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1、Unit4 Inventions Great inventions Great inventions change the world. They help people live a better life. The following are three of the most important inventions in history. The wheel The wheel perhaps is the greatest invention in history. After its invention, traveling became faster and more comfo

2、rtable. A few years ago, people started to use wheels on carriages. In the early19th century, the first trains began to carry passengers. At the start of 20th century, cars became popular. Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions. The telephone Alexander Graham Bell invented one of the

3、first practical telephones in 1876. Since then, people have been able to speak to each other over long distances. Today millions of people across the world own mobile phones. They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere. The light bulb Thomas Edison developed the first practi

4、cal light bulb in 1879. Before the invention of the light, people had to use oil lamps, gas lamps or candles to see at night. With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime. Can you imagine living without them? 1. Changeinto把变成2. Help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事

5、Help sb with sth帮助某人做某事3. Livea better life 过一个更好的生活Lead a . Life 过一个的生活 4. Three of .中.的三个 5. In history 在历史上 6. A few years ago 几年前 7. Start to do sth= start doing sth 开始做某事 at the start of .在的开端 At the start of 20th century 在 20 世纪初 8.Be popular with/among.受的欢迎 9. With/without +n有/没 10. Si nce th

6、en自从那时起,从那时以来11.Be able to do sth 能够做某事12.Each other= one another相互 13. Over long distances 14. Allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事Allow doing sth 允许做某事 15. Keep in touch with. =stay in touch with. 和保持联系 16. Have to 不得不 17. As much/many +n(pl.) as . 和一样多18. In the daytime在白天 19.In the evening = at night 在晚上

7、20. Imagine doing sth 想象做某事A pen giantDo you know laszlo biro? Maybe you do not , but you probably use his invention every day, and you may even have it in your hand right now! Biro (1899-1985) was the inventor of the ballpoint pen. He was born in Budapest, Hungary. In the 1930s, when he worked as a

8、 newspaper editor, he used a fountain pen Almost every day. However, he had to refill it all the time. The ink also did not dry easily, and it sometimes made a mess on the paper. Biro wanted a better pen. His brother , George, helped him develop a special ink. The ink dried easily. Then they develop

9、ed a new type of pen. There was a tiny ball at the tip of the pen. The ball rolled ink ont o the paper as it moved. They call it the“ ballpoint” pen. The ballpointpen was a great success. Everyone love it. Now millions of people use it all over the world every day. People will always remember biro f

10、or his invention. Today in many English-speaki ng countries, people still use the word“ biro ” to refer to any kind of ballpointpen.Right now 现在,此亥UJust now 刚才 Work as +职业 从事All the time 一直;总是Make a mess 弄得一团糟 On the paper 在纸上 At the tip of . 在的尖端上 All overthe world 全世界 In many English-speaking coun

11、tries 在许多说英语的国家里Refer to 提及,涉及,参考 Refer.to.把归功于,把提交给 A kind/type of . 一种 Ontoprep 到上去Into prep. 进入到里面去 As 作为 当=when 像 More words andphrases Advertisement funny create dust rise raise refill 1. Be suppose to. 应该 2. Doyou think在句中做插入语,放在牛!殊疑问词的后面 3. Think of .认为4. What do you think of.你认为怎么样? 5. What

12、do you use it for? 你用它做什么? 6. Mobilephone 手机 7. Light bulb 电泡 8. Keep .off.使远离,不接近 9. At the same time同时10. So many +n.(pl)如此多的 11. So much +n.(不可数)如此多 12.Feel+adj 觉得 13. Make noises=make a noise=make noise 制造噪音 14. As many+n.(pl) as one can尽可能多的 15. Such +a/an +adj.+n 如此16. So +adj/adv 如此17. So+adj

13、+a/an+n.(sing.) 如此18. Lead to.导致,引起,通向 19. Lead sb todo sth 带领某人做某事20. Lead a .life 过的生活 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.13. 14. 15.阅读理解There have been many great inventions, things that changed the way we live. Thefirst great invention was one that is still very important today- the wheel. Thi

14、s madeit easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distances.For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that had as mucheffect( 影响)as the wheel. Then in the early 1800 s the world started to change.There was little unknown land left in the world. People didn t have to explore(

15、探测)much any more. They began to work instead to make life better.In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. Amongthem were the camera, the light and the radio. These all became a big part of ourlife today.The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The

16、helicopter in1909. Movies with sound in 1926. The computer in 1928. And jet planes in 1930.This was also a time when a new material was first made. Nylon came in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear.By this time most people had a very good life, Man has a desire to explore again,The worl

17、d was known to man but the stars were not. Man began looking for waysto go into space. Russia made the first step. Then the United States took a step.Since then other countries, including China and Japan m have made their steps into space.In 1969 man took his biggest step from the earth. Americans f

18、irst walked on the moon. This is certainly just a beginning thought. New inventions will some day allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.1. This passage talks mainly about.A. why cars were very importantB. when light was inventedC. which country made the first step into spaceD. how inven

19、tions effectpeople s life2. Nylon came out nearly at the same time as.A. radio B. cameraC. jet planesD. movies3. Which of the statements is not true?A. The wheel was the first great invention that is still very important today.B. America, Russia, Japan and China began to explore the stars before 196

20、9.C. In the early 1800 s people began to work instead of exploring more unknownland to make life better.D. New invention will change our life greatly in the future.4. What does the underlined words “ a desire mean in the fifth paragrph?A. A good way B. A new invention C. A strong wish D. A wonderful

21、 idea5. Man didn t have a desire to explore a lot.A. at the beginning of the 1800 s B. in the 1960 sC. since the 1900D. from the 1800s to the 1960s Scan thepassage and answer them.1. The passage is probably in the part of a newspaper.A. Fashion and shopping B. Sports and sportsmanC. Culture and comm

22、unication2. From the second paragraph, we learn that .A. Liu Xiang was very successful all the time.B. Liu Xiang was good at high jump when she was young.C. Liu Xiang had an unhappy childhood that changed him completely.3. The main reason for his coach Sun Haiping noticing him wasA. His training exp

23、erience B. His life attitude C. His ability in hurdling4. The last sentence of the fourth paragraph suggest that.A. Liu Xiang was the first sportsman who won an Olympic gold medal for hurdling.B. Liu Xiang was the first Asian sportsman who hung an Olympic gold medal round his neck.C. Liu Xiang was the first Asian sportsman who won an Olympic gold medal for hurdling.5. What s the main idea of the passage?A. Liu Xiang was helped by his sports school to win a gold medal.B. Liu Xiang will be a star not a sports hero.C. Liu Xiang has trained for many years and won many gold medals.


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