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1、Unit 1 This is me Name_一、选择填空: ( )1.He goes to school by bus, but he walks _ after school. A. to home B. home C. his home D. the home ( )2.She likes _. She is a good _. A. swim; swimming B. swimming; swimmer C. swimmer; swimming D. to swim; swim( )3. I like reading, I often go to _. A. the classroom

2、 B. the Reading Club C. the teachers office D. the bus( )4. I like talking on the phone with my friends. _. A. Me ,too B. You are right C. Yes, I do D. I enjoy( )5. Excuse me,_ do you say that in English? A. how B. who C. where D. which( )6. -Did your parents go to climb the mountain last Sunday? -

3、No, they _ went to see a film. A. both B. all C. either D. every ( )7. Can I _ your new watch? Sure. A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look like( )8. Jack_ doing his homework at eight. A. finish B. finishs C. finishes D. dont finish( )9. _ the boys enjoy_ the World Cup? Yes, they _. A. Does, w

4、atching, does B. Do, watch. Do C. Do, watching, do D. Does, watch, do( )10. He says “_” to his parents before he goes to bed. A. Good evening B. Good bye C. Going to bed D. Good night( )11.-Dad,_ is my MP3? - I put it in your desk. A. what B. how C. whose D. where( )12. I want to _ a teacher when I

5、grow up. A. be B. do C. am D. is( )13. Im_ next year. A. 13 years B. 13 year C. 13 years old D. 13 year old( )14. There_ five people in my family. A. is B. are C. have D. has( )15. Thats_ football. I like playing_ football very much. A. a , the B. a, / C. a., a D. the, /.( )16. _ you _ a pen? A. Do,

6、 have B. Have, / C. Have do D. A and B( )17. He enjoys_ the radio. A. to listen B. to listen to C. listening D. listening to( )18. I often listen to the news_ the radio. A. on B. in C. at D. /( )19. Do you know the teacher_ glasses? A. has B. have C. with D. having( )20. “A”_ the first letter of the

7、 English Alphabet. A. am B. is C. be D. are二、词形变化:1. I usually_(go) running for an hour2.He_(not play) tennis on Sunday.3. She _(like) reading a book after school.4. Who teaches_(they) physics?5. Kitty_(not wear) glasses in class.6. She is a nurse. She _(take) care of sick people.7. David_(have) a d

8、og.8. Eddie doesnt know how_(look) after Hobo.9. They always_(go) out to have dinner.10. Emily_(be) a good student. She _(work) hard.11. Many children_(love) fast food.12. I _(not work) in an office.13. _she _(have) long hair?14. The cat_(be) three weeks old15. You _(be) late for an hour.16._(Daniel

9、) father is a doctor.17. I like all my_(lesson).18. She_(be) born in October.19.We often have _(we) dinner at my_(grandfather) home.20. This_(be) _(he) bag.三、按要求完成句子(要求:A:改为一般疑问句 B:改为否定句)1. I am a student.A: B: 2. They are English cars. A: B:3. This is a pencil-box. A: B:4. Its name is Polly. A: B:5

10、. These are my English books. A: B:6. I know his name. A: B:7. Please look after your cat. A: B:8. There is some money in the purse. A: B:9. There are many apples on the tree. A: B:10. You can go to have a look. A: B:11. Come here, please. :四、回答句子(A:肯定回答 B:否定回答)1. Are you a teacher? A: B:2. Is this

11、your ruler? A: B:3. Are those banana trees? A: B:4. Is there a picture on the wall? A: B:5. Are there any trees on the hill? A: B:6. Can you see a bird in the sky? A: B:7. Do you know Mr Wang? A: B:五、 代词 (pron.)第一人称单数第二人称单数和复数第三人称单数(三单)第一人称复数第三人称复数人称代词我你 / 你们他她它我们他们主格Iyouhesheitwethey宾格meyouhimherit

