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1、诚信 博爱 砺志 自强海则庙学区“六环节自主学习”教学模式导学案科目:英语 年级:四年级 主备人:王娟 编号:2课题Unit1 My classroom学生姓名三、 lets play.根据课本对话内容,编对话并表演。展示:lets talklets play 拓展延伸:方位介词的复习与巩固二次备课课型新授备课时间9.1上课时间9.2学习目标1.能听懂、会说本课并能在日常生活中运用We have. 这一句型。2 .能听懂、会说表建议的句子“Lets go and see! Ok”3.能听懂、会说并能恰当使用表示方位的词near.学习重点难点理解并灵活运用以下句子:We have a new c

2、lassroom. Lets go and see! Its near the window.二次备课学习提纲(呈现目标,明确任务;合作交流,问题导向;生问师答,定向释疑;盘点收获,拓展提升。)【课前预习】Review to understand (温故知新)1.翻译下列短语。(注意:一定要认真、仔细噢!)Open the door_ Turn on the light_Close the window_ open the window_Put up the picture_ Clean the blackboard_ 2.读课文,了解其中大意。【课堂学习】一、lead-inI have a

3、penI have a crayon.We have a new classroom.观察教室,看看我们的教室里有什么呢?小组讨论,小组成员汇报答案。二、 课文学习lets talk1、 看课件,了解课文主要内容。2、 跟读课文。3、 学生自由读课文。4、 分角色读课文。5、 课文重点内容分析。达标检测1. 认真读课文,正确写出所缺单词。Hey,Zhang Peng.We have a new 。(教室) (真的吗)?Whats in the classroom? (让我们)go and see.Its so big.Look!My (图片)! (在哪里)is it?Its (距离近)the

4、(窗户)。2.仔细观察书上第四页的图片写出单词。r e c b p b p 学习反思学生作业设计 姓 名:共性作业:一、Look, choose the words and write. (读句子,选出正确的单词填在横线上。)blackboard light door picture 1. Open the _. 2. Turn on the _. 3. Clean the _. 4. Put up the _.二、 请你阅读短文,并判断正误。 We have a new classroom. Look! This is our classroom. Wow. Its so big. The

5、door is yellow. The windows are green. The wall is white. We have two boards, eight lights, many desks and chairs. We have a computer on the teachers desk. Thats great.1.( ) We have a new classroom.2.( ) It is small.3.( ) The door is green.4.( ) We have many desks and chairs.5.( ) The windows are white.6.( ) The computer is near the teachers desk.日期2014.9.2次数1等级是否自主完成分层作业 A组选做,B、C组同学必做连线 Open the door 开灯Turn on the light 开门 Clean the window 擦黑板 Put up the picture 擦窗Clean the blackboard 张贴图画 勤学 乐学 多思 博学


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