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1、祈使句、感慨句和主谓一致一、祈使句【2021 重庆市 A wake up your sister, Ben. She needs a goodsleep.A. Don tB. Doesn C. Aren tD. Can 【答案】A【2021广州】一Sorry I m late.tell me the bus broke dow n aga in!A. Never toB.NotC. DonD. No【答案】C二、感慨句【2021 铜仁】一sweet music! Do you like it?Mm, itbeautiful!A. How; liste nsB. How a; soundsC.

2、What a;liste nsD. What; sounds【答案】D【2021 连云港】一The six students from Lianyungang got the firstprize in the Chin ese Characters Dictati on Competiti on inJia ngsu.excit ing n ews it is!A. WhatB.HowC. WhatanD. How an【答案】A【2021年临沂】delicious these beef no odles are!A. WhatB. HowD. How aC. What【答案】B【2021甘

3、肃白银】Look!happily the childre n are play ing overthere!A. HowWhatC. What aB.D. How a【答案】A【2021年烟台】hon est man he is!anA. WhatC. HowB. W hatD. How an【答案】B【2021滨州】一interesting the film is!Yes. I have see n it twice.HowA. WhatC. What anB.D. How an【答案】B【2021聊城】weather it is! We can go boating onthe Dongc

4、hangLake.What goodA. How badD. What badB. How goodC.【答案】C【2021东营】一fan tastic docume ntary it is!Do you mean the hot filmDiaoyu Isla nd-The Truth A. HowC. WhatB. HowD. What a【答案】D【2021 苏州】 role she played in the movie! That why she has alot of fans.A. How in teresti ngB. How anin teresti ngC. What in

5、 teresti ngD. What anin teresti ng【答案】D【2021 陕西】Look! Laura is getting the firstplace.fast runner she is!A. HowB.WhatC. How aD. What a【答案】D【2021 南京】一brave Zha ng Hua is!Yes. He helped his n eighbour, Mrs. Sunout of the fire.A. What aB.HowC. How aD. What【答案】B【2021 鄂州】一A number of peoplekilled by the

6、terrorists atthe Urumqi train statio n.terrible it is!A. were; HowB. was;HowC. were; WhatD. was; What【答案】A【2021湖北咸宁】一sweet music!And I really like the Voiceof China TV programs.A.WhatB. What aC.HowD. How a【答案】A【2021 长沙】nervous the girl was! She could not fall asleepall n ight.A.WhatB. WhataC. How【答案

7、】C三、主谓一致【2021年烟台】一How many girlsare there in your class?themover twen ty.A. A nu mber of; areB. T he nu mber of; areC. A nu mber of; isD. The nu mber of;is【答案】D【2021达州】一I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but no onean swered.Sorry, I with my pare ntsat that time.A. was shopp ingB. were shopp ingC. areshopp ingD. went shopp ing【答案】A【2021 泰安】一Whatthe number of the students in yourschool?About two thousa nd. A nu mber of themfrom the coun tryside .A. is; areB. is:isC. are; isD. are: are【答案】A感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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