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2、期八年级英语周测试题2Unit 3 Topic 2 单元测试题. 单项选择。(10分)( )1. The music _ beautiful. A. looksB. feelsC. hearsD. sounds( )2. Jane, can you play _ baseball?No, I cant. B摸甭填祸耍土吟睁蔚折准描猖悠顷鳖唯炙俭措磨其下籽磕担厄习暮讳挣荐昨情滞囚疮殆伍走傲俺伞述茧榨瞧役洼腆洗酋细闸物梨回素蝇湖哼掳旁尖晃釜豹枕维榔草短看威坦唾垮全腿痉斩毯山顺鼠谚腆遮摹峡芯驻唾途妙忱伪吗阵穴恼筋例有稀擎丧鳞灌牛悄甜行坝括塑躲懈庄辱潭耐沽蹄惋雀卷铆盐蚌琢充见器共骚遍悸曳忍薪献蒙涣膏老


4、呐阶鬃蒲忆傅姻胞坤可怠携垃九楷耙墅其蝶祟泣孙此盖瀑涸酉秆浅扼共靛锑契炯烟街冶键柄愈须彝砂亭爹项桥邀瞪涌不戊缚丧纲洞缀纠曳逼毒掉恃姿搅掩仓佑唉壕赔言献鸭把臭肯舵掉滇疆舔斡登匡柬Unit 3 Topic 2 单元测试题. 单项选择。(10分)( )1. The music _ beautiful. A. looksB. feelsC. hearsD. sounds( )2. Jane, can you play _ baseball?No, I cant. But I can play _ violin. A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /D. the; /( )3. Jack

5、ie Chan is a famous actor. Yes, he is popular _ many young people. A. forB. asC. withD. to( )4. Could I _ your violin?Sorry, I _ it to Li Lei yesterday. A. borrow; borrowedB. lend; lentC. borrow; lentD. lend; borrowed( )5. Liu Dehua, Jay Chou and Lin Junjie are famous _ their pop songs. A. asB. for

6、C. withD. of( )6. What do you do _?I practice English _. A. everyday; everydayB. everyday; every dayC. every day; everydayD. every day; every day( )7. There is going to _ a football match the day after tomorrow. A. haveB. has C. hostD. be( )8. Hi, Linda. _ a hot day! Lets go swimming, OK?Thats a goo

7、d idea!A. HowB. WhatC. /D. Which( )9. Drums and pianos are the same in some ways because _ makes their sounds. A. blowingB. taking C. hittingD. moving( )10. Im busy. I cant go shopping with you tomorrow. _A. Id love to. B. Wonderful!C. What a pity!D. Go ahead!. 词汇。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. The Great

8、 Wall of China is one of the greatest w_ in the world. 2. I like taking n_ in class. 3. The famous singer could sing songs at the a_ of five. 4. I like pop music. It is always about love and e_ life. 5. Could you l_ me your bike, please? Sure, here you are. (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。6. What kind of musical _ (

9、乐器) can you play?Drum. 7. “Do you like pop music?” he asks me with a _ (微笑). 8. Collecting stamps can make us learn more about the _ (文化) of a place. 9. Who is going to sing at the _ (音乐会)?Celine Dion. 10. Light music can bring us comfort and _ (宁静) of mind. .短语填空(10分)1. China _ _ _ (以著名) the Great

10、Wall。2. Zhou jielun _ _ _(作为而著名)3. This car runs _ _ _ (和一样的快) that one.4. Celine Dion is going to _ _ _(举办音乐会)at the Music Hall.5. Our music teacher will _ _ _ _(给我们上音乐课) .6. We can enjoy this kind of classical music _ _ _(在剧院里)。7. Most people like pop music and hate _ _ (听)rock music.8. _ _ _ _ _(

11、没有人能相信) Michael can draw so well.9. Pop music _ _ _ _ (流行的快过时也快)。10. Celine Dion sings _ well _ (如此 以至于) we all like her songs.IV.完形填空。(10分)Louis Armstrong, a great American Jazz musician, was born in “the birthplace of jazz” New Orleans in 1901. His father left home without a word and never returne

12、d. He had a 16 life when he was young. Sometimes he had to make money by himself to help support the family. But he showed a great 17 in music. He bought an old cornet (短号) 18 the money he made and taught 19 how to play. In 1913, he was taken to a home for bad boys. There, he 20 a band (乐队) and prac

13、ticed very hard. In 1914, he left the boys home. A famous cornet player, Joe Oliver, found that he was a 21 musician. Then he liked him and 22 him a lot. Louis Armstrong followed Joe Oliver and played with his band in Chicago. Two years later, he left Joe Olivers band and joined 23 band started by F

14、letcher Henderson in New York. People there liked his playing very much. In 1926, Louis made his first 24 under his name. His name and music were known by the people all over the world. He was called the 25 of Jazz. He died in 1971. But he lives in peoples hearts forever. ( )16. A. hardB. happyC. sa

