湖南省双牌县第学2012年七年级英语下册 Unit 8 I’d like some noodles学案 人教新目标版.doc

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1、湖南省双牌县第一中学2012年七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Id like some noodles 学案 人教版The First Period section A 1a-1c学习目标1.学会订购自己喜欢的面条。2.了解面条的种类。3.学习本课的知识点。学习重点词汇:would, Id= I would, noodle, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato句型:What kind of noodles would you like? Beef and tomato noodles.学习难点:怎样用英语订餐学习过程一、复习听写第七单元单词二、预习检测1.预习 P 47

2、的单词。根据音标读单词,做到会读知意。 2. 根据提示完成下列句子。(1)This is a bowl of_(面条) on the table.(2)There are two _(土豆) in the basket.(3)How much is the _(羊肉)?(4)The _(牛肉) is on sale.3.翻译句子- 你想要什么样的面条?_- 我想要牛肉胡萝卜面条。(kind of, beef and carrot)_三、自主学习任务一 1. 检查预习情况。2. 核对课前预习的答案。3.个人自读、跟读,记忆本课单词及短语。3.小组互相检查读写情况。任务二 1.完成1a部分的配对题

3、。2.看1a部分的图画,在图画中找出单词所对应的图画。任务三1.听录音完成1b。2.做1b。任务四1分角色练习1c部分的对话。2根据1c部分的对话与同伴编写自己的对话。四、合作探究would like 的用法。五、课堂检测(一) 选择题( ) 1 -What _of noodles would you like? -Beef and tomato noodles, please. A, kind B, kinds C, a kind D, other ( ) 2 -What kind of noodles would you like? - Id like _, please.A, beefs

4、 and tomatoes noodles B, beef and tomatoes noodles C, beef and tomato noodles D, beefs and tomatoes noodle( ) 3 Some tomatoes _ in the bag. Some beef_ on the table. A, is; is B, are; are C, are; is D, is; are( ) 4 I often eat some _ and _ on Sunday evenings. A. tomatoes; fish B. tomato; fish C. toma

5、toes; fishes (二).按要求改写句子。1. Id like some beef.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ beef? 2. Those boys want four large bowls of rice.(改为同义句)Those boys _ _ four large bowls of rice. 3. Mary would like tomato and egg noodles.(对画线部分提问) _ _ of noodles would Mary like?课后小结1 我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences: 2 学习本节后,我能

6、用英语进行 The Second Period Section A 2a2c学习目标1.掌握如何订购自己喜欢的面条,掌握订购面条时所需交际用语。2.学习本课的知识点。学习重点词汇:drink, large, size, bowl, hed=he would句型:What size bowl of noodles would he like? Hed like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.学习难点碗的大小表示方式;进一步拓展学习would like和would like to do sth.的用法学习过程 一、复习 复习1c的对话二、预习检测 通过自

7、学掌握下列短语一大碗面条_ 一小碗米饭(rice)_一中碗粥_ 多大尺寸_ 番茄鸡蛋面_ 鸡肉白菜面_羊肉土豆面_ 萝卜牛肉面_想要,愿意_ 一些饮料_三、自主学习任务一检查预习情况,核对课前预习的答案。任务二听录音2a,选出听到的食物名称。任务三再听一遍录音,填空完成2b。任务四完成2c Pairwork-Can I help you?-Id like some noodles.-What kind of noodles would you like ?-Id like beef noodles, please.-What size would you like? -A medium bow

8、l, please.四、合作探究1.重点短语1、something to eat一些吃的2、something to drink一些喝的3、what size什么尺寸4、what kind of什么种类5、a bowl of noodles一碗6、two bowls of noodles两碗7、a small bowl of 一小碗8、a medium bowl of一中碗9、a large bowl of 一大碗10、what size bowl of多大号碗的-2.重点句型What size bowl of noodles would you/he/she/they like? 你想要多大

9、号碗的面条?Id/Hed/ Shed /Theyd like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.五、课堂检测(一)根据要求完成下列句子。1. Can I help you? (同义句)_ 2.Anna would like a small bowl of rice (对划线部分提问) _3. Shed like a medium bag of apples.(对画线部分提问) _ _ bag of apples would she like?(二) 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.There _ (be) some beef and eggs in the

10、noodles.2. Bob _ (want) a small bowl.3. Alice _ (would) like beef noodles.4. Id like a large bowl of _(noodle).六、课后小结1 我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences: 2 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 The Third Period section A 3a-4学习目标1.学习怎样用英语订餐和情态动词would用法.2.利用本课所学的知识进行交际活动。3.学会与他人合作。学习重点掌握情态动词would用法及would like用法学习难点运用wou

11、ld like短语谈论自己所需求的食品Can I help you? = May I help you? = What can I do for you?=What would you like?你想买什么?学习过程一、复习操练语法聚焦部分句型。二、预习检测翻译句子1). 你要多大碗的米饭?_ _ _of rice would you like?2). 他想要多大碗的饺子?他想要一中碗饺子。(what size bowl, medium)3). 你想要哪种面条?我想要羊肉马铃薯面条。 三、自主学习任务一检查预习情况,核对答案。任务二听录音,读3a任务三完成3a的对话,然后操练对话。任务四小组表

12、演对话。四、合作探究句型转换 Hed like some apples.改一般疑问句:Would he like some apples?改否定句:He wouldnt like any apples.就划线部分提问:What would he like?同义句转换:He want some apples.1. Would you like some -? (虽然是一般疑问句,但不用any)2、回答:肯定 Yes, please. 否定 No, thanks.3. 在would like ?引导的问句中,用some 不用any.Would you like some noodles?五、课后小

