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1、 Module10 Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike?【教学目标】1.继续学习用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事情。 2.培养学生听说读写和运用所学词汇句型进行交流的能力。 3.让学生快乐地学习英语。【教学重点】 1.句型What happened to? I .yesterday. 2.词和词组happen thirsty then watermelon carry bump went ride bought fell off 【教学难点】1.动词过去式的特殊型。 2.and 和 then的用法。3.词组fall off的用法。【教学准备】PPT课件,音频、视频、

2、单词卡片等 。【教学过程】一、Warming up and Revision1.Free talkT:Hello,boys and girls. Welcome to our English class. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Where did you go last weekend? How did you go there ? Ss:. 2. Revision 教师呈现以前学过的地点和交通工具的图片。学生看图片,完成对话。3.Listen and chant.(1)教师播放动画,学生感知动画内容。(2)教师出示图片讲解单词fall和fell,短语fall of

3、f和fall down。(3)教师用同样的方式讲解单词town,find和found。(4)学生听录音,跟唱歌谣。二、Presentation1.Listen,point and find Did you.?. (1)教师播放动画,请学生找出句型: Did you.? (2)教师出示大明头受伤的图片,并提问:What happened to Daming?引出单词happened。教师讲解单词happened(3)教师用同样的方式讲解其他单词。(4)Games: Whats missing? (5)教师播放本课录音,学生回答问题:1.What did Sam and Daming do yes

4、terday? 2.Were they hungry and thirsty?3.Who fell off his bike ?(6)Fill in the blank1.What_ your head,Daming? 2.Oh, Sam and I _ ride yesterday .3.And then we were _ and _. 4.Then Sam _his bike!(7)Look and tick.(8)Role play三人一小组,分别扮演Amy ,Daming 和Lingling。2. Language point (1)What happened to.?询问某人或某人

5、的身体部位发生了什么事时,常用到的句型。What happened to + 人/身体部位What happened to your head? 你的头怎么了?What happened to you? 你怎么了?(2) 小练习1. What happened to your face ? _ 2._ your leg? 你的腿怎么了? 3. _? 他怎么了?4.What happened to her? 她怎么了?5.What happened to them? 他们怎么了?(3)一般过去时概念:一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为;过去主语所具备的能

6、力和性格。肯定句基本结构:主语+谓语(动词过去式)+句子其他成分例句:Yesterday I took some pictures. 一般疑问句基本结构:Did+主语+do+其他。例句:Did your father go fishing last Saturday? Yes,he did./No,he didnt. (4) 小练习 按要求完成下列各题。1.He lived in Beijing. (变成一般疑问句) _ he _ in Beijing?2. Did you go to Beijing last year? (否定回答) _, I _.3.I went to China on

7、holiday. (变否定句) I _ _ to China on holiday. 4.I watched TV yesterday?(对划线部分提问)_5.They went to Shanghai by plane.(对划线部分提问)_3.Listen and say 学生观察图片,听录音,补充单词。 4.Practice复述本课小故事。注意:时态和关联词。3、 Consolidation给下列句子选择合适的答语。( )1.Were you hungry or thirsty then?( )2.Did you buy some water?( )3.Did Sam fall off h

8、is bike?( )4.Did Amy take you to the hospital?( )5.Did the watermelon bump your head?A.Yes,it did. B.No,she didnt. C.Yes,he did D.No,we didnt. E.Yes,we were.4、 Summary1.What happened to.?常用来询问某人或某人的身体部位发生了什么事。例句:What happened to your head? 你的头怎么了?2.一般过去时肯定句基本结构:主语+谓语(动词过去式)+句子其他成分例句:Yesterday I took

9、 some pictures. 一般过去时一般疑问句基本结构:Did+主语+do+其他。例句:Did your father go fishing last Saturday? Yes,he did./No,he didnt. 五、 Homework 1. Read the dialogue by yourselves. 2. Retell the story to your family.【板书设计】 Module10 Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike?单词: happened, ride, thirsty, carried, bumped, fell off,bought,watermelon 句子:What happened to you?I went for a bike ride yesterday.We were hungry and thirsty.We bought a watermelon.Sam carried the watermelon on the bike.Sam fell off his bike.I bumped my head.He took me and the watermelon to the hospital.


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