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1、人教版九年级英语上第三单元词汇-短语级句子翻译和练习(无答案)Unit 3名词:1. restroom n.洗手间,公共厕所例句:你能告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?Could you tell where I can find a restroom?练习:我正在找卫生间。2. Stamp n邮票,印章例句:你能告诉我我在哪里能买到邮票吗?Could you tell me where i can buy some stamps ?练习:我想买些邮票。3. Bathroom n.浴室,洗手间翻译句子:你能告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?4. Grape.葡萄(可数名词)例句: 我想吃葡萄I want to eat

2、 some grapes .练习:我想买些葡萄5. East n.朝东-eastern朝东的,东边的例句:太阳从东边升起 The sun rises in the east.中国的东部很发达 The eastern part of China is very developed.练习:沿着这条街朝东走(go east )6. Corner n.拐角 around the corner adv.在转角处,即将来临。例句:她正站在角落She is standing in the corner.练习:你的生日马上就到了,我们应该为生日会做准备了(prepare for)7. Address n.地址

3、例句:请告诉我你的地址please tell me your address .练习:请写下你的地址。(write down )8. Request n.要求request v.要求request sb to do sth 要求某人做某事at the request of sb 应某人的要求例旬: He was there at the request of his manager.例句:告诉我你的要求Tell me your requests .他要求我离开He requested me to leave.练习:我们要求推迟会议。(put off)应老师的要求,我们都在写作业。9. Cent

4、er n.中心 central adj 中心的,中央的例句:我要去购物中心I am going to the shopping center.我要去中央图书馆I am going to the Central Library.练习:他们昨天去了中央公园10. Mail n.邮件 v.发邮件例句:给我发邮件吧send me a mail .我需要发一封信I need to mail a letter.练习:给他发个邮件。11. Direction n.方向direct adj.直接的 directly直接地indirect adj 间接的 indirectly 间接地例句:你能告诉我去超市的方向

5、吗?Can you tell me the direction to the supermarket?他直接告诉我答案 he told me the answer directly .练习:我没有直接的答案。在很多国家,问很直接的问题是不礼貌的。他间接地影响了我。12. rush v.仓促,急促rush to do sth例句:你不需要赶you don t need to rush.他急忙去赶车了He rushed to catch the bus.练习:他匆匆去上班了13. beside prep.在.旁边例句:他站在我的旁边he is standing beside me.练习:书店在你的

6、右边,银行的旁边。3 / 11人教版九年级英语上第三单元词汇-短语级句子翻译和练习(无答案)14. suggest v.建议suggest doing sth 建议做. suggest sth 建议某事Suggest that 语+should +do + 其他suggestion n. 建议 (可数名词)advice建议 (不可数名词)例句:我建议试一下。I suggest trying我建议去这个餐厅I suggest this restaurant.我建议他去医院看医生i suggest that he should go to see the doctor .练习:我建议他休息一会儿我

7、建议车站见15. pardon v抱歉 原谅句子:原谅我16. information n.信息 (不可数名词)例句:得到一些关于这个镇子的信息。Get some information about the town.近义词:News 新闻,不可数名词一条消息a piece of news例句:我有些好消息告诉你I have some good news to tell you .练习:他要告诉你几个好消息请帮我在网上找一些关于2016奥运会的消息。(2016 Olympic Games) message n 口信 take a message for sb 捎口信Leave a messag

8、e 留言,留口信例句:你能给他捎个口信吗?Can you take a message for her ?你可以留个口信You can leave a message .练习:我想给他捎个口信或者留个言。17. convenient adj. 方便的后面可接for或to例旬: 大城市的公交非常方便The bus is quite convenient in big cities.如果你方便的话, 我们明天就来。If it is convenient for you, we will come tomorrow.练习:对我来说购物很方便,我家附近有一个新超市。18. politely adv.有

9、礼貌地polite adj.礼貌的be polite to sb 对.有礼貌It is polite for sb to do sth 某人做事很有礼貌Sb be polite to do sth某人很客气的做某事例句:他礼貌的拒绝了她的邀请He politely refused her invitation.她对人总是很有礼貌:she is always polite to people.练习:她把座位让给我,真是有礼貌她很客气的把座位让给了我我姐姐对其他人很有礼貌有礼貌地寻求帮助非常重要19. correct adj 正确的 恰当的。correct v.改正 Correctly adv.例

