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1、Module6 第 1 课时教案、教学内容外研版小学英语五年级上册第六模块第1 课时 Unit1 Activities 1 2。二、教学目标1 . 能够听、说、读、写单词can, play, run, pass, jump, catch, well.2 .能够听懂问句Can you?并做出正确的回答:Yes, I can /No, I cant.及表达You can旬型。三、教学重难点重点:学习含有情态动词can的陈述句和一般疑问句及其回答。难点:准确运用can来肯定他人或自己的能力以及理解课文内容。四、教学准备1. 单词卡片(“ Module6 Unit1 单词卡片集”直接使用) 。2. 音

2、频( 使用) 。3. PPT课件。Step 1 Warm-up1. Greetings.T: Hello, children. Do you like sports?Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I don t.T: What s your favorite sport? (连问3 个学生)51: I like football/basketball/table tennis/swimming.T: I will divide you into two teams Basketball Team and Football Team. If you do well, you can g

3、o one step for your team. At the end of class, let s see which team is the winner. Come on, OK?注明:全班分为两大队:Basketball Team and Football Team表现好的前进一步。【设计意图】通过师生问候,拉近师生间的距离,营造良好的英语学习氛围;同时,根据小学生争强好胜的特点,引进竞争机制,培养学生的参与意识、合作精神与集体 观念。2. Play a game: Brain storm.( 1)大屏幕出现滚动图片draw pictures, play basketball, r

4、un fast, sing, play football,jump high, play the flute, play table tennis,让学生说词组并且做动作。T: Fantastic. You can do and say them very well. Sit down, please. Look at the two words: fantastic, well.(单词卡片呈现fantastic极好的,well好,not very well不太好,带读几 遍并板书)( 2) T: There re so many things here. Can you tell me wh

5、at you can do?51: I can .52: I can .老师分别走到多个学生面前说:You can .【设计意图】通过头脑风暴激活学生已学过的动词词组,并充分利用图片介绍I can .,教师转换人称说You can,初步感知本课句型,为下文的学习做好铺垫。( 3) T: Oh, you can do so many things. What about Miss Chen? Can you guess? You can ask like this? Can “you .? ”S1: Can you sing the song?T: Yes, I can.S2:【设计意图】通过猜

6、一猜游戏,既活跃课堂气氛,又巩固之前的Can you .?句型及其回答,为新课的呈现做好准备。Step 2 Presentation1. 呈现任务。T: Well, I can sing. So I want to be in the Music Team. What about you? This term we will have four “ Interest Groups ” scinhoooulr: Basketball Team, Football Team, Art Team and Music Team. Do you know what the meaning of “tea

7、m学将新词 team, 队、组) At the end of class, let s do a survey. Lets see what team you want to be in, OK?【设计意图】运用任务型教学,使学生在明确的任务驱动下积极主动地学习,突出了学生的主体地位和学生的参与意识,有效地激发学生的学习积极性。2. 进入课本,学习goalkeeper 以及 You can play football well.T: Our friend Lingling is in England with Sam and Amy now. Lets listen and watch the

8、flash, then answer the questions.学生听录音,课件呈现问题: What team does Lingling want to be in? Can she play football well?学生回答第一个问题并找出文中对应的句子。T: Yes, Lingling wants to be in the football team. What can she be?Ss:T: Yes, she can be a good goalkeepe餐习 goalkeeper守门员)T: Can she play football well?51: Yes, she ca

9、n.T: How do you know?52: Lingling can catch the ball well.She can play football well and be a goalkeepe r.(教师板书)T: Well, Lingling can play football well. I can sing well. What can you do well?51: I can sing well, too.T: Really? Can you sing a song for us?( S1 唱歌) Oh, you can sing very well52: I can

10、play table tennis well.T: Yes, you can play table tennis well.【设计意图】通过让学生带着任务观看课文动画视频,使学生初步感知课文内容,培养学生形成良好的学习策略,从文中理解并获取信息。同时,以 I can . well.为框架,将所学知识运用到不同的语言场景中去,使学生不断扩充自己的语言信息量,达到充 分运用语言的目的。3. 学习 really, pass 以及 And you can catch the ball well.T: Well, Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper, right? Pl