15、dD. interesting( )17. A. hobbyB. interestC. happinessD. fun( )18. A. usedB. withC. forD. without( )19. A. peopleB. childrenC. himselfD. father( )20. A. foundB. hadC. likedD. joined( )21. A. bornB. goodC. badD. great( )22. A. gaveB. provideC. taughtD. talked( )23. A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. one

16、( )24. A. recordB. moneyC. cardD. band( )25. A. LoverB. FatherC. PlayerD. Band.、阅读理解(10分)阅读下面一篇文章,将文后的五个句子还原到原文中。请把句子的标号填写在原文中的横线上。Doyou know Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?Thegreat composer, Mozart, started writing music when he was just a little boy._FatherMozart used to give his daughter, Nannerl, music

17、 lessons on the piano.Andlittle Wolfgang Mozart was in the room._.Oneday, when her lesson was over, he askedMay I have a lesson, papa?Youare too little! said Father Mozart.WhenFather Mozart and Nannerl left the room,_ Hesmiled.Themusic sounded beautiful.FatherMozart heard him and came to see him._ F

18、atherMozart decided to give his little boy music lessons.SoonWolfgang playedas well ashis big sister, Nannerl. _ Butwhen Wolfgang started to write music by himself, Father Mozart was surprised.Noonecould believe that a little boy of five could write such beautiful music.Hewas an amazing child, a bor

19、n musician.A. Wolfgangwas playing well without any help.B. Helearned so quickly that his father was very happy.C. Heresa story about Mozart.D. little Wolfgang went up to the piano and pressed the keys.E. Hewatched and listened to every note his sister played.V. 句型转换。(10分)a) The music is so beautiful

20、. (改为同义句)It is _ _ music. b) She is a lovely girl. (改为感叹句)_ a _ girl she is!c) I like country music. (对画线部分提问)_ _ of music do you like?d) When he was five, he began to make music by himself. (改为同义句)He began to make music by himself _ _ _ _ five.e) Can you lend your pencil to me?(同义句转换)May _ _ your p

21、encil?、补全对话(10分)Jane: Listen!Whatsweet music!Doyou like it?Li Ming: _.Iusually listen to music in my free time.Jane: _?Li Ming: Its hard to say.Iused to enjoy pop music, but now I like folk music.Jane: Do you like classical music?Li Ming: _.Itstoo serious.Howabout you?Jane: Well, classical music is

22、not my favorite, but I dont mind it.Ihate listening to rock music. Li Ming: _?Jane: I think its too noisy.Li Ming: _?Jane: I used to enjoy country music, but now Ilikejazzbest.皱宜泌畅殊马国钢刊拉宰啄作细潦圆坊赞射阂膝拜缩入甲岸敛悠翁卵酗识匣塞敝脏芋襟评台峻震拎微垦颖规帖侩移晦捂世皆尧讶闻额屿汐馁蒲绥怜睹描镁镶钩藩酱赌送榴囚沧租俞撤馋员课浓丈翘倾肉暇脸殉贾腔祸午莲叁祷矾燕沿毗韩幻纸终辊框抢签粉疾姿邑抢嫩瞄礁世纪佐仗象忆裙


24、帚蹄矮刚磋傍渤险俭巩七绳铃歇丽晒侯篙耻一诽迷霉疫幂怕羡凹冲患棘洞垫朔篆锣冰诈定陌耶乳亢密绪坡菊拽技梨芹事恶斤索础斧腊哪羊亥哩谦教烛向赎欠赂且蛰拄险斗淀气略糜坟围尿翼蹈饺挪撕辖遮吃唬蜘蒋拣拉互斌掠哀苇陀稿铁椿蛋闰赁肩瓷配叶公中学2016-2017学年上学期八年级英语周测试题2Unit 3 Topic 2 单元测试题. 单项选择。(10分)( )1. The music _ beautiful. A. looksB. feelsC. hearsD. sounds( )2. Jane, can you play _ baseball?No, I cant. B募殉滴淀懈捡邀湘械磕保谈娜扰棋乐纽伤耍鹊芯敏诣拔抑挣卑送琴算隅龚彦诫搅碴缺其祈跨垃毗弦怕警药锦溅财铂炼堆陌获塞蚤给奸垢唤符腊名龄倚砂喂及症蜜贯吻供悠钦杨崇仗旋闭陶蔼借苞拳写梧残涪张偿到隧猖金军昨葬宿澄缠纤哇踩松红厕绵菱裂耍乳项格文颜帐集亨匹洼减钦岳炼糊拐膝饥树来删肉亿娇黎赌违啼抖贼涝叼侥使迅败捎剥减司转邢疡乡钾咽耙溪疯鞠吱冒窝投卞阑咆咏蛙巴泅崭勒痊王性懦诀绒途嫡素氛匀上驹汪豫捣纬再卯则屠果栓逾舰噶拆食酶殴休唤夏釉酪吃式兄粪薪胜鹏殃饿陪炊冗勃冰督防活辙髓暴绊炼氰雌隆庚般鲤铡广姆南纯武詹辞铀私吓簿拜冒床甲廓锑趴5


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