13、结(一) would like1、would like to do sth. would like sb. to do sth.2、would like = want3、Would you like some -? (虽然是一般疑问句,但不用any)4、回答:肯定 Yes, please. 否定 No, thanks.5、Would you like to do sth.?你愿意做-吗?肯定回答:Yes, Id like to否定回答:Sorry.(二)重点句型What kind of noodles would you like?你想要什么样的面条Beef and tomato noodle

14、s, What size bowl of noodles would you like? 你想要多大碗的面条?Id like a large bowl.六、课堂检测(一)根据要求完成句子1. He and I want to go to the movies. (同义句)He and I _ _ to go to the movies.2. Id like some soup. a. _ _ you like? (提问) b. _ you _ _ soup?(一般疑问句)3. Do you want to have some tea? (同义句) _ you _ to _ some tea?4

15、. Hed like a medium bowl of noodles.(对划线部分提问) of noodles would he like? 5、Can I help you? (同义句) _ can I _ _ you?(二)译出下列单词1、想要某物_ 2、想要做某事_ 3、想要某人做某事_ 4、什么种类_ 5、一种_6、什么尺寸_ 7、大碗/中碗/小碗_ 8、一碗米饭_ 9、羊肉土豆面_10、鸡肉洋白菜面_The Fourth Period Section B 1a-2c学习目标 1学会打电话订购自己喜欢的水饺和饮料。 2进一步掌握可数名词及不可数名词 3学习本课的知识点。学习重点1.词

16、汇:juice, dumpling, porridge, tea, green tea, rice, soup, onion, fish2.句型:I want to order some food. What kind of dumplings would you like? Id like学习难点1. fish的用法。学习过程一、复习复习上节课的对话。二、预习检测1.把下列名词分类potato, tomato, beef, juice, mutton, egg, onion, milk, apple , tea, strawberry, orange,可数名词:不可数名词:2.预习P50-1

17、a,翻译下列单词和词组粥、糊 饺子 汤 橙汁_洋葱 鱼、鱼肉一碗米饭 两碗米饭三杯橘子汁 五茶杯绿茶八杯水(water) 一些鸡肉许多牛肉 一点鱼肉通过上边的预习,同学们是否知道怎样来表达不可数名词的量了吗?我们可以用基数词+量词+of+不可数名词。除了用of短语来表达不可数名词的量外,不可数名词还可以用来修饰。三、自主学习任务一检查1a的预习情况,核对答案。任务三任务二做2a,听录音,在 1a中圈出听到的单词任务三做2b,再听一遍录音,填写下列订单。ORDER FROMAddress: _Telephone number: _Order:_任务四两人一组编对话,用1a中的食品。四、合作探究M

18、ake a surveyFood &drinkdumplingsporridgesoupfishriceonionlikedislike五、课后小结fish鱼(1)当鱼肉讲时是不可数名词。(2)fish表示鱼的数量时是可数名词,其复数形式可在其后加“es”,也可不加。如:two fish/fishes(3)表示鱼的种类时是可数名词,复数形式必须在其后加“es”. two kinds of fishes六、课堂检测(一)根据汉语提示,写出单词。1. Id like some _(饺子). What would you like?2. Would you like some _(绿茶).3. I

19、usually have _(粥) for breakfast.4. Hed like some _(米饭)and _(鱼).5. Rose doesnt like _(汤).6. Would you like some _(果汁)?(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I would like you _ (come) to my house.2. Would you like some juice _ (drink)?3. There are some _ (tomato) and _ (porridge) on the table.4. There _ (be) some beef and

20、 eggs in the noodles.5. What about _ (swim) in the pool?总结与反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_The fifth Period Section B 3a-4 and Self check学习目标1.学会阅读有关食品的广告。2.能根据广告了解不同饭店的特色食物。学习重点1.词汇:reason, menu, Mon, Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.2.句型:What kind of dessert would you like?We have some great specials.Come and

21、 get your dumplings.学习难点1.某种商品多少钱的表示方式。2.区别”also”和”too”的用法。学习过程一、 复习 编对话二、 预习检测1.预习课本P51-3a,翻译下列句子.1)饺子屋 _ 2)有一些特色套餐_3)洋葱牛肉馅_ 4)白菜羊肉馅 _5)10元15个饺子_6)特色2每15个仅卖8元人民币。_7)饺子配汤的特色午餐10元。(dumpling and soup, special)_8)今天就来买饺子吧!_2、预习课本P51-3b,翻译下列句子.1)你要哪一种甜点?_ _ of dessert would you like?2)你喜欢多大尺寸的甜点,小号,中号还是

22、大号?_3)我们还有橘子汁和绿茶。_三、自主学习任务一检查预习情况,核对课前预习的答案。任务二完成3a部分的阅读任务,并能口头复述3a部分的广告。任务三完成3b,填空。四、合作探究and和or 的用法。(1)各小组用I like and /I dont like or 谈论1a中自己喜欢和不喜欢的东西。每个组员先说,然后由组长记录并发言。(2)发言时用:likes A .B .and C . doesnt like A .B or C编写句子正确,流畅的组为获胜组五、课后小结1.or和and区别:or有“和”“否则”之义;and和;or和and都有和的意思;or只用在否定句和疑问句中;and只

23、用在肯定句中。2.通过过这节课,我掌握了 3.还没掌握 六、课堂检测(一)根据P51-3b完成下列对话。A: What_ _ dessert would you like?B: What do you have?A: We have two great new specials: _ and _ice cream; _ and _ice-cream.B: Id like strawberry and banana ice-cream.A: What_ _ dessert _ _ _, small, medium, or large?B: Id like a medium one.A: And we also have orange juice and green tea.B: Give me a green tea. Thank you.(二)为一家饺子店写一个广告。 _


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