10、句:这位女孩不能正确的回答这个问题The girl can not answer this question correctly.这是一个正确答案This is a correct answer .请改正你的错误Please correct your mistakes.20. pass by v.路过,经过例句:一辆公共汽车刚刚经过a bus has just passed by .练习:他刚从我身边经过21. on one s way to 砧某地的路上 注意:在 home,there ,here 前不接to 例句:在去上学的路上,他遇到了他的老师on his way to school,

11、he met his teacher.在回家的路上,我捡到一只狗。On my way home, I picked up a dog .5 / 11人教版九年级英语上第三单元词汇-短语级句子翻译和练习(无答案)练习:在去那的路上,我们玩了一个游戏。拓展:way的固定搭配By the way 顺便问一下 by the way, what s your name ?Get in the way妨碍,阻挡Her social life get in the way of her studies22. turn left 向左转例句:你先向左转,然后再向右转。 you should turn left

12、 at first then turn right .练习:先经过银行,然后向左转23. get to 到达当get后接副词时 如home , there , here等不加to。例句:我怎么才能到车站呢?How can I get to the station ?辨析:Arrive到达 vi需接介词 : arrive in 接大地点arrive at接小地点例: when I arrived in Beijing , I felt very excited .When he arrived at school, he started to study .Reach到达vt (及物动词)例:

13、when he reached Beijing , he felt very excited .24. could you please do . ? 句型 你能? 委婉的请求,表否定时直接在please 后力口 not。例句:你能告诉我在哪能买到自行车吗?Could you please tell me where I can buy a bike?请你不要关窗户好吗?Could you please not close the window ?练习:你能告诉他怎么去车站吗?你能不要扔垃圾吗?25. a pair of 一双,一对A pair of做主语时,位于动词通常为单数,再次提及用it

14、来代替。但是.pairs of 做主语时,谓语动词用复数,再次提及时用they表示。短语中的a可以用this 或者that来代替。例句: 请帮我买双鞋please help me buy a pair of shoesA pair of trousers was lying on the chair and two pairs of shoes were in front of the bed .练习:This pair of shoes me well, but the shoes expensive.A. Fit, are B fits , are C. fits , is26. ask

15、sb for help 请求帮助例句:我应该向他帮助i should ask him for help我应该请求帮助 i should ask for help练习:有问题可以向警察寻求帮助27. be better at在.方面更好be good at的比较级例句 我在写作方面更好i am better at writing28. Depend on 依靠例句 you should depend on yourself练习:你不应该依靠你的父母29. Spend time/money doing sth 花费时间做. spend time/money on sth注意:主语为人例句 他花费

16、2 小时写这封信he spent two hours writing this letter.他花费10元在这本书上 he spent ten yuan on this book.辨析:Take 主语是Pay 主语是Cost 主语是Spend主语是30. For example例如一般以同类事物或者人中的一个为例,一般后面跟完整句 子,偶尔跟单词。为插入语,位置灵活例: You can not depend on him, for example, he arrived late yesterday.练习:他不爱学习,比如,他上次没去学校。9 / 11人教版九年级英语上第三单元词汇-短语级句子

17、翻译和练习(无答案)31. Such as列举同类事物,至少列举两个,不能全部列出,一般后面跟单词例:他喜欢水果,比如 苹果,橘子 he likes fruits, such as apples ,oranges.32. Communicate . with .和某人沟通,交流例句:微信使得人们相互交流更加便捷Wechat makes it more convenient for people to communicate with each other .练习:我们需要相互沟通33. Look forward to doing .期待,期盼。To是介词,后跟动词需加ing形式例句:我盼望收至

18、U你的来信I am looking forward to hearing from you.练习:我期待着接到你的电话(answer sb s phone)34. between . and .在.与.(两者)之间,接两个不同的人或物。如果接 两个相同的人或物时,可以直接在between后接“the加名词复数” 不用再加 and 了例: I sat down between Jo and DianaThe village is between the two mountains .辨析:Among接三者或三者以上的人或物。例:they live among mountains .练习:我站在小红和小李中间我站在他们三个人中间。35. if引导的条件状语从句If引导的条件状语从句,如果主句与从句的动作均未发生,则主句用一般将来10 / 11人教版九年级英语上第三单元词汇-短语级句子翻译和练习(无答案)时,祈使句,含有情态动词的句子,从句用一般现在时。例句:如果明天不下雨,我就去公园if it doesn t rain, i will go to the park如果你生病了,就必须去看医生。you must see the doctor if you are ill.练习:如果你明天不来,我就去找你11 / 11


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