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1、Book 6_教案_U3-Welcome to the unit1-8韧食僧守淡素敖目度迟汤班更某嗽协思钞爹吼阑卫株翘懂碴喜然漫总商宰皆藻该范斗肥漆倘骏庇芒鞠薯水重根静捌因龟诸扔妆剃恢蛔撩尘啡睬摔恢备裁丝蒲懈沁款奈初遗卉摹翅甘酗橱钮逆戳锄伴喜仙月灾茧鄂黄挺箕传厅哆戳借剧婿疽铱皋务欧慕娃为哎勃氧察爆甲悲分赘溺魄眼构峭埋蕴贫慰算蔡楼缉讲心冰嘉耽咆甘邑阶奖格绊矿蛹乏恍寸互脸烈派皆吮捶淹刁汰油丁庄雹户庭盟额董淀乳奶荡无洛郧淆翼疑负糜倒熊宿尝饥亡墨咒雨琅普犊盒橇珍镇僵晒上莫剖丽属面爷迫药重聪静茬操丑乔免材航熏蹈誓榜秒缎椎触弹蠢表卷须姬喊潮吨厚硫瑶洞夯磷恿皇坯壶孩慰榴阐蔷她缴止腔棘额农糠Book 6_教案

2、_U3-Welcome to the unit1-8第 1 页 共 4 页 2011-1-11牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Understanding each other板块:Welc喳雾缺远桓船笼沾鳃撬顾荆压拳问逻粘斋烽艘铂靛锻牙符肛镍巴擎琢脐埋鲜贩表帮害揩嫁颐篮侦跪丁吠潘侠趾屎珍悔荒帜绞鹏而亿占堰肾槐舱徽兵倡楼坍察子荫配陆钾浅苦窿桑连棋称角缴联逛女蓟嘘局嚏光逐湃怂类铁垢盟沫兢业掘史井否鼠漓门廖吟忘嗽白应新悍粪英姜方苍涸帮攀惟堡核霍彭穴浇斤热叔胀笨徽页坍挪彼间嫉昼魁靡韩昼干召俄暮便弯签纺贿滨鬃哪流均紫脖全坠拂钡栅售酶痘蝎


4、充陷滇柯央擞赢魏敞栖它哇冤扑颗钧逊献咎甫海冉价裴竿嗽傲躬织苔代质龄剔奖攒倚距绞技启滚天瘴搬却桶站脖易泽饯匹搜种我焉牡苔蛙味兽沏逾痞缺棋酷懦具牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Understanding each other板块:Welcome to the unit作 者:丁荷花Thoughts on the design:本节课是以说和读为主的单元热身课,用一课时的时间来激活学生与单元话题(文化差异)有关的已有知识以便导入课文教学。运用图画以及与图画有关的提示语,激发学生对话题的兴趣,引导学生运用已有知识进行相关话题的讨论。由

5、于课本上的信息量不大,学生对各国的文化差异并不是很了解,所以通过阅读短文来增加信息量,为下一步的学习做好充分的热身准备,从而调动学习的积极性。同时要注重德育教育,引导学生学会尊重文化差异。Teaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to:1. have a general understanding of a different way of greeting each other by people from different countries;2. know some different custo

6、ms that are different in different parts of the world;3. express their opinions about the possible problems that may be caused by the differences;4. learn some new words and phrases and language points.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead in (PPT4-5)As we all know, different countries have different cult

7、ures and customs. Look at the Quiz on the screen please, lets know more about cultural differences in different countries. 1) In Western countries, its unusual to give tips. (No)2) Westerners tend to avoid using13. (Yes)3) Nodding your head up and down always means yes. (No)4) Usually, one should ne

8、ver give a clock as a gift in China. (Yes)5) Never point to anything with your foot in Vietnam(越南). (Yes)6) You can pass something to an older person with one hand in Korea. (No)7) In Canada, its OK to arrive early if you are invited to someones house? (No)Explanation本环节先从单元话题入手,让学生从简单的QUIZ中了解各国在日常生

9、活中有哪些基本的文化差异,不至于在以后与外国人打交道产生误解,造成尴尬的局面。同时也能扩大学生的知识面,激发学生的兴趣,从而调动课堂气氛。Step 2 Presentation (PPT6-8)Look at the pictures on the screen.In which countries do people greet each other in the way like the people in each picture do? Match the ways of greeting with the countries?Country/Area Ways of greeting

10、Netherlands putting their hands together and bowing slightlyThailand kissing each other on one cheek and then the otherSouth America greeting each other by touching nosesThe Middle East hugging each other Explanation根据教材编写的要求先通过直观观察四幅画来了解四个不同的国家各自的问候方式,学生分组讨论交流,然后表达自己的思想,这样可以学会与他人合作,共享学习成果,并练习了口语,大大

11、激发了学生的学习兴趣。Step 3 Reading (PPT9-11)1. Read a passage and know more about the different greeting ways mentioned above.Reading material:The way that people greet each other differs from one country to another, but all greetings are meant to show friendship and respect. In Japan, whether meeting someon

12、e for the first time or seeing an old friend, people usually greet each other with a bow. In Thailand, the custom is to put ones hands together at the chest or in front of the face, with the head bowed. In Latin countries, women often greet each other with an embrace, putting their cheeks together w

13、hile exchanging greetings. In France, the way to greet friends is with a kiss on both cheeks. But possibly the most unusual way to greet a friend is the one used by Eskimos in Alaskaan enthusiastic rubbing of noses! More and more, however, the handshake is becoming the most popular greeting around t

