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1、肌肉增长的原理是超量恢复( The principle of muscle growth isexcessive recovery )The principle of muscle growth is excessive recovery2009-07-16 11:12:36The principle of muscle growth is excessive recovery. After the muscle fiber is injured, there will be a period of time lower than the original level, then beyond

2、 the original level, and finally returned to normal.If you practice too much, your muscle level will only decrease.Small muscle groups need at least 48 hours to recover, big muscle group takes 72 hours. If you exercise too much, you have to wait until your muscles are completely free and go on the n

3、ext time. Otherwise, the more practice, the thinner the barSchematic diagram: over recoveryB/ / A/ - / recoveryThe original level / v. s.After exercise, reduce / / /The dotted line / power level/ /If, in turn, only one or two times a week, not all the body training, it is almost a raise, and then re

4、store the original level, and then again, will not play any obvious role.Only scientific training, timely supplement of nutrition and adequate rest can achieve rapid muscle growth.A few examples, many world champion training is an action only once a week, but may not be suitable for beginners, begin

5、ners up to an action a week also arranged two times a week, maybe stomach some more.If you dont have enough time, you cant guarantee the number of times to go to the gym. Its best to practice a little more at once, with a higher strength, and then take a week off, and then go to practice second time

6、s. It takes a weekend workout to improve a little bitThere are many statements, such as muscle pain is tantamount to white training, not entirely right, a lot of time to recover better, just feel the muscle fatigue, but basically no pain, it is also very effective exercise. And somepeople can hardly

7、 do anything on the second day after the end of exercise, thatis, excessive exercise, this pain is not good.Reasonable sense of pain should be felt, but not hinder the force, you can complete daily activities, and even participate in higher intensity ball games. In short, as long as you feel muscle

8、pain or obvious fatigue, do not exercise this part of the muscle.Only this level of exercise can help muscle growth. Beginners should find the strength that their physique can bear as soon as possible, and lay a good foundation for future regular exercises.If you always think your muscle is not long

9、 is not innate, then you should be confident, find a suitable training method of their own, or find an experienced coach, training for one or two months, you will find the change of their amazing.A beautiful muscle is not just hard workManypeople dream of having beautiful muscles. So, whenyou have t

10、ime, go to the gymto train hard, but the effect is not obvious. In fact, it is not difficult to develop a muscle, in addition to adhere to the training, perseverance, there are manyfitness skills to master, beginners should pay more attention to the practice of professional coaches must be guided to

11、 avoid muscle strain.Exercise time is best fixedEach exercise can be arranged at the same time as possible, so that you can develop good exercise habits, help the formation of conditioned organs of the body reflex. One hour after meals and one hour before bedtime cant exercise, otherwise it will aff

12、ect digestion and sleep. Physical best time is generally between 15:00-20:00, can be considered as the main exercise time.Exercise time should be appropriateThe number of beginners and the average amount of labor is 1-1 times a week, three times a week. 5 hours, but each exercise should include all

13、muscle parts of the muscle. Exercise every day,Muscle group can be divided into two parts, the next day practice, to ensure that the muscle can effectively recover. For example, practice the shoulder, abdomen, chest, and tomorrow to practice the back, arm, leg and other parts.The amount of load shou

14、ld be determined by your physical strengthIn general, the number of developed muscle effective is 8 times -12 times, at least not less than 8 times, this amount should be to make every effort. Therefore, the amount of load should be in the 70%-80%of the maximumpower of the individual, that is, the m

15、ost effective frequency of this load is to do with large load, not more than 5 times. The most effective way to develop endurance and reduce fat is to do 20 times with small load, reduce waist and belly fat, and even do it.Each movement requires several groups of exercisesEach exercise requires seve

16、ral groups of exercises, so that the stimulated muscles can enter the state, and the volume of the muscles can be increased. The general large muscle group exercise group can be more, small muscle group number can be less. For beginners, each movementis appropriate in the three group, no less than t

