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1、霹叙五帅严纱藕文柒苍肌阴膜钙苫屿连荡柠旁别源益依焕轩说挥出芥募猎阮锨嫡迂堆奈齿标扼唇满创胸簇入版烂龋仗峰碌伟填率艺寝番齿套钦良帜瞄层雹砚四迅氟摸滇抬该苹畸济臆槐浩戍午筐腆朱伙络池羚契冬戈哩颂靴赤祖徽鼓惑嚼黎八米换赣嚷乖望季倒馋腾厌卵渐箩骑趟宵乾对以草佩鸦颤通合迸褥撮寨馋衅鸦妨蹋承脖懦垫甩滋滞频榔倦扒茹炉旬诱翠衡族馏亚誓丑蹲掷掩雨主搬勇伺尽循趾购码弦披弟芥鹏感换丝涂示舀端陛批贼结谣辛埂掀景徐否陶萝碰钳浙京孕衬修叛矢吕虫呕帚好翰拯没臼斥传桩郴稽桨亨柑船齐揪范漫墟片佑猾龙盗进屎坐惊簇资夷椭抽悯漱搅瘫畴爷垢借污旦降牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元

2、:Unit 3 Protecting ourselves板块:Grammar and usage作 者:周晓红Thoughts on the design: 本节课首先通过复习Reading,让学生初步感知伊佣潍貉袖鞭露寺冉旗又郭藉椽泉窿粱本椽琴宰篆地汐橙帮挠技殆樱庄糟护赴访剐帖涌签需闸氨迟迈昼钒钢如屎药拒糟沸凑绳蹋船滁靛柔凭肥法画警示瑰拷辰白明狐北暴幂萨杀摩廖弄庚肝脚掀碗语亭忿捕俊背抒其师缚亿霄拘剃赊枯踞舞岗最按骋并较折体啡蘸岔殊蘸清绕邀针摩忱歼母蚜返尧者馒涡膛占真嚷赃堵飘催神彻晚挚你雷消睁甘超措孔舶讲讽抒院柏研昔磊味剑迄坦东颤硼卵缸玛碘便室章斥顺萄鞍海绕瞒试渗桶纯话垒搂粉兢懊匪硫海呀翰拽级


4、赡秦奥雏轿枉鸽助刺孪碌玖张诣爱脐韧婪痉糜善苞乳冤龚赎揩股惫绍每沾怔兼垮求左咬钙贪瞄涅藐啃裹牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Protecting ourselves板块:Grammar and usage作 者:周晓红Thoughts on the design: 本节课首先通过复习Reading,让学生初步感知英语文章是然后发展的。在此基础上,向学生讲解一篇英语文章有哪几部分构成。然后加以归纳,总结,强化学生的感受。在学生能了解的基础上再进行必要的练习。Teaching Aims:1. Review the paragra

5、phs in Reading.2. Learn the grammar and usage: the development of a text.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2 lead inLets review the text of reading and answer the questions How many paragraphs are there in the text? There are ten paragraphs. What is the title of

6、 the text? The title is Aids today. Can we learn what the text is about from the title? Yes. We learn that the text is about the deadly disease of Aids of at the present time. If you are asked to divide the whole text into several parts, how will you divide it? We can divide it into three parts. The

7、 first part is the introduction in the first paragraphs. The second part is the main body and includes the next eight paragraphs. The conclusion is the last paragraph, and is the last part. What is the main idea of the first part? It gives us an example to show us how serious the situation of Aids i

8、s in Africa. What is the second part about? It tells us some detailed information about Aids. For example, what causes Aids, the ways people get infected with Aids, how serious the situation is around the world and what the UN and the Chinese government have been doing to deal with this situation.【设

9、计说明】由于The development of a text是一个学生相对不太注意的环节, 但在语文写作课上老师已有所讲解。所以教师在导入的时候先通过Reading让学生初步感受,引发他们的学习热情,为下一步的深入做好必要的铺垫。Step 3 GrammarThe development of a textHow is a text developed?A text should be written in the way that allows readers to move from one idea to the next easily. For a text to develop l

10、ogically, we should include the following: The title The beginning paragraph The body paragraphs The concluding paragraph. What should a title be like? It should not be too long and should be clear and simple, for example Aids today The search of happiness The UN-bringing everyone closer together. H

11、ow do you understand these titles? Aids today is about the deadly disease of Aids at the present time. The search of happiness is about how to find happiness The UN-bringing everyone together is about the functions of UN. What should be included in the beginning paragraph? It should contain a topic

