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1、v1.0可编辑可修改精选50道时态练习题1. The study said 18 years ago, the children will beintheir9lives 80% of the UV exposure.A. absorbedB. take nC. invo IvedD. cen tered2. Chinagreatly in terms of its cultural values over the past fiveyears.A. changesB. is cha nging C. has cha ngedD. hadchanged3. My educati onal ba

2、ckgro und and professi onal experie nee make me to bequalifiedthe job.A. withB. forC. inD. at4. -Will you available at three oclock tomorrow after noon-No. Ia lecture the n.A. am atte ndingB. will have atte ndedC. will atte ndD. will be atte nding5. By the time I got to the cin ema, the filmfor five

3、 minu tes.A. has begu nB. has bee n onC. had beg unD. had bee n on6. He appears to beinthe sports news on the back page of hisB. focusedD. attracted7. He said that hethe house for ten years.A. has livedB. has lived inC. had lived inD. had lived8. -Michaelfor New York n ext week.paper and ignores the

4、 hurry ing crowds .A. absorbedC. concen trated-Really I II see him off thenB. is about to leaveD. will leaveA. is leavi ngC. will have left9. By the end of last year, heA. had lear nedC. Lear ned 2,000 En glish wordsB. will have lear nedD. was lear ning10. Wedown whe n sheplates of food for us.A. ha

5、d hardly sat, had boughtB. hardly sat, boughtC. hardly sat, had boughtD. had hardly sat, bought11. People tend to judge you by the firstthey have of you.A. impressi onB. expressi onC. feeli ngD. reacti on12. No sooner had he sat dow n tha n the teleph one.A. ringsB. was ringingC. rangD.hand rung13.

6、A lot of new difficulties when the tax system came into existe nee.A raisedB arousedC aroseD rose14. If I you the news earlier, you would have met her at the airport.A. had toldB. have toldC. toldD.tell15. He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he itfora very long time.A. has hadB. had h

7、adC. hasD. had16.“ Give me a supportive point.Archimedes once said,and a placeto sta nd-a nd IA. movedthe world.B. moveC.willmoveD. would move17. My mother asked me where on earth the key.I had left D.A. did I leaveB. I have leftC.had I left18. -Did he say any thi ng that you especially-Not really.

8、actually I slept through his speech.A. adjucted to B. attached to C. referred to D. appealed to19. It is reported that by the end of this mon th, the output of ceme ntin the factoryby about 10%.A. will have rise nB. has rise nC. will be rise nD. has bee n rising20. The buildi ng is specially desig n

9、ed so that every one can leave thebuild ing if an accide nt.A. ArousedB. raises C. rises D. arisesbookmy in terest in politics.A. roseB. arose C. aroused D. raised22. They are funds to help the childre n in the rural area togo to school. A. collect ing B. raisi ng C. risi ngD. gatheri ng23. The desk

10、s and chairs can be to the height of each child.A. adjustedB. adopted C. measured D. objected24. By the end of this mon th, Iin the lab for seve n mon ths.A. have bee n work ingB. have workedC. will have workedD.will be work ingmy MasterA. gotB.have gotte nC. had gotte nD.will have gotte n26. You do

11、n t need to hurry her. Sheit by the time you areready.A. will have been finishing B. will finishC. will have fini shedD. will be finishing25. By the time she realized her dream, I s degree .toA. am flyingB.will be flying27. I feel so excited ! At this time tomorrow morning, IHong Kong.D. have flow n

12、C. would fly28. Could I use your car tomorrow morning-Sure, Ia report at home.A. will be writ ingB.will have writte nC. have writte nD.have bee n writ ingthe task.29. By the time you reach the destination, weA. fini shedB. have fini shedC. had fini shedD. will have fini shed30. It is a custom in tha

13、t country for men to remove their hats when a woma n the room.the StudentC. will en terD. has en tered31. By the time of n ext week, Rose as a preside nt Union for three years.A. worksB. is worki ngC. had workedD. will have worked32. - Hi, Tracy, you look tired.-I am tired. Ithe livi ng room all day

14、.A. pain tedB. had pain tedC. have bee n pain ti ngD. have pain ted33. Now that she is out of a job, Lucygoing back to school, butshe hasn t decided yet.A had con sideredB has bee n con sideri ngC con sideredD is going to con sider34. If funded by the government, we this project by the end of pleted

15、B. will have completedC. completedD. will complete35. The man ager had falle n asleep whe n he, without un dress ing.A. was layi ngB. was lyi ngC. had laidD. had lied36. The little girlher heart out because sheher toy bear andbelieved she wasn t ever going to find it.A. had cried, lostB. cried, had

16、lostC. has cried, has lostD. cries, has lost37. I will tell him the good n ews whenheback to compa ny tomorrow.A. comes B. came C. has come D. had come38. By the time Jane gets home, her auntfor London to atte nd ameeti ng.A. will leaveB. leavesC. will have leftD. left39. I called you at 4:00 yester

17、day after noon, but no one an swered.Sorry, Iwith my friends at that time.A. swim B. swam C. will swim D. was swimmi ng40. He will have learned English for eight years by the time he from the uni versity n ext year.A. will graduateB. will have graduatedC. graduatesD. is to graduate41. Itlong before

18、wethe result of the experime nt.A. will not be, will knowC. will not be, know42. it with me and IA. When leftB. is, will knowD. is, knowll see what I can do.B. Leav ingC. If you leaveD. Leave43. blood if you can and many lives will be savedA. Givi ngB. GiveC. GivenD. To giveD. was play ingthe Disney

19、landA. had visitedB. have visited C. visitedD.44. Hefootball regularly for many years when he was young.A. has played B. had played C. played45. Is this the first or second time that you visit ing46. -Hi, let s go skating.-sorry, I m busy right now. I in an application form for a new job.A. fillB. h

20、ave filled C. am filling D. will fill47. I find the lecture hard to follow because itwhen I arrived.A. started B. was starting C. would start D. hadstarted48. Wheneveryouapresent, you should think about it from thereceiver s point of view.A. bought B. had bought C. will buy D. buy49. During his stay in Xi friends A. would recommendB. have recommendedan, Jerry tried almost all the local food hisB. had recomme ndedD. were recomme nding 50. I remembered that the air conditioners turned off before I left the office.A. had beenB. were C. were to be D. have been


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