17、wo groups, after a certain basis, and then according to the strength of the increase to three to five groups.Dont spend too much time offEach exercise group between the rest time should not be too long, generally 40 seconds -50 seconds, heavy load, high intensity exercise rest time not more than 15

18、minutes. Too long rest time will affect the exercise effect.Master the right breathing methodThe right breathing method can help you concentrate your mind, make the movement coordinated and rhythmic, and lift more weight during exercise. The general action and small weight lift, are the muscle force

19、, inhale, exhale to relax reduction. For large weight or last attempt, the first deep breath, then hold the breath done under the condition of lifting and lowering action, then a deep breath. Exercise should use mouth breathing, stretching exercise before exercise, in order to prevent muscle ligamen

20、t injury, after training to do relaxation exercise, help to eliminate muscle tension, restore fatigue.How to make actions more standardizedIn bodybuilding training, whether the movementis standardized and accurate, which meets the technical requirements, is a very important factor that can achieve g

21、ood training effect, especially for beginners. You may have the experience: two groups of action whenthe road is better than action, wrong road training three groups of results better. This is because, although the movement specification of high technical requirements, but it can give to the high co

22、ncentration of muscle stimulation, the muscles involved in the force, not the muscles do not participate in the practice of muscle force, fully tap the potential, makemuscle in the height of capillary engorgement. As long as the training is not excessive, the stronger the stimulation to the muscle,

23、the more the super recovery is gained after training, and the faster the muscle grows.So, how to make the action to be standardized?First of all, we should clearly understand the anatomical position and function of the muscle, clear what exercise, what part of the muscle, including the main training

24、 muscle and the auxiliary muscle.Secondly, the exercises should be strictly done according to the technical requirements of movements. When the muscle contraction force, as far as possible to shrink to the peak, give the muscle to stimulate the maximum. Try to stretch your muscles as you moveback. T

25、he movementalso has certain rhythm, when the positive force is fast, the passive force is slower.If you do not receive technical requirements to do, the effect will not be good, and even practice biased. For example, some people practice barbell squat to develop leg muscles, can practice for a perio

26、d of time, found that the legs did not thicken, the buttocks are getting bigger and bigger. Because he is practicing the squat, the upper body does not keep upright. When the squat with some difficulty, he used the upper body leaning forward to complete the action, so it points to the hips, which ha

27、ve a negative effect. Do rowing exercises are designed to develop the latissimus dorsi muscle, but some people pull the arms without clamping point movedto the biceps and flexors, so that the development of the latissimus dorsi effect was greatly reduced. The correct action should be the two arms as

28、 tightly as possible, close to the body side, and focus on the pull, rather than bend, so as to concentrate on practicing latissimus dorsi.Third, to do every movement, attention should be highly concentrated on the muscles practiced. In this way, the action can be done correctly and thoroughly,Exerc

29、ise will be good.Fourth, coaches and companions are often asked to supervise and guide during training so as to correct mistakes and non-standard actions in time and avoid movement deformation. This is especially important for beginners and those who are not proficient in motor skills.Fifth, conditi

30、onal, you can install a large mirror in the training site. It is a simple and effective method to correctthe action in the mirror so as to makeit accurate and standard.Sixth, lifting weight should be controlled, can not be used beyond their ability to weight. Aerobics people have such a psychologica

31、l stereotype: once you can use a weight to do the action, you do not want to use less than the weight of the instrument to do exercises. However, only when the weight is proper, can the action be standardized, accurate and in place. Unfortunately, there are often practitioners who disregard the rule

32、s of motion in order to show that they can lift more weight. For example, practice the barbell bench press, in the despair of case, use the waist arch to push more weight. If it is forced to lift the last one or two times, it can be use. But thats what its all about, and its all about putting the ca

33、rt before the horse.Training theory and principlesTraining plan formulationTraining program helps athletes to achieve higher training pointer and exercise level. Long term plans must be combined with short-term plans whenmaking training plans. Commonlyused training programs include the following typ

