent words and sentences.I will give them distinct task(1)Which season does John like best?(2)Which is Zhang Peng s picture?It will make them catch and understand the key words easily. Listen and answer th

8、ese questions , finish Let s try. Listen again and check the answers.II PresentI say:“ John likes spring best , which season does Amy like best?”Let my children read the text and answer the questions(1) Which season does Amy like best?(2) Why?(3) Which season does Miss White like best?(4) Why?1.I le

9、t my children read the text and discuss with their partners. And then, every group choose a student to report the results.The group which answer rightly get a point 2.Read the text again and check theanswers.3.Read the text the third time, find some questions that they cantunderstand ,and then discu

10、ss with each other .The group which ask a question gets a point, the group which answer a question gets two points .If necessary I will help them .4.Work out the new words“ because”I write a sentence on the blackboard: Zhang Peng likes spring best, (because) the weather is good.I let my children gue

11、ss the Chinese meaning of ”because”,and then, I will guide them to use the new word because” ”( 1)I like spring best, ( because) the weatheris good(. 2)Amy likes autumn best, ( because) the colours are beautiful.( 3)Miss White likes summer best, ( because)she likes summer vacation.I ask my children

12、to write a sentence with“ because ”.Iwillwritethepronunciationof“ because on” the blackboard. I ask my children to spell it naturally and write with finger.I present a PPT about the text, let my children finish it.Amy: Hello, Miss White , look at my picture.Miss White:()! I like the trees. Thecolour

13、s are very ().Amy: Yes, I like() best, the () is (),andthe () are ()! Which season doyou like best,Miss White?Miss White: ().Amy :()?Miss White :() like summer vacation 5. Read the text loudly following the recorder6 Read the text in different roles and then exchange roles7 Act it outEach group elec

14、ts several students to act out the text in front of the blackboard with self-made headwear actors get pointsStep 3 practice(about 15 minutes)Brain stormingI ask:“what can we do in spring?”My children answer freely and I will sum up:(1)fly kites (2)go on a picnic (3)plant trees (4)go swimming (5)eat

15、ice-cream(6)pick apples (7)collect leaves (8)make a snowman (9)fight in snow Some of them are new, we will learn in the next period.According to Moorhouse forgetting rules, something repeated five times will be firmlyin mind. So I m here tomyshowkids first.Pair workI let my children know well these

16、activities and refer to these activities to choose their favorite season and express the reasons.Know well these activities ,make a dialogue and practice with their partnerAt last, add up all points and choose the winner, reward a medalKnowledge extension (about 2 minutes) The works of God is beautiful, we should love every seasonStep4 Blackboard DesignMake a survey and fill in the blanksFavorite season The reasonsYour motherYour fatherYour grandpaYour grandma


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