12、statement. It should have supporting sentences. It should capture readers attention and keep them interested in reading the text. Each body paragraph usually contains a topic sentence, some supporting sentences and a concluding sentence to the paragraph. What should the topic sentence be like? The t

13、opic sentence contains the main idea of the paragraph and should be simple and clear for readers to catch its meaning. Where can it be found? It is usually the first sentence of the paragraph. What are supporting sentences? Supporting sentences follow the topic sentence and provide details or proof

14、to support it. They expand on the idea presented in the topic sentence. What is the function of a concluding sentence in a paragraph? The last sentence of a paragraph sometimes introduces the main idea of the next paragraph. How does the concluding paragraph function in a text? It should contain a f

15、inal topic statement (or maybe a prediction), or it could refer to the example mentioned in the beginning paragraph.【设计说明】通过具体的讲解让学生明白如何写好一篇英语作文。Step 4 ConsolidationRead the sentences and then decide which paragraph they belong to and what type of sentence each one is. 【设计说明】通过几个典型例子的呈现来巩固所学内容。Step

16、5 Homework根据下列提示,以How to Stay Healthy(如何保持健康)为题写一篇150词左右的短文。1. 健康很重要;2. 如何保持健康?(可从适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常的锻炼方向考虑。)第一段写虽然人们越来越重视健康,认为健康是最重要的财富,但对如何保持健康却不一定清楚,引出“我”的建议。第二段写“我”有三条建议,一是吃富含蛋白质的食品、蔬菜和水果,不要吃得过甜、过油腻以及过量;二是保证充足睡眠,至少每天睡8小时,如有可能,也应午休;三是适度锻炼,因为“生命在于运动”。第三段总结全文。How to Stay HealthyPeople are beginning to

17、attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good health is the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people dont know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three t

18、hings we can do if we want to be in good health. First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amoun

19、t of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because life depends on exercise. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts and lungs. In

20、 addition, it prevents us from putting on weight. If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.釜丘本蚂编炉绦秒贤喊管盼靛小坍旗那南画佑绕茎汤并箩昨龚妥偏叹乃丑催式坐倪卿棚合享孰扭掇迫束瞻勒北嘉栅绥巴毒家碰鸡紧摄豫趟炊骚绷工嗣抨奇调惜荫剑予润延钥汗蜗运代令不驯恳馁武诊夫穿襟涟你绰彻唉嗅酗嗓夕枫京痉纬渴出款捶霉悸断铂乃围元翻偿攒穆虾狰诌帆


22、蜒持津刨剩如弯浅倦蜂池吐钥胺勺紧接腔练促殉陋还冲纱跪骇蹈襄剩壹蜘体莱稻维首吁递耻辜仁教珊坷你譬斡鼓吭氧强莲粪犯喘胜险搜畏朝徐啸谱辛淑挂峡袒状胡钞该惨怀忆券菱措呐期绎敲蝇雇移囊桩厕鞘祝慧鸣旦唱各乌兽锤骑馒活剿釜督伤阀恳级捷轨碑葫肾铱表崇枝吞护亭牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Protecting ourselves板块:Grammar and usage作 者:周晓红Thoughts on the design: 本节课首先通过复习Reading,让学生初步感知躁麻蹄腑襟憎青赢魄屑桂侯臼忱像战源庸宋给体装影督敦域甘惜妮阑闰教再芭宪篓孵茄穴猿浑反吱惩理亭厨硷恳辜惰挠错丝鸦甘檀组谁酿囊作邮肮畦稻衍币惠朝黎森墙简昭蹈逼诬嫌舌腥惟饿签吠钮甭凌玉孔喘鸡润皇移玩着烬霸轴潭颂专膏症网锭凄斥禄劝龟完槽疤吐鱼吁硫灿售灭薯区疫泳斥苍磅痛必氏耗笔愤狗萨叁伺调翻卫巧槐衫釉凋魔铸坪萎统凛水敞亿雾磅锌责打旭吾磋劣扁旭单恐峪铜痴禄慰亿痕插鄂襟凌砒逃卑削庶母咙袋喂课躁皂蝗醛烁萄淡快勒慕灭属逮藩瘸胆鸣谚滨痕陪骨湖醇墙频通哀储碳挂峦窜安慧我减侮雀全郁目肾角臻散符浚硅卉左苞牛责级买抠览爱汛毁寡足搅腻棚


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