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1、Unit Unit 3 3 How do you get to schoolHow do you get to school Part Part 5 5 Section BSection B(课后) 理解运用,提升思维 一、善用语境,学会猜词。根据语境选择画线单词的意思,并圈出能帮助你选择的关键词。 ( B )1Tomorrow, I will go to the airportairport to take the plane to Beijing. A空气 B机场 C港口 D端 口 ( C )2The bus is crowdedcrowded, Tom has no seat to si

2、t. A准时的 B便利的 C拥挤的 D宽 敞的 ( A )3My sister feels sleepysleepy, she wants to go to bed early. A困倦的 B焦急的 C兴奋的 D忧 郁的 ( C )4My dress is outout, I want to buy a new one. A外面的 B流行的 C过时的 D在 外的 ( A )5This little is lostlost. She cant find her way home. A迷路的 B遗失的 C失败的 D迷 茫的 二、Section Section B2bB2b 课文重点句型过关。 1你

3、走路还是骑自行车? Do you walk or ride a bike? 2在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条大河。 There is a big river between their school and the village. 3亮亮每个上学日穿过河流去上学。 Liangliang crosses the river every school day. 4许多学生和村民从来没有离开过村庄。 Many of the students and villagers never leave the village. 5他们的梦想能够实现吗? Can their dream come true? 三

4、、Section Section B B 语法过关。 ( D )1The government of Linyi is building _ cheap and good houses for 1 the people. Athousand Bthousands Cthousand of Dthousands of ( C )2Before the bridge was built _ the river, the villagers had to take a boat to the other side. Ain Bbeside Cacross Dalong ( B )3Its reall

5、y crazy of you to _so fast on such a rainy day. Slow down! A drove B drive Cdrives Ddriving ( B )4They arrived _ Shanghai _ a cold morning. Ain; in Bin; on Cat; on Dat; in ( C )5It is important _ people _ learn team spirit. Aof; of Bof; to Cfor; to Dto; to ( A )6Tom is _ tomorrow. He will go to the

6、Great Wall. Aleaving for Beijing Bleaving Beijing Cleaving Beijing for Guangzhou Dleaving Guangzhou to Beijing ( D )7It is _ to play basketball, Tom plays it with his friends every day. A boring B difficult C beautiful Dinteresting ( B )8Tom is very shy(害羞),he is afraid _ to strangers(陌生人) A of talk

7、 B of talking C about talk Dabout talking ( C )9They cant go by boat because the river runs too _. Aquick Bslow Cquickly Dslowly ( B )10It _ me about 40 minutes _ there by bus. Atakes; to get to Btakes; to get Ctake; to get to Dtake; to get 四、文本再构SectionSection B B 课文填空。 How do you get to school? Fo

8、r many students, it is 1 to get to school. But 2 the students in one small village in China, it is 3 . There is a very big 4 between their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river 5 too quickly for boats. So these students go on a ropeway to 6 the river to school. Liangliang crosses

9、the river every school day. But he is not 7 . He 8 his school. Many students and 9 2 want to have a bridge. This is their 10 . Can their dream come true? 1 easy 2 for 3 difficult 4 river 5 runs 6 cross 7 afraid 8 likes 9 villagers 10 dream 五、Section Section B B 相关阅读。 There are forty-five students in

10、 my class. They come from different places of the city, so they go to school in different ways. Some students ride bikes to school. These students think they can save a lot of time in this way. Some students go to school by bus because they live far away from the school. It usually takes thirty minu

11、tes. Some students walk to school because they live near it. A few students go to school by car. These students come from family with a lot of money. Their parents often drive them to school. Every morning, I have to (不得不) go to school by bus. How do you get to school? ( C )1There are _ students in

12、my class. A40 B42 C45 D47 ( A )2Some students ride bikes to school, because _. Athey think they can save time Bthey live far away from the school Cthey live near the school Dthey come from the families with a lot of money ( D )3Why do some students walk to school? ABecause they like walking. BBecaus

13、e they dont have bikes. CBecause they dont have money. DBecause they live near the school. ( D )4How many ways are mentioned in this article? A1. B2. C3. D4. ( A )5What can we infer from the passage? AI live far away from the school. BMost students go to school by car. CA few students drive to school by themselves. DIt usually takes me five minutes to go to school. 3


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