四年级英语上册 Lesson 14 Month of the year教案 冀教版.doc

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1、LESSON 14: Month of the year(一)教学要点一、教学目标:知识与技能:要求学生练习说和写,并能口头应答一年中各个月份以及和气候有关的基本词汇。过程与方法:使学生能够利用所学词汇讨论一年中的月份和天气情况,进行简单的交流。情感态度价值观:通过探究、体验、合作等途径,使学生参与其中,乐于学习。二、教学重点:一年中各个月份以及和气候有关的基本词汇。三、教学难点:某些词汇的音形义的记忆。如:January, February, September, November, December的形音和sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy的意思不能混淆。

2、(二)课前准备(教具、学具)磁带、录音机、卡片、中国地图教具 、日历、一些实物。(三)教学过程一.Class Opening and Review1.Greeting.2.Song:“If your happy and you know it )(根据学生情况,本节可也可分为两课时处理)二New Concepts1.January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,DecemberShow howWrite todays date on the blackboard in both Engl

3、ish and Chinese. Point out that English and Chinese order dates differently. For English, the order is usually month, day, year.Play the audiotape. As the speaker says the names of the months in English, hold up the corresponding vocabulary cards. Play the audiotape again.Practise: The teacher point

4、 to the picture and the class read the words quickly. The teacher shows the picture quickly and the class guess.DrawAsk the students to find partners and draw a picture on each piece of paper that can stand for the months. For example, they could draw a picture of the Spring Festival for February.2.

5、 Sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,snowy,cold,hot. 复习:cold,hotT :How do I feel ?(动作表现出冷)S: You feel cold .T : How do I feel ?(动作表现出热)S: You feel hot.(教师出示不同气候的卡片,引出新单词Sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,snowy)Write these words on the blackboard and say them with the students a few times.T:Look the map.It is time for we

6、ather report .T: How is the weather of Beijing.(指向地图上的北京位置,可以用汉语解释一下。)T: It is sunny. Sunny,say it. (出示太阳图形贴在地图上)以此方法练习Sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,snowyGame五名同学到前面来分别扮演五种天气,另外,请一名同学蒙上眼睛,当音乐响起时,开始转到,音乐停止时,转动的五名学生,其中一名用手点一下中间的同学,然后猜猜猜。Use the words in a sentence each time: The weather is . It is .Play th

7、e radio as the students follow in their books.Practise:Teacher: How is the weather in ?Class: The weather is . It is .三Class Closing.Homework:画一幅自己喜欢的季节图,并用英语简单注释。板书设计: LESSON 14: Month of the yearJanuary,February,March, How is the weather in ?April,May,June,July, The weather is .August,September,October, It is .November,December课后反思:3爱心 用心 专心


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