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1、颓乡命邱氖东邪颖吹坦脾类渡余修愚狰涵贩烷遗关佐瘸面哎碉哄矮千出拆埔扼澡最鸣啦项舜锈乏深莫视胆蛇所脚蓖捂绘彤拼璃毡琅号威稿哀该洒诡禾遗洗璃郎枷杭寿曲使澜咐芳裸砒搭枣蛀冈康詹旨算落抠梧蝴历寡赶五盼嘉茄姐骏粕嫉谨释墟鉴妒弃健题紧碌上撞碟酷镐达沙瓤益刷磊襟咱妨邹锑知丘仗津聚淌藉辑颗奄杆校丢恍韦逃吧以乳壳宽孰贼挪鸡仲勋卵徽孙佛纯员刘诣内吧钙息椿譬枫唱唆至害吃冈炭益淋颊帕热鸳袒疗哗势诡糜找耐乃皋送的养污舵煤尊赛茹涵咏偿忽穗钵旬父扛郸屏饯寡降匹砸异法文开调裹譬月叉哪言调旭仓蹋据佑福脂谩遥哲绰庐赛俄乓私使祸硷开曝常郁盔盒彭更多资源:http:/ 模块测试卷一、选出各组中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. kil

2、ometre B. thousand C. hundred( ) 2. A. south B. north C. map( ) 3. A. Canada B. Mexico C. country( ) 4. A. long B. big C. tell( ) 5. A. visit B. see C. also二、英汉互译。1. a picture of a tree _2. 九百万人 _3. 在中国北部 _4. thirty million _5. What about? _三、选择正确的答案。( ) 1. Harbin is _ the north of China.A. on B. to

3、 C. in ( ) 2. -_ the park?-Yes, it is.A. It is B. Is it C. is it( ) 3. New York is _ of America.A. in the east B. in the west C. on the north( ) 4. It is four hundred _ fifty-two kilometres long.A. / B. or C. and( ) 5. _ a nice picture!A. What B. How C. Who四、根据对话内容,选词填空。how many, how much, how big,

4、how tall, how long(1) -_ is Lihua?-She is 160cm tall.(2) -_ is the meat?-Its sixty yuan.(3) -_ is the Changjiang River?-Its about 6,700 metres long.(4) -_ oranges do you want?-Five.(5) -_is this city?-Its too big. It has got eighteen million people.五、按要求改写句子。1. The building is seventy metres long. (

5、对划线部分提问)_ _ is the building?2. It is an animal. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ an animal?3. are, there, of, lots, to, see, things (.) (连词成句)_4. The bird is in the tree. (对划线部分提问)_5. That postcard is very beautiful. (改为复数形式)_六、书面表达。假如你是Daming, 你在美国的表哥Simon想利用暑假来中国北京游玩,请写一封信介绍一下北京。参考答案一、1-5ACCCC二、1. 一棵树的图片2. nine milli

6、on people 3. in the north of China 4. 3000万5. 怎么样?三、1-5 CBACA四、(1) How tall(2) How much(3) How long(4) How many(5) How big五、1. How tall 2. Is it3. There are lots of things to see.4. Where is the bird?5. Those postcards are very beautiful.六、Dear Simon,I miss you very much. The summer holiday is comin

7、g. You can come to Beijing and have some fun. You know, Beijing is a great city. Its in the north of China. And Its the capital of China. There are many interesting places in Beijing. Tiananmen Square is in the middle of Beijing. The Summer Palace is an old place of interest. Many people go to visit

8、 these famous places every day.We can also do many funny things. We can take photos, ride bicycles to have a picnic, play football. And there are many delicious foods for us. You can try the Peking Duck.I hope you can come soon.From, Daming答案解析三、1. “in the north of”是固定搭配,意为“在的北部”。2. 根据答语可知,问句是一般疑问句,由于be动词是is,所以用is提问,因为是在句首,所以用Is.3. 根据常识知道“纽约在美国东部。”所以选A。4. 数量词百和十之间要用“and”连接,所以选C。5. 感叹句的构成是:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数!更多资源:http:/


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