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1、附录A:外文参考文献及其摘要翻译14篇TITLE:The Implementing of WCDMA Uplink Simulation by Matlab Simulink AUTHOR:Zhu-chengABSTRACTB:ased on the specification of WCDMA uplink, the Feasibility of system simulation for 3Gmobilecommunication system using Matlab software with SIMULINK toolbox on the PC platform is explore

2、d. It is convenient by this approach to realize many modules of said 3G system such as frequency-spreading, de-spreading, M.1225 channel, Doppler, channel estimation, RAKE receiver (including Maximum rate combination, strong finger selection) and so on. Complete matrix model description for the case

3、 of single user with uplink multiple coding channels as well as the procedure of implementing the simulation are also given. Simulation results show that our simulation platform is credible.题目:WCDM/系统上行链路层 MATLAB平台SIMULINK实现作者 :Zhu-cheng摘 要:本文以WCDMAS准中上行链路结构为蓝本,研究了第三代移动通信系 统仿真在PC机上利用MATLAB平台的SIMULIN

4、K工具箱实现的可行性。方便地 实现了诸如:扩频、 M.1225 信道、时变增益路径( Doppler )、信道 估计、 RA KE 若干强径选择最大比合并、 解扩、判决接收等 SIMULINK 模块。 给出了上行链路 单用户多码道的完整矩 阵数学模型和仿真实现过程。仿真结果显示该仿真平台 是可靠的。TITLE: SIMULATION FOR CDMA WIRELESS COMMUNICATION APPLYING MATLABS SIMULING FUNCTION,1998AUTHOR:Man Young RheeABSTRACT:his paper gives a simulation fo

5、r cdma communication applying Matlabs simulink function,and offer a group of softwave to perform the visualizing simulation,the software perfectly display the advantages and process of normal cdma communication,more over,it provides a softxwarebase for further study on cdma communication.题目:WCDM/系统上

6、行链路层 MATLAB平台SIMULINK实现作者:Man You ng Rhee摘 要:本文给出了一个基于MATLA的仿真功能而实现的CDM通信的仿真系统, 并且提供了一套软件来完成可视化仿真,这套软件完美的演示了一般 CDMA1信 系统的优势和处理过程,更为重要的是它为深入研究 CDMA1信系统提供了一个 软件基础。TITLE: Prospect and Chinese Development Strategies of Future MobileCommunication SystemsAUTHOR:YOU Xiao-huABSTRACT:he developing trends and

7、 technical challenge of future mobile communications are summarized in this paper,and development strategies of Chinas mobile communications are suggested based on the analysis of developing status of world mobile communications.The characteristics of future mobile communications,such as requirement

8、 of data service with higher speed,huge variety range of data speed,personalization of IP address and limited wireless spectrum resource,put forward requirements of more advanced metwork,more flexible air interface and mobile terminals.The R&Dof 4Ghas begun in all over the world. In order to develop

9、 Chinas mobile communications,China should grasps the opportunity to begin the R&D of 4G key technologies in time ,and not only develops the force of R&D and outputs IPR,but also spreads the impacts in the world communication field through all sorts of beneficial factors.题目 : 未来移动通信系统展望和我国的发展战略作者 :Y

10、OU Xiao-huIP地摘 要: 综述了未来移动通信系统的发展趋势及其在技术上所面临的挑战 , 在分 析国内外移动通信发展现状的基础上 , 指出了我国移动通信领域的发展战略。未 来移动通信系统更高量级数据速率的要求、 数据速率的大动态变化范围、址的个人化和有限的频谱资源等诸多方面的特点 , 要求系统有更加先进的网络、 更加灵活高效的空中接口和移动终端等。世界各国已经开始了4G的研制工作。我国应该抓住时机,及时开始4G关键技术的研究,在不断发展科研力量和输出 知识产权的基础上 , 要充分利用各种有利因素 , 扩大我国在移动通信领域的国际 影响, 以推动我国未来移动通信事业的发展。TITLE :

11、On Simulation of DS/CDMA Communication SystemsAUTHOR :XU JuanABSTRACTIn: this paper , the bit-error-rate(BER) performance of the asynchronous direct-sequence CDMA(DS/CDMA)multiuser system in a wireless radio communications environment characterized by Rayleigh multipath fading channels is investigat