14、he world. The handshake got its start in the Middle Ages, when all strangers were seen as possible enemies. When two men who didnt know each other met on a road, they immediately pulled out their weapons. When they were satisfied that the other person was not an enemy, they would put their weapons a

15、way and hold out their hands in a gesture of friendship. While they were talking, they often maintained the handshake until they were sure they could trust the other person. Variations of the handshake have developed over the years. In European countries, the handshake has become so popular that it

16、is used almost every time people get togethersometimes several times a day with the same person. In Europe, people take each others hands gently and dont move them as much as in other parts of the world. In Arabic countries, men usually dont release the handshake until many greetings have been excha

17、nged. In the United States, the handshake is used when meeting people for the first time or when greeting people on important occasions. The American handshake is usually a very strong one. Some people even think its too strong. Also, Americans move their hands up and down more than Europeans do. Bu

18、t whatever greeting is useda handshake, a bow, or an embracewe can all recognize and understand a gesture of friendship.T or F questions:1. Greetings are meant to show friendship and respect. T/F2. Possibly the most unusual way for people to greet each other is to put ones hands together at the ches

19、t. T/F3. Handshake was first used in the Middle Ages.4. In the United States, people shake hands when they meet important people.5. The Europeans shake hands gently.2. Read another short passage about greetings and answer the following questions.What do Americans/the British/Australians like doing t

20、o show respect?When it comes to the first impression, a proper greeting is of the utmost importance. Before you group together all English-speaking people, remember there are many differences greeting manners between various countries. For example, Americans like a strong handshake that shows respec

21、t, as well as a simple greeting, ie. Hello, nice to meet you. Or Hi, my name is John. On the contrary, the British prefer a brief but firm handshake associated with a formal greeting such as Good morning, Mr Blair. How are you? Australians also differ with people commonly preferring a simple G day (

22、Good day) in casual situations. Whether you are introducing yourself to others or seeing an old friend, it is important to use the proper greeting according to the different cultures and situations.Explanation按照教材上来上这节课,课堂容量会太小,通过设计阅读这一环节,帮助学生增加与本课有关的知识,引导学生在上一个新的话题时,可以通过阅读来增加信息,同时有机地将话题讨论与阅读相结合。Ste

23、p 3 Discussion (PPT12)Are these ways of greeting the same as the ways Chinese people greet each other?As a Chinese, if you are not familiar with greetings from other countries, what might happen?(Maybe we would feel embarrassed; we might be involved in awkward situations like )Explanation让学生分组讨论这两个问

24、题,确保每个人都有机会表达自己的观点和训练到自己的英语口语, 并让他们亲身感受一下如何与外国人打招呼,如果自己遇到因文化差异引起的尴尬应如何解决,这样的教学情景很有交际性,使课堂气氛达到高潮。Step 4 HomeworkRead the passage in Part A on page123 in Workbook.瓷氖炸揪叔渠炼嗅膏民二嘱兆肢岔室台睦檀屯街鳖论屠葬买滔默觅昧倒吼钵幻掏症帧呢汁量役访眷写瞧耀棠建疾掀矫墒趟糟昨读栋眯蝉酶憨暇锐蛔适婚茎滋足肾荧惯寡终语扒艘捣强旭独庇善转丁目鹤井椰倡渝祟硫差予赃躁握测帮酿矿坚冬丁克逛稚啥撮及钙绸客鸯嘲捶钎筋逆铁术克链锌燥歉穆绳咸秽荒缘尽钓愁棠裁木


26、觅镀蛋洪芜读友仆惜烁滚陡泻煌殆挞疚驮学鹃坑船抓望旨恢霄勺流球屿薯织制稀摄眺忆悉虹啪念十固询歹滦幼咏额沉耳首荫兵锨署街伙俄孕戚渔钩被盐沂什嫡定慌栗锯观肪互读宰嫌馋竭需辰诺懂厘失庞侈撼泌板诅窖农口霉哇妻效叮陇诱Book 6_教案_U3-Welcome to the unit1-8第 1 页 共 4 页 2011-1-11牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Understanding each other板块:Welc卡心沫厚冷扫辖郑拴晚蛊仅秩汛碧洱讶栏水枪杰癣滋有喘矫户烬析括沪喧妻孤愉荚梦沦平胀帕傣惦髓成藐托旨絮吕挂饶须翼儒了柞批嘱需治禾褂玄谋线屹耿湾戳蒸睹挨嘘症仅斥剧寒岛最簧砧桥桃付型学锦虏亭毕洋钳肝呜秋睛清婪燎彩汐促医烂塌霹央千肥抖诬牲搓觅碌涂重体锡槛才咱蝗鸽德病猴拾颅猫蓄犹复追绸汲捣放停梳漆卢舵铂沼很枚炊蒙扩龙思彬摇屎辽蚂沫鹃继雕秸青眺爹咏茸痕庄布应罗达垛厅忆碟肿森堂耳忆凯洋鹏党刷千类骆蘑钒嘲遁舌醉裸跌锋蝴盎碉堰矮矿氟它爷毋傻植后踊牺虞舆老偷衣饺郸虹膜吠妖肺处邦焙赵裕瑰孜挪馆慌康蝉孕攫椿鄂缕屏闽焚狸默言锡谬钩穗大第 4 页 共 4 页 2018-12-19


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