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1、Section B,Unit 5It must belong to Carla.,九年级新目标,Have a guess,1. Whats the meaning of these words?2. Use the words to write a sentence describe each picture on page 37.,land man UFO alien chase,The UFO is landing.,Reference,The alien is chasing the man.,Reference,The man is running.,Reference,Have a

2、guess,Guess what is happening based upon the pictures.What do you think will happen in the end ?,2a.Listen to the story and find out whether your guess is right. Give the order of those pictures.,c a b,1. The UFO is landing. It is coming down from the sky! 2. The terrible, ugly, frightening alien is

3、 chasing the people. 3. The frightened man is looking back at the alien. 4. A woman with camera is shooting films. 5. They must be making a movie.,2a,He could be_. He might_. It could be_. It must be_.,running for exercise,be late for work,a UFO,a helicopter,2b. Listen to the details and complete th

4、e sentences .,It must be_. I must be_.She could be_. They must be_.,an alien,dreaming,from the TV news,making a movie,2c. Pairwork,Discuss in pairs and make an inference about what happens in the picture.,Sample dialogue 1,Why do you think the man is running?,He could berunning for exercise.,No, hes

5、 wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus.,Sample dilogue 2,It could be playing with the man for fun.,Why do you think the strange creature is running after the man?,No, cant you see it is very fierce? It must be hungry.,3a. Strange events in Bell Tower neighborhood,Strange events in Bell

6、Tower neighborhoodOur neighborhood used to be very quiet. However, these days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy. Zhou Gu, the local school teacher is extremely worried.,When he was interviewed by the local newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange noise

7、s outside our window. My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. My parents called the police, but they cant find anything strange. They think it might be the wind. I dont think so!”,Zhous next door neighbor Qi Hui is unhappy too. “At first

8、, I thought it might be a dog, but I cant see a dog and I still hear the noises outside.” Everyone in our neighborhood is worried, and everyone has his or her ideas. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it?,Read and answer questions.,1.What can you see in the p

9、icture?2.What can we know about the woman?,There is a woman looking out of the window.,She is a little frightened and confused.,3. Where is the article from? 4. What is the passage about?5. What is the strange thing? What do the people think of it?,Its a newspaper article.,The passage is about stran

10、ge events in Bell Tower neighborhood.,A local school teacher called Zhou Yu heard strange noises outside his window every night. His wife thinks that it could be _. His friends and he think it must be _.The police think it might be the _.His neighbor thinks it might be a _.,teenagers having fun,an a

11、nimal,wind,dog,Explanation,1. However, these days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy.(1) however 是转折连词, 与but意义 相同,但however是较正式的说法。(2) these days意思是: 最近,近几天,(3) unhappy是happy的反义词。unhappy 是一个合成词,由un+happy组合而成。 前缀 例词 派生词 un- happy unhappy like unlike grateful ungr

12、ateful friendly unfriendly lucky unlucky,2.My parents called the police, but they cant find anything strange. 我的父母亲报了警,但他们也没能发现奇怪的东西。 (1) the police可以看作为复数名词,意思是“警察、警方”。 但如果指一个警员,就要用a policeman或a policewoman。 (2) cant在本句中,不表示“推断”,而表示“能力”。,What do you think about this strange event?,Discuss with your

13、 partner about your opinion.,3b. Write another paragraph about Bell Tower using these notes.,Chu family late night footsteps might be neighbor Lao Zheng someone trying to get in the window might be the windXiao Ning finds garbage in front of her house might be cats,One sample version,Late that night

14、, the Chu family found some strange footsteps in the hallway, they thought they might be their neighbors. Lao Zheng, one of the Chus friends thought it might be someone trying to get in the window.,Then one morning, Xiao Ning, a student who lives next door, found some garbage in front of her house,

15、she thought it must be of some wild cats. But the old hunter thought it could be garbage of cats. There must be some animals visiting the hallway. But what could it be?,4. Groupwork:Speaking,Think of a dream you had recently and tell your classmates about it.,ExplanationIn my dream, I was swimming i

16、n an ocean of paper. (in)an ocean of, 或(in)oceans of是介词短语, 口语中常用,意为“极多的,用不尽的”。在of后接不可数名词或可数名词复数形式均可。 e.g. He thinks he has oceans of time. 他认为他有用不尽的时间。,Sample dialogue1,A: Last night I had a dream. In my dream, I was chased by a group of people. I was very frightened.B: Maybe it means you feelnervou

17、s under the pressure of study, you are afraid of falling behind others.,Sample dialogue 2,A:The night before last I had a dream. In my dream, I saw my grandma. In fact, she has been dead for 3 years.B: It might mean youre looking forward to seeing her; you must miss her very much.,1. Im very anxious

18、 about it.2. These days, everyone is extremely worried about the weather.3. We hear strange noises outside our classroom. 4. You are not very careful of the aliens swimming in the river.fun. 5. My parents are my favorite teachers of English.,A proverb is a short popular saying, usually of unknown an

19、d ancient origin, that expresses effectively some common truth or useful thought. It is a wise saying.,Self Check,1. One finger cannot lift a small stone. We must unite to do things. 众人拾柴火焰高。 2. When an ant says “ocean”, hes talking about a small pool. Different people have different views on things

20、. 人们所处的环境不同,对事物的看法也不同。,3. It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.We should be honest even if we are poor. 诚信为先,富贵在后。 4. Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark. 小心不说话的人和不叫的狗。,People or animals who are silent might be thinking about hurting others.

21、5. You cant wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. 帮人也需要人同意。 If others dont need help, its useless to offer them some.,6. Tell me and Ill forget. Show me and I may not remember. Let me try, and Ill understand. 多听和多看,不如多实践。 The best way of learning is to practice doing something. 7. Dont let y

22、esterday use up too much of today. 今日事,今日毕。,Dont let past things worry you anymore. 8. He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone. 一个好汗三个帮。 If you want to do something great, do not be shy to ask for help.,Barking dogs seldom bite. 直译:爱叫的狗不咬人,咬人的狗不露齿。吠犬不咬人。 意译:外强中干。虚有其表。虚张声势。 Bea

23、uty is only skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone. 直译:美丽流于肤浅,丑陋深邃入骨。红颜易变,丑陋难改。 意译:江山易改,本性难移。 A word spoken is past recalling. 直译:说出的话无法收回。 意译:一言既出,驷马难追。,A friend in need is a friend indeed. 直译:患难朋友才是真朋友。 意译:患难见真情。He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. 玩火自焚 Laughter is the best med

24、icine. 笑一笑十年少。 Learn to walk before you run. 欲速则不达。 Learning is the enterprise of a lifetime. 活到老学到老。学无止境。,Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨 Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草蛇 One turnip,one pit. 一个萝卜,一个坑。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 Rome wasnt built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的。,1.The people _ travel all o

25、ver the world think China is a beautiful country.2. I cant say anything _ moves us deeply.3. Paper is made _ wood.4. The trees can stop the flood from _ (wash) the earth away.,Fill in the blanks.,who,that,of,washing,5. By the end of last term, we _ (study) three thousand words.6. You must practise _

26、 (play) the piano every day.7. Edison was a great American _ (invent).,had studied,playing,inventor,8. He hasnt enough _ (经验)for the job.9. Its good to tell _ (true).10. Youd better _ (not go) to the supermarket.,experience,truth,not go,Homework,Look at this headline and finish the article about the strange events in Bell Tower.,No more mystery in Bell Tower NeighborhoodWe now know what was happening in Bell Tower neighborhood. The director of the local zoo says that three monkeys escaped from,


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