六年级英语上册 Unit 6 Holidays2课时教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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1、苏教牛津版六年级英语上册教案Unit 6 Holidays课题 牛津小学英语6A Unit 6 Part A (I)(第二课时)教学目标1. 复习前一课所学词汇。2. 四会掌握Christmas,学习单词relative delicious.3. 能在情景中熟练掌握C部分句型。4. 提高自主学习能力,学会自己发现问题并逐步解决问题。预习作业1. 听录音,跟读课文。 2. 划出生词,查字典。3. 试着翻译课文。 教师导学板块学生学习清单A预习展示 (4分钟)1. 学生试读Christmas, relative, delicious2. 学生试读课文B教师导航 (15分钟)a. 听课文第一段录音,

2、回答问题。 1. What date is it today? 2. What holiday is coming? 3. Are the students getting very excited? 4. What are Mr Green and his students talking about? Answers: 1. Its the 18th of December. 2. Christmas is coming. 3. Yes, they did. 4. They are talking about holidays.学生翻译课文。 b. 听课文第二段录音,回答问题。1. Whe

3、ns Christmas?2. What holiday comes after Christmas?3. What do people usually do on New Years Day?4. What do people usually do at Spring Festival? Answers: 1. Its on the 25th of December. 2. New Years Day and Spring Festival. 3. They go to parties.4. They visit relatives and friends, and eat lots of

4、delicious food. 学生翻译课文。 c. 学生划出词组。 1. get very excited 变得兴奋 2. talk to about 和某人谈论某事 3. come after 在之后来 4. on New Years Day 在元旦 5. go to parties 去派对 6. have a big lunch with family 和家人吃丰盛的午餐 7. at Spring Festival 在春节 8. visit relatives and friends 拜访亲戚朋友 9. eat lots of delicious food 吃许多美味的食物 10. of

5、 course 当然C合作探究 (8分钟)1. 小组合作,背词组。2. 组内读课文,找出别人读不准的单词。D融会贯通 (7分钟)1. 根据提示,复述课文。18th Christmas excited talk to about25th come after New Years Day parties didntbig lunch Spring Festival visit eat Did you 2复述展示。E反馈总结 (5分钟)一、翻译下列短语1. get very excited 2. come after3. talk to about 4. visit relatives and fr

6、iends5. eat lots of delicious food 6. last year二、根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. 人们通常在元旦干什么?他们去派对。 _ do _ usually _ _ New Years Day? They _ to _ .2. 人们在春节拜访亲戚朋友,吃很多美味的食物。 _ visit their _ and _ , and eat _ of _ food _ Spring Festival.G作业布置(1分钟)* 听读课文,背出。*. 完成一课一练第二课时练习。* 预习P47课文。 试读单词纠正发音。学生听录音回答问题。教师指出错误。学生听录音回答问题。教师指出错误。学生在书上划出词组。组内读课文。试着复述课文。学生完成练习。校对答案。明确作业要求。3


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