12、usthem物主代词我的你的/ 你们的他的她的它的我们的他们的形容词性myyourhisheritsourtheir(一) 翻译成英语:1我是_ 2.我父母_ 3你可以_ 4.你的电话号码_5. 谢谢你_6. 他有_ 7.他的姓氏_ 8. 听他说_ 9. 她喜欢它。_ 10.她全家照_ 11.帮助她_ 12. 它吃_ 13.它名字_14.看见它_ 15.我们想要_ 16.我们最喜爱的水果_ 17.加入我们_18. 他们唱歌_ 19.他们旧电脑_20.画出它们_(二) 选词填空:1. Whats _ name? (you / your ) _ name is Bob. ( My / I / me

13、)2. _ erasers are in _drawer. (her / she / Her / She) 3. Can _(you / your ) do _ (you / your ) homework?4. _ is a cat. _ name is Mimi. ( it / its / It / Its )5. _ brother can speak Japanese. (Hes / His / He )6. Please take _ keys to school. _ are on the table. ( they / their / them / They / Their /

14、Them )7. _ is thirteen years old. _ birthday is March 1st. (He / His / Him)8. _ favorite vegetable is tomato. (her / she / Her / She)9. Can you help _ ?( we / us / our) Please take _ to school. ( they / their / them) 10. _ cant see _baseball. Its behind _.( My / I / me / my ) (三)完成句子:1. A: Whats thi

15、s / that ? B: _ is a dresser. A: How do you spell _ , please ? B: D-R-E-S-S-E-R.2. A: What are these / those ? B: _ are tomatoes. 3. A: Does Cindy like salad? B: No, _doesnt.4. A: How much are his shoes? B: _ are 100 dollars.5. A: Is Alan your friend? B: Yes, _ is.6. A: Do you have a soccer ball? B:

16、 Yes, _ do.7. A: Who is that girl? B: _ is Jacks sister.8. This is David and this is Tim. _ are our friends. We often help _ .9. Those are strawberries. Sally likes _.10. The pants are nice. Ill take _. 六. 名词的格:(1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格:a) 单数后加 s 如: Lucys ruler my fathers shirtb) 以s 结尾的复数名词后加 如: his friends

17、bagsc) 不以s 结尾的复数后加 s childrens shoesl 并列名词中,如果把 s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如: Tom and Mikes car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车l 要表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加s Toms and Mikes cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车 (2)表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of 名词”来表示所有关系:如:a picture of the classroom a map of China翻译:1. 汤姆的背包_ 2. 我朋友的生日聚会_ 3. 他们父母亲的房间_ 4. 露西和莉莉家的书橱_5. 一张吉姆家的全家照_6. 一幅

18、中国地图_ 7.一本英语字典_ 七、阅读Dear Jack,How are you? I have been in the USA for six months. I like the life here. I have a few friends. I dont have much homework. There are a lot of sports at my school, but I dont like sports at all. I like the food very much. I eat a lot of different kinds of food every day.

19、 I like coke(可乐)very much. I dont drink water. I drink coke instead(代替). Im enjoying my life here. The sad thing is that sometimes I get ill. I dont know why. My parents say I must go on a diet and do more sports. Must I?Yours,David注释: 1. a lot of:许多。 2. at all:用于否定句句尾表示加强语气,一点也不。 3. get ill:生病。 4.

20、go on a diet:节食。 5. do sport:参加锻炼。 判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的写“T”,不符合的写“F”。 1. David has been in America for six months. 2. David has to do much homework. 3. There are many sports at Davids school. 4. David likes coke better than water. 5. David knows why he is often ill.答案一、选择填空: BBBAA, AACCD, DACBB, ADACB二、词形变换: 1. go 2. doesnt play 3. likes 4. them 5. doesnt wear 6. takes 7. has 8. to look 9. go 10. is, works 11. love 12. dont work 13. Does, have 14. is 15. are 16. Danels 17. lessons 128. was 19. our, grandparents 20. is, his七、1. T2. F3. T4. T5. F


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