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1、课题裕民小学“先学后教,练测结合”教学设计Module8 Uint 1 looking at photos课时主备人使用人教学内容分析 通过继续学习大明与西蒙的对话,会用 always, often, sometimes, never 谈论行为习惯与爱好. 句型并要求学生唱会英语歌,引导学生熟练运用句型教学目标1教学目标:1. 知识目标: 会用 always, often, sometimes, never 谈论行为习惯与爱好.2. 能力目标: 能正确运用 always, often, sometimes, never描述自己的行为习惯与爱好.3. 情感目标: 通过交流, 教育学生同学之间要团

2、结互助,友好相处.。教学重难点教学重点: 学会运用 often, always, sometimes, never 描述自己的行为习惯与爱好.教学难点: 理解一般现在时的概念, 并正确运用 often, always, sometimes, never.教具学具准备教学准备: 录音机, 教学挂图, 单词卡片教学设计思路1、Play a game: Simon says2、Teacher gives some instructions, get the students to listen and response.(play football, play basketball, run fas

3、t, read books, play computer games.)设计意图:课前通过游戏活动进行热身,复习已学过的动词词组,为新课做铺垫,同时渲染愉快的学习氛围,将学生的注意力吸引到课堂上来。教学内容及师生活动设计二次设计1. Free-talkT: What day is it today?Ss: Today is Monday.T: How many days are there in a week? What are they?Students name the weekdays, teacher writes them on the blackboard.(Sunday, Mon

4、day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)2. Ask the students: What do you do on Monday/Tuesday?Then let the students ask me: What do you do on .?3. T: I watch TV on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So I often watch TV.Teach the word “often”.4. Ask several students: What do you often do?Do you

5、 often.? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Write the key sentences on the blackboard.5. Let the students ask and answer one by one.设计意图:通过谈话,询问学生每一天干什么以及教师自己的生活安排,从而逐步引出“often”, 让学生明白“often” 的含义,然后进行问答,初步引出句型“Do you often?”.课文学习1. Show the chart, get the students to look at the pictures and say:Who are they i

6、n the dialogue? - They are Amy and Lingling.What are they doing? - They are looking at photos.2. Play the tape, get the students to listen and try to answer the questions:a. How many photos do they look at?b. Whats in each photo?3. Listen to the tape again and repeat, then talk about:What does Amy/

7、Lingling often do?4. Listen carefully, let the students speak out loudly when they hear “often”.5. Ask the students to read the key sentences which include the word “often”.a. Do you often play with dolls?b. I often read stories.c Not very often.设计意图:通过学习课文,了解Lingling 和Amy 的行为习惯,学会运用句型“Do you often?

8、” “I often.”课堂检测:1. Do activity book. Exercise 1. listen and judge True False or Dont know.2. Talk about Amy and write sentences.Amy doesnt often play with dolls.Amy often reads stories.Amy doesnt often clean room.设计意图:在课文学习完之后做练习,趁热打铁,进一步加深对课文内容的理解,复习巩固句型。Step 5 Extension Lets do a survey.1. Let th

9、e students leave their seats and ask their friends Do you often.?” Then tick or cross.Teacher walks around the classroom and ask some students “Do you often?”2. Let the students say: . often . doesnt often.设计意图:在学生已掌握句型的基础上进行拓展,让学生离开自己的座位,调查自己身边的同学日常的行为习惯,增进同学之间的交流与了解。Summary: 在日常生活中,我们要培养良好的行为习惯,学会与人友好相处,团结互助。设计意图:总结本课所学内容,及时地对学生进行情感教育。板书设计 Unit 1 looking at photos Pandas eat twelve hours a day


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