12、ed. Because of the system complexity,the BERperformance of CDMAsystems in such an environment is difficult to assess analytically. Monte-Carlo(MC) simulations can offer an alternative performance evaluation tools. But such an alternative is often is often limited by an excessive computational burden

13、.Importance Sampling(IS) is a variance reduction technique which can significantly reduce the computatinal cost required by MC simulations.This paper will describe the basic principles of IS and the BERof DS/CDMAmultiuser system in Rayleigh multipath fading channels is simulated using MC method andI

14、S technique respectively.Simulation results indicate that IS results and MCresults are in close agreement and that IS simulation can significantly reduce the computational cost required by MC simulation when the RER is very low.题目:DS/CDMAffl信系统仿真的研究作者:XU Jua n摘 要:本文研究了 Rayleigh多径衰落信道下的直扩/码分多址(DS/CDM

15、A多用 户系统的误码率。由于系统的复杂性 , 其误码率很难通过分析获得 ,Monte-Carlo 仿真是一种可代替的性能分析工具。但是 ,Monte-Carlo 仿真经常被过大的计算 量所限制。重要抽样技术是一种方差减少技术 , 它能显著地减少运算时间。本文 将描述重要抽样的基本原理 , 并分别利用 Monte-Carlo 和重要抽样技术仿真 Rayleigh多径衰落信道下的DS/CDM多用户系统的误码率。仿真结果表明:重要 抽样技术仿真与 Monte-Carlo 仿真结果吻合得很好 , 并且在低误码率的场合 ,与 Monte-Carlo 仿真相比, 重要抽样技术能显著地降低运算量。TITLE

16、:MATLAB WEB SERVER AND ITS APPLICATION IN REMOTE COLLABORATIVE DESIGN OF MAGNETIC BEARING SYSTEMSAUTHOR :ZHAO AIPINGABSTRACTA:cclimatizing itself to the development of network ,Math works Inc constructed a MATLAB Web Server environment by dint of which one can browse the calculation and plots of MAT

17、LABthrough Internet directly .The installation and use of the environment is introduced .A code established on the platform of MATLAB,whichdeals with the modal analysis of magnetic bearing system(MBS) supporting rotors of five degress of freedom and considering the coupling of thrust bearing with ra

18、dical bearings is modified to work in the environment. The purpose is to realize a remote call of the code by users through Internet for the performance analysis of the system.Such an application is very important to the concurrent design of MBS and for the utilization of distributiveknowledgeacquis

19、ition resources in collaborative design.The work on modification and realization is described and the results are discussed.题目:MATLAB网络服务器及其有承磁系统的远程协作设计的应用作者 :ZHAO AIPING摘要:网络的发展使要它适应新的环境,一些数学著作构造了一种MATLAB网络服务器的环境能通过因特网直接的浏览MATLAB的计算过程。其安装和使用方法将作出介绍。在MATLAB的平台之上建立的一个代码,处理承磁系统(MBS)附带 对 5 个自如的旋转体的模型分析

20、, 并包括了一对在工作环境中被称作是基本的冲 力。其目的是让用户通过因特网为该系统的分析执行实现一个远程的呼叫。 这种方法对于MBS的协同设计和在合作领域中所需知识资源的利用是非常重要的。完善和实现以上功能的工作将会被涉及而且结果也会被讨论。TITLE :NEURALNETWORMKODELINGFORDYNAMICPULSEDGTAWPROCESWSITHWIRE FILLER BASED ON MATLAB AUTHORZhao DongbinABSTRACTD:ouble-sided weld pool shapes were determined by multiple welding

21、 parameters and wire feed parameters during pulsed GTAWwith wire filler. Aiming at such a system with multiple inputs and outputs,an effective modeling method,consisting of the impulse signal design,model structure and parameter identification and verification,was developed based on MATLAB softwave.