34、es: lesson plan, small cycle plan, big cycle plan, stage plan, whole year plan, and four year plan. Among them, the annual plan is the most commonly used.In most sports events, the annual training cycle is divided into three main stages: (1) preparation stage; (2) competition stage; and (3) recupera

35、tion stage. The length of each training phaseis mainly determined by the time required to improve the training level and the training state, and the main basis for calculating the time arrangement in each training phase is the competition plan.In the initial stage and the competition stage, the trai

36、ning amount should be emphasized, but the intensity can be slightly lower. The intensity or quality of training should be emphasized in the later stage of the competition. In the recuperation stage, athletes are only suitable for a small amount of training, so that the body in physiology, psychology

37、 and the central nervous system and other aspects of recovery, ready for the next years training.Components of trainingSports training mainly includes the following components:Training amountThe training amount refers to the total amount of work done by the body during training, which can be evaluat

38、ed by the duration, distance and repetitions of the physical activity. Athletes have to do enough training step by step, and there is no quick way to do it. Increasing the amount of training is critical to any sport that has air metabolism. As the body continues to adjust its load, the speed of reco

39、very is faster. If the training amount of each training course has reached the appropriate level, so, the best is to increase the number of training courses in each small period, but dont increase the amount of training a training class.Training intensityTraining intensity refers to the load and spe

40、ed during training, that is to say, the load in a certain time; the greater the load in unit time, the greater the intensity. The training intensity can be evaluated by calculating the percentage of strength for the movement or the speed of development to overcome the resistance.Percentage of athlet

41、es best results (%) strength30-50 low strength50-70 lower strength70-80 medium strength80-90 times maximum intensity90-100 maximum strength100-105 ultra maximum strengthIn addition, the training intensity can also be evaluated according to the energy supply during exercise. Generally speaking, the i

42、ntensity of the training project mainly depends on the aerobic work, but conversely, the intensity of the training project mainly depends on anaerobic work.Exercise duration, intensity level, energy supply system,anaerobic work (%) aerobic work (%) 1-15 seconds to reach the limit of motion ATP-PC 95

43、-100 0-5Commown alks, running, swimming, cycling, mountaineering, etc. Aerobic exercise plays an important role in the training of heart and lung function, and it is also an important means of consuming energy and reducing body fat.Aerobic exercise, generally can be trained 2-5 times a week, 20-60 m

44、inutes each time, generally including indoor aerobic equipment, outdoor aerobic exercise and aerobics course three categories.In the gym, should warm up for 5-10 minutes, make your body better, body temperature, heart slowly increased, accelerate blood circulation, after exercising, should also be a

45、ppropriate to relax, to gradually reduce the intensity of exercise, the body back to the quiet state, you can also do some stretching exercises.5 and six nutrientsCarbohydrates, also known as carbohydrates, are the most important source of human thermal energy, and intake should account for 50-60% o

46、f the total calories per day;Protein, composedof different amino acids, is the raw material for muscle, and daily intake of 1.2-1.6 grams of protein per kilogram body;Fat is an important part of the human body, to improve the hormone levels help, intake should be about 20% of the total heat per day;

47、Water: 60%-70%of the total weight of the humanbody, ordinary people should drink 2 liters of water per day, fitness enthusiasts should increase in moderation;Vitamin: known as life catalyst, can regulate the metabolism of various substances, mainly in vegetables, fruits, animal internal organs and o

48、ther foods;Minerals, also known as inorganic salts, can regulate a variety of physiological functions, widely distributed in a variety of food.6. Common nutritional supplementsWhey protein: the most digestible protein, has a high biological value, generally can be finished after training or at night

49、 to go forward to eat 30-50 grams;Creatine: can increase the strength, the reproduction of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the effect of muscle enhancement is obvious, can generally add 5-10 grams after exercise;Glutamine provides energy for the immune system, balances metabolism, and adds 7-15 grams to the immune system after training;Branched chain amino acids: can promote anabolic metabolism, re


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