11、ease open your books now, let s read again and answer “What can she do?fr呈现问题 :What can she do? She can 同时 给出四个选项:A. Run fast. B. Control the ball. C. Jump high. D. Catch the ballwell. )Ss: She can jump high and she can catch the ball well.T: How do you know?51: Amy says “But you can jump really hig

12、h (学习 Really 很,非常)T: Who can read this sentence? 名学生读)T: Anything else? What can she do?52: She can catch the ball well.(学习 catch 接住)T: How do you know?53: Sam says A“nd you can catch the ball well. ”T: Who can read it? (一名学生读)T: Lingling can catch the ball well. How about you? Look, What s this? It

13、s a ball. Can you pass the ball well? Can you catch the ball well?(重读 pass传递,catch 接住)Ss: Yes, we can.T: OK, pass the ball and catch the ball, please.51: I can pass the ball well.52: I can catch the ball well.S1 说:I can pass the ball well.并将球传给 S2, S2说:I can catch the ball well.并把球 传给S3,依此类推。老师集体评I

14、think you can do that well. 如果传递过程中球掉了,老师则说:I don tthink you can do that very well. Cheer up! Try again!【设计意图】通过再次听录音选择答案,降低难度,符合不同层次学生的需求。通过传球接球,让学生在真实语境中体会、领悟所学内容,激发学生的学习兴趣,使他们乐于参与课堂。Step 3 Practice1. Play a game: Wha ts missing?T: Well, we ve known Lingling can play football well. And you did a f

15、antastic job. Now let s play a game “ Whast missing?” Here re some words. If you know them, please stand up and read them loudly! (点击课件,词汇play, football, basketball team, really, well,fantastic, fast, not very well, pass, catch, high 等依次出现,学生集体读两遍后,去掉一 个单词问:Whats missing祚说出后再呈现单词)。2. Say the chantCa

16、n you run fast?No, I can t.Can you pass the ball?Not very well.Can you jump high?Yes, I can.You can jump really high!Can you catch the ball?Yes, I can.You can catch the ball very well.【设计意图】通过设计游戏、节奏欢快的chant等形式的活动,调节课堂气氛,让学生在玩玩、唱唱中强化、巩固新知识,同时为下一环节的新知运用做好准备。Step 4 Drills1. Listen, point and repeat th

17、e sentences.2. Read by yourselves. Then I will ask someone to act it out3. Play in roles.(学生分两组,和老师表演;冉三人一小组表演。)【设计意图】通过听音跟读,让学生模仿语音、语调,培养学生的语感。通过角色扮演,激发学生的好奇心,检测学生的掌握情况,也进一步理解和强化课文内容。Step 5 Consolidation and extension1. Talk about the super star you like.出示姚明、刘翔、足球小子大空翼、孙杨等照片让学生自由讨论。【设计意图】通过学生熟悉的卡通

18、人物以及明星入手,激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,让学生在真实的语境中,运用句型对别人进行评价。2. Do a survey.小组成员用:Can you? Oh, I think you can be in the team句型,根据本组学生回答 为其挑选合适的小组,然后要求学生试着写下来。、TeamNameBasketball TeamFootball TeamMusic TeamArt TeamT: Now please write down the message yo u/e got. For example: can . I think he/she can be in the tea

19、m.让学生利用调查的信息填写,然后在全班展示。【设计意图】任务型教学贯穿始终,利用所学句型调查学生想参加的兴趣小组比较符 合学生实际生活,同时将所调查内容加以整理并对别人的能力予以评价,能体现活动 设计的层次性。Step 6 Homework1. Listen to the text and imitate it2. Finish the survey and write down the sentences.六、板书设计Module 6Unit 1 You can play football well.Can he play basketball?Oh, he can play it well!Can you ?Yes, I can./No, I cant.七、回顾总结询问他人的能力用句型:Can you . well?肯定回答:Yes, I can否定回答:No, I cant.陈述某人的能力可以说:You/I can .注意:can后面接动词原形。


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