22、 Then,dynamic neural network models,TDNNM(To pside dynamic neural nerwork model)and BHDNNM(Backsidewidth and to pside height dynamic neural network model),were established to predict double-sided shape parameters of the weld pool.The characteristic relationship of the welding process was simulated a

23、nd analyzed with the models.题目:基于MATLAB区动脉冲GTAWt理程序的中枢网络模型作者: Zhao Dongbin摘要:双边的焊圈形状是由在驱动脉冲GTAW程序处理过程中多重焊接参数和充线参数决定的。瞄准拥有如此多样输入和输出的系统,一个有效的基于 MATLAB 软件的建模方法 , 由脉冲信号所组成, 样板的结构及叁数的确认和检验, 得到长 足的发展。接下来,驱动中枢网络模型,TDNNM单边驱动中枢网络模型)和BHDNNM背部宽度和高级单边驱动中枢网络模型),被建立以预测焊圈的双边参 变量。我们将对焊接过程的特性关系进行仿真和分析。TITLE : SIMULA

24、TION DESIGN FOR ALL OPTICAL NETWORKSAUTHOR:TangXiaodongABSTRACTF:or specification,design,simulationand optimization of all-optical communication networks,it is essential to develop aprototype of powerful OCAD(optical computer aided design) software tool. In this paper,it is concluded two kinds of me

25、thods to design OCADfor all-optical network:frequency domain analysis(FDA) and temporal domain analysis(TDA). Based on the SHAONET(Shanghai all-optical network) communication testbed,some initial OCAD design works are presented as examples,which prove to be great useful and efficient for designing a

26、nd analyzing the performance of all-optical network.题目: 全光网的仿真设计 作者 :TangXiaodong 摘要:为了实现所有光学通信网的规格,设计,仿真和优化,发展强大的OCAD计 电子算机辅助设计 ) 软件工具是至关重要的。在这篇文章中,为所有光网设计OCA总结了两种方法:频领分析法(FDA)和时域分析法(TDA)。基于SHAONE上 海全光网络)通信测试,一些初始的OCAD设计工作作为范例描述,能够证明对 于设计和分析全光网络的执行极其关键和有效。TITLE: A Matlab Based Simulation For Hybrid

27、 Electric MotorcycleAUTHOR LI Yong BinABSTRACT:his paper presents a simulation and modeling package based on Matlab for a parallelhybrid electricmotorcycle(HEM).The packageconsists ofseveralmain detailedmodels:internal combustionengine(ICE),motor,continuous-lyvariabletransmission(CVT),battery,energy

28、 managementsystem(EMS)etc. Each component is built as a library,and can be connected together according to the parallel HEMs topology.Simulation results,such as ICE power demand,motor power demand,battery instantaneous state-of-charge (SOC) , pollution emissions ets.are given and discussed. Lastly e

29、xperimental data verify our simulation results.名称:基于MATLA的 HEM仿真作者 Li Yong Bin摘要:这篇文章将描述一种基于MATLAB勺针对相同的混合电摩托(HEM的仿真 和建模,这种摩托由一些具体的模型所组成 : 内部引擎发动机 (ICE) , 马达, 持续 的变换传输 (CVT) ,电池, 能源管理系统 (EMS) 及其他。每个部份像一座图书 馆一样被同样地建造,并且通过相同的HEM术它们能够被有机的结合起来,例 如 ICE 要求,马达要求,电池的即时控制 (SOC) ,污染物等,都有被涉及和讨 论。最后实验的数据将查证我们的仿

30、真结果 .TITLE:Simulation for CDMAWireless Communication Applying MATLABs SIMULINK FunctionAUTHOR :Yang Shihai, Zhou LiangzhuAbstract: This paper give siulation for CDMAcommunicatin applying MATLABsSIMULINKfunction, and offer a group of software to perform the visualizing simulation, the software perfec

31、tly display the and the process of normal CDMA communication. More over, it provides a software base for further study on CDMA communication 题目:基于MATLAB S函数的无线CDMA系统的仿真 作者: Yang Shihai, Zhou Liangzhu摘 要:根据文献中对 CDMA通信的工程实现技术,本文利用MATLAB平台的SIMULINK功能编写了一套CDMAS用功能模块库,并在此基础上进行了多项可视 化仿真。该软件较好地显示了 CDM通信的工作

32、方式和优越性,及采用 SIMULINK 进行仿真的演示效果,并为CDMA勺仿真提供了一个较好的软件平台。TITLE:Simulation of Metropolitan Area Network Based on Packet over WDM Technology and MATLABAUTHOR :Jia LuhuatheAbstract :An architecture of MAN using packet over WDM technology is introduced. Related MAC protocols are also analyzed. The S-Function

33、 in MATLABwhich is used during simulation is described. Finally requirements to the whole simulation system are given.题目:基于MATLA的WD包交换城域网仿真 作者: Jia Luhua 摘要:介绍了一种基于波分复永(WDM技术的包交换城域网网络及其相应MAC层协议,并对采用MATLAB进行仿真使用到的S-Function进行了描述,最后提 出了整个仿真系统要求 。TITLE:Efficient Encoding of Low-Density Parity-Check COD

34、ESAUTHOR :Thomas J.Richardson and Rudiger L.Urbanke Abstract: Low-density parity-check(LDPC)codes can be considered serious competitors to turbo codes in terms of performance and complexity and they are based on a similar philosophy:constrained random code ensembles and iterarive decoding algorithms

35、.In this paper,we consider the encoding problem for LDPC codes.More generally,we consider the encoding probelm for codes specified by sparse parity-check matrices.We show how to exploit the sparseness of the parity-check matrix to otain efficient encoders.For the (3,6)-regular LDPCcode,for example,t

36、he complexity of encoding is essentially quadratic in the block length.However,we show that the associatedcoefficient can be madequite small,so that encoding codes even of length n=100000 is still quite practical.More importantly,we will show thatoptimizedcodes actually admit lineat time encoding.题目

37、:低密对等检测代码的有效加密作者: Thomas J.Richardson and Rudiger L.Urbanke 摘要:低密对等检测码可能是被认为是高级代码在性能和复杂性方面最大的竞争 对手,他是基于一个相似理论。它包括全体随机码和迭代解密算法。在这篇文章中,我们考虑对LPDC码的加密问题。更一般的,我们考虑用少量的对等检测模型对具体的码字进行加密。 我们知道怎样利用这个对等检测模型来获得有效的加密码。对(3, 6)这个规则的LPDC码。它的加密的复杂形势一般的块长的二次方。然而,我们知道这个联合系数能被取得十分小。因此,对长度 N 约等于 100000 的码加密是实际可行的。更重要的事

38、,我们知道“最优化”码是 允许被线性加密的。TITLE:Matlaab/VC+/Access Co-programming and Its ApplicationAUTHOR :LIU Jing1Abstract: The paper introduces a Matlab/VC+/Acess co-programming method and the way of integrating those systems and applications seamlessly.In the end,an esample is example is examinde in detail to exp

39、lain implemetation steps.Key words Matlab;Matlab math library;ICF题目: Matlab/VC+/Access 组合编程方法及其应用作者: LIU Jing1摘要: 提出了一种 Matlab/VC+/Access 组合编程的方法,并阐述了将 3 种编程 环境的功能优势与应用系统无缝集程的方式。 最后,在惯性约束核聚变实验数据 处理及管理系统的具体事例中详细说明实现步骤。TITLE:Analyzing the turbo Decoder Using the Gaussian Approximation Anthor:Heshmal E

40、L Gamal,Member,IEEEAbstract: In this paper,we introduce a simple technique for ananlyzing the iterative decoder that is broadly applicable to different classes of codes defined over graphs in certain fading as well as additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN) channels.The technique is based on the observa

41、tion that the extrinsic information from constituent maximum sing the Gaussian Approximation.Inputs to the decoders are Gaussian.The independent.Gaussian model implies the existence of an iterative decoder threshold that statistically characterizers the convergence of the iterativedecoder.SpeHeshamE

42、LGamal.Member,IEEE,andA.RogerHammons,Jr,Member,IEEEaposteriori(MAP) decoders is well approximated by Gaussian of error as the number of iterations increases if and only if the channel Eb/Eo exceeds the threshold.题目:用高斯近似理论来分析高级解码器 作者: Heshmal EL Gamal,Member,IEEE 摘要:在这一章中,我们将介绍一种简单的技术一用来分析迭代解码器 , 它能广 泛的应用于不同级别的代码制图在某些条件下如高私白噪声通道, 这种技术是基 于从形成最大的高斯近似信号的外部信息的观测上的。解码其的输入是高斯信号, 这种独立的高斯模型标志着一种迭代解码起开端 的存在性,这种解码器将迭代解码其的其他特征汇集于一身, SpeHesham EL Gamal.Member,IEEE,and A.Roger Hammons,Jr,Member,IEEE aposteriori(MAP) 解码器应用高斯近似理论后相当精确,迭代过程中数字误差率在并只在信道 Eb/Eo 超出开端的的情况